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fort mcmurray的森林大火.

鲜花(2) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2007-6-4 20:08 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
$ J0 r& w% m  }/ V  d5 [   但是等我从商店照完象,往家去的时候,满天的黑云,从一个方向过来,仔细一看,又不象黑云,到象是烟,想起上次看见的HOUSE大火,我明白,是大火.
9 z+ M8 b$ d& ]/ I& o8 H    烟继续飘来,把太阳弄的只象一个鸭蛋黄.好可怕!!
鲜花(2) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2007-6-4 20:17 | 显示全部楼层
A massive out of control forest fire burning south of Suncor Energy’s oilsands plant poses no risk to the plant or the neighbouring Petro-Canada oilsands lease, say officials.
" H( i0 c( f& ?4 ~- e9 ?More than 60 provincial firefighters are battling the blaze that began yesterday. The cause of the fire, torching more than more than 4,000 hectares to date, is still under investigation. + k6 X  f. g* p6 f. P" L
While the fire is moving in a southwest direction away from the oilsands projects, more resources are to be brought in today to fight the fire, including aircraft, according to Anastasia Drummond, of Alberta Sustainable Resource Development. Helicopters are also on hand moving crews around and ready for possible water drops. 0 o7 H$ A' H# E0 k
“We’ll be re-evaluating the situation this morning,” said Drummond.
7 |1 m/ T" _3 N. A8 z2 Y
+ ?+ v6 B# z- \$ Q3 H. WGiven that this year hasn’t been as dry as last year, Drummond noted there were 385 fires in 2007 compared to 745 at this time last year. / a$ I- A$ M+ H' ^6 |3 K3 T5 {# c
The fire season started April 1. “That’s when we start counting fires and when fire permits are required,” she said.
3 h! o8 r/ `8 b; {$ FThe season ends Oct. 31. Because the season was so dry, it actually stated a month earlier last year.
, D0 d% S6 S3 p1 B! T, VAs for this year the recent spike in temperatures has been the “first real warm, dry spell we’ve had and it has certainly started it (fires) off,” said Drummond. 4 R0 o0 Z5 k4 k/ y' D! d7 v" z( M0 a
Currently there are 24 forest fires, excluding the Suncor blaze, burning throughout the province as of Sunday which were all “under control or being held.”
& U/ N1 L4 K: x( jWhile the weather is expected to continue to be hot and dry today until Tuesday, she noted firefighters are looking to Wednesday when some relief is forecast in the form of rain and cooler temperatures.
鲜花(2) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2007-6-4 20:31 | 显示全部楼层
There is presently a forest fire burning North West of Fort McMurray.
/ }% M: F2 M! U: o4 t4 }There is no danger to the City but prevailing winds are sending hot embers into the City & people need to be vigilant to ensure these hot ash & airborne embers don't become a fire.
3 _4 Y! u' ~! p& l4 a8 H8 I6 l" d  |- R* d9 T
The quickest way to address this potential for a fire start is to wet down your yard using a sprinkler. / J7 _, T9 X" x. `+ ^; }
Once you have your sprinkler in place, remove ALL sources of fuel for these embers. Things like tall grass, needles & wood debris must be removed to a distance of AT LEAST 10 meters from your home.! {1 u& R% L. ]% t0 g
" V3 M8 D5 O" \3 J+ ^1 z# D
For further information on firesmarting your property, log on to www.srd.ab.ca/wildfire/firesmart.
鲜花(10) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2007-6-6 09:45 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
鲜花(1) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2007-6-7 22:32 | 显示全部楼层
现在连市区的空气都受影响啦.7 F5 C5 I! z4 D/ E* J; x

/ s  I2 `; T7 q. I- r3 l7 A4 ]前几天同事看到象小马般大的狼在JACKPINE MINE 附近出现, 挺恐怖的. 3 g4 O) l$ @7 L9 }) n0 P' t9 R9 C

9 ]5 Q% o7 L# @5 v$ e& i! o是否动物都四处逃亡, 我们也得小心些啊.
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2007-6-8 16:59 | 显示全部楼层


草地上到处都是毛毛虫,一群一群的,都爬到房子里来了. 昨天和西人同事一起去看厂里一个快盖好的蓄水湖,他们一定要戴安全帽,防护镜,并穿长袖去. 我还想,那地方是个空旷地,地面上几公里内植被都推干净了,什么都没有,有什么大惊小怪. 结果一去,车刚一挺稳,就突然看见很多又象苍蝇有又象蜜蜂一样的虫子围过来. 老外同事说,千万小心, 那个东西叫horse fly,可不象蚊子,一旦咬上去了就不下来,可以说是一咬一口肉.
7 Q( v* [1 T  o' ?靠, 这里环境保护的真好.
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