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You are right on the basis that Computers must know everything. I mean the programmers have to integrate calculations with judgements. Go is a game requiring more than calculations. For example, the player always has to choose strategies harsh or gentle.
Do not you think that the winner has been decided long before the games? 3 B0 O# d8 x3 U6 P9 }9 B ! R1 T# M' O7 nI would say 1 to 2, losing to the dog. Not because he cannot win, simply he has to lose.
此外,此次AlphaGo来华比赛或许还有5个值得关注的方面:, R8 {5 u6 i e, X% E+ }# E
一、在快棋对弈中所向披靡的AlphaGo,是否会在慢棋对弈中给人类机会? 3 O) G. I. n: {" g 二、AlphaGo1.0曾在李世石比赛中被击中“命门”,进阶升级后的AlphaGo是否还会存在弱项?; h; r8 \# a+ ]; z b. V
三、AlphaGo所需要的计算资源上,是采用远程支持的形式,还是会搬服务器到现场?AlphaGo的单机版本推出还有多远? ; m6 O$ \$ f) Y8 m 四、在挑战柯洁之后,AlphaGo是否会宣布实际商业应用或核心进军的领域?AlphaGo往何处去?也是外界对人工智能具体商用的期待之一。5 W6 ^( t5 x. C3 i- d