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0 K0 w4 D" @* i n1 X K/ b1 ihttp://learning.sohu.com/20150917/n421387250.shtml
$ j+ o9 C7 K2 v# ^说UBC的淘汰率42%
* ~' @" Z" T( K8 J" f/ u. w& p. F8 i. U! }6 k9 M
随手搜了一下这边报道" h+ j6 _" D( @) ~
http://ubyssey.ca/news/retention ... oticeably-high-435/
$ x* q! y) h8 r$ c# m. H/ t
, _" c* V- _" O( m( U8 e7 e"According to the report, over the five-year span retention rates for the different data sets ranged from 72 per cent at the lowest point and 100 percent at the highest." 4 A9 E9 ]# k3 t& B4 {, w9 H2 ^" g
& A# I+ R; ?' |2 f% p"According to the report, “retention rate” refers to the “percentage of first time, first year, full-time, degree-seeking students who register in the following year." Essentially, it means those who continue their education."
3 `, I5 n) ?* O- M x' i9 g. X- ^5 g; x# u* J k
这么讲起来其实UBC淘汰率低于28% |