... ing-canadas-economy 0 s! U* s4 h( w& N8 e ; V4 r9 R8 Z: h# y0 @$ MJoe Oliver: Yet more proof foreign radicals (yes, radicals) are sabotaging Canada’s economy 0 i( o6 ~9 g2 J) x/ a3 R9 W" HSpecial to Financial Post Joe Oliver ) H; ^/ _4 i- I& t2 f4 {The latest proof is in, although the facts have been obvious for many years. Foreigners are financing and organizing opposition in Canada to natural resource development, part of an anti-fossil-fuel campaign that is costing our economy an estimated $15 billion this year, due to lack of access to international markets, and much more in lost capital investments. 7 c: V1 G& I% {- L8 }
# K$ M: m& `+ `! F$ W0 C+ I: z; cPerhaps the most recent little gem will finally get the chattering class to acknowledge reality: A leaked U.S. document preparing mass-action protests against Kinder Morgan’s Trans Mountain pipeline expansion project. It sets out goals and operating principles for a clandestine organization designed to drive political resistance under the guise of an independent rank-and-file protest movement.