没错,健康永远是我们最基本的。但是即使吃的最健康,积极锻炼身体,我们也无法百分百的保证无重疾。重疾保险只是给你一个财务的保障,如果生病真的发生在你身上,你有更多的选择,好好看病甚至回国看病;如果没有发生,保险公司会把你的本金返还。(注:此选项只有个人重疾保险才有,集体的重疾保险无此选项)& h# D) F' \( `8 h# `. l
& n: p0 s+ n z如欲之更多产品信息,请致电陆娟:780-905-31372 v( U/ M0 @5 ^- D' i" e
You may qualify to simply version of life and CII based on your medical condition. That is the main reason we need to apply insurance earlier. Our health condition will go worse when we are older. It is much easy to get insurance when we are health, plus it is cheaper, otherwise we even can’t get it when we need.
smallbird 发表于 2017-11-24 14:11 ' a; i. u: `6 |% _7 vYou may qualify to simply version of life and CII based on your medical condition. That is the main ...
, ]* \# c5 I: X& R' y7 e$ W$ E2 k
在中国我30岁时就生病了,其实没有给我太多的麻烦,从未复发,但是重大疾病险 ) m. E5 m) e7 _- ~$ \$ @. s过不了关。其它的可以。: [8 l! Q/ h* i. d" t! j. F, R