It depends. If this is a union position, you can report it to union association and they will deal with it. If this is a private employer, the common way is to sue the person/company in the small claim court (provincial court, under 20k). You can consult the civil claims duty counsel (court house), which offers free legal advice.
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本帖最后由 山茶花 于 2017-1-19 11:31 编辑 4 t7 j: t) `/ B. u( n. j; p
marie 发表于 2017-1-19 09:55+ c4 V8 c9 e! q$ W* X9 k" f
移民加拿大16年,工作15年,没有被拖欠工资history! & W1 r' Z8 M/ D' C8 h5 l2016年,做了N个Temp jobs, on time transfer deposit ac ...