鲜花( 844)  鸡蛋( 29)

楼主 |
发表于 2017-6-22 17:48
North Dakota 这个页岩油大州的油井-产量的过去与现在
The North Dakota Department of Mineral Resources’ (‘DMR’) latest data said that oil production in Apr averaged 1,050,630 barrels a day, up 24,940 barrels a day from March./ g3 o' T" p: u z
It must be noted that at the end of Apr, the state’s total number of producing wells numbered 13,717, a new all-time high.
+ y$ A7 o8 r; }" r% e这个州目前的油井数量是1万3千717个,而每天产油1.050630百万桶, 平均一口井产油77桶。, Y c' c% x G' k2 C0 s' |6 R& a
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: W: z0 s3 c8 g7 r; k7 {Churning out as high as 1,227,483 barrels/day in Dec 2014, the current production statistics highlight oil’s horror show that has seen prices come down from $110 per barrel in mid-2014 to around $45 now, in between falling to a 12-year low of $26.21 in Feb 2016.
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A2 ^+ s6 T' X& ~2 U F从2014年到现在, 2014年的油井数比现在少,但产量即比现在高,所以出油率只有原来的 1050630/1227483=85.6%, 或者说其成本至少增加15%。
( H2 U" @- k, q: z; u; v以50块为赢得算, 由于增加了成本, 现在只有油价在58块才会赚钱。
p' z4 o. _% chttps://www.investing.com/analys ... gain-last-200196952
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