鲜花( 844)  鸡蛋( 29)

楼主 |
发表于 2018-1-21 18:22
East Coast refiners have lower profit margins than their U.S. peers, largely because of a reliance on crude imports from West Africa and other markets. In addition, many of them have been struggling with environmental regulations which force them to spend money on renewable energy credits.4 K) ~% Y4 z3 t
Philadelphia Energy Solutions had strong profits in 2014 and 2015 due to investments in rail terminals that allowed the refiner to bring in discounted Bakken crude oil in mile-long trains from North Dakota.
/ s3 ^, s. S, J1 E, l3 y该公司原油主要从西非进口。! b' |4 {$ k& p7 D
另一方面,在2014到2015年的美国North Dakota的Bakken页岩油用火车运输而有原油折扣。! X5 _. |, P$ m# h5 \' y3 b