鲜花( 152) 鸡蛋( 1)
都知道只可以带一条,带多了有麻烦,但是很多人不知道把烟卖出去,严格来讲也是违法的。1 H: ~3 s7 V% U' m
4 y: b: r. w9 } v3 X有一个网站危言耸听,这是原话:“根据《安省烟草税法》,违反安省烟草税法的人,将会根据香烟的交易量处以200至25,000加元的罚款,而在刑事犯罪方面,还会面临高达5年监禁。如果不是加拿大公民,持有枫叶卡的话:将被判处6个月以上有期徒刑,服完刑就会被直接遣返!”
$ j* `" x ?. H/ k4 b) F/ r$ W7 |3 T! k* e/ O7 B3 ]( O
我查了一下安省的政策,确实明文规定不许卖,当然也不可以买 contraband 香烟 (就是非法的包括从免税店买的)。罚款额度根据香烟买卖的多少,如果是第二次被抓住,可能会判最多两年的监禁。BC 省也有类似的规定。下面是原文:1 d* _, e0 p! P% c- B2 y8 \
- x- K: e3 X4 O
8 l# f5 l- q+ ?1 bConsequences of breaking the law# Q1 C8 X+ U5 S8 w' U4 }, O1 C! t
Without proper authorization under the Tobacco Tax Act, it is against the law to have any packages of cigarettes or fine cut tobacco that do not have a legal ON DUTY PAID CANADA DROIT ACQUITTé tobacco stamp. Consequences include civil penalties, and, if charged and convicted of an offence, possible fines, jail time or both. Packages of cigarettes that do not have the tobacco stamp are unmarked cigarettes.( B- S2 j2 o1 ^; P
1 r$ _0 a) U F
If you are convicted of possessing unmarked cigarettes you may be fined three times the tax on the unmarked cigarettes you possessed plus:% g7 x0 ^+ ~6 p; w. C p! {( G, @& L! h
9 X. R0 S$ f' L4 ha fine of $100 if you possessed 200 unmarked cigarettes or less
7 ]' {0 Y! U4 d; U8 Ia fine of $250 if you possessed more than 200 unmarked cigarettes but less than 1,0011 {( H8 J5 H6 g- q; T( \
a fine of $500 if you possessed more than 1,000 unmarked cigarettes but less than 10,001
) [/ t; D9 \% xa fine of not less than $500 and not more than $10,000 if you possessed more than 10,000 unmarked cigarettes./ Z" N5 T/ n$ \9 o3 g9 u7 {. \
1 E$ e _0 K3 W9 R" \0 Q& M
In addition, if it is not your first conviction for possessing unmarked cigarettes or if you are in possession of more than 10,000 unmarked cigarettes you may be sentenced to up to two years in jail.$ l" R$ Y1 h4 ~, r! W
}5 B \ M$ i; U3 w- T& f
' G) j7 R- v+ S M' ehttps://www.fin.gov.on.ca/en/tax/tt/illegal.html
+ a* S( ]! n. J. d% `
8 o% w2 ]. U5 ]0 u! T2 I
/ c! _9 H4 |0 \% G* P6 l Z; W
# M% i- w; `" R0 U i' P以下是BC省的规定
0 B' P9 m0 ?3 \# X( a/ I
) @8 X7 W8 O5 L8 d# p: [Penalties. ]9 u# h: G; X
$ t: V# Q2 T( G8 V
Penalties for being involved in illegal tobacco activities include:
/ s, C: l7 S, x }6 F6 r6 [, g% I! {- g( t7 L% ^
Suspension or cancellation of any tobacco tax permit you may possess* T% k6 B" E$ _9 Z8 n: Q3 q ~
Forfeiture of your tobacco products
4 F7 \( x, k8 ~1 q6 o% EFines of 3 times the tobacco tax up to $50,000/ ^" u+ b+ J0 ^( E3 [% s) w4 C
Up to 2 years of imprisonment! ^, [( ?: h+ X4 C% ] r9 {
% P9 t0 {( C8 g6 vhttps://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/conte ... tax/illegal-tobacco
( v6 L/ v% ~) }: t
, v+ Z8 u2 B1 A8 v+ ~
! |& g' n1 P$ u. n. W- CAB 省没有查到。1 ^! ]" t& G9 Y \: W
$ ]# r8 j% t3 ?+ y% g+ X* u