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以下为原英文报道的摘要翻译' o, k9 s4 ^1 R+ F6 D, x
. g) W9 u- |& k
0 t" L5 S& \) R; a' s, V. t) g7 m
; Y9 ]5 H, a: U; v V星期四午夜刚过,在富有的Woodbury市,警察拐入一条黑暗的街道时看到令人震惊的一幕。
7 x# R9 } b# k* d" `: a T4 f9 L- ?% y( R
一个女人站在那里,她的脸上和身上伤痕累累,青一块,紫一块。她的眼圈黑紫,充满了恐惧。+ O: c0 q' |8 o" q# F3 s7 Z( C( k3 n
4 z* L2 G1 Q4 _" J: P- Y$ }) _8 Q这名58岁的妇女只会讲中文,直到翻译赶到,警察才开始了解她的遭遇。
B$ E2 `' t+ [: }% Z' M. o# w, d: O' K# j% y
% T! b: Y: n! t: p8 _* h" ^& C; q$ t5 r, l1 _: E2 L! N
M3 w: a! b2 T: ~% g9 |+ U. @8 g, z6 H; C$ O
这名保姆被逼迫象狗一样四肢爬在地上工作,吃她自己的头发,那头发是雇主从她头上撕下来的。4 w2 |, L! e/ N _8 \
5 o7 w+ r3 ~' K/ _: _: H当局说,当警察带这名妇女到医院检查时,医生发现这名妇女多处肋骨骨折,一处胸骨断裂。! P% G5 x' t8 R% C. I
: L7 f7 g4 a) ?, z星期五这名保姆的雇主,三十五岁的黄丽丽出庭面对包括人口走私,非法监禁和毒打等项指控。
3 [* I7 s1 p5 a$ z( y# w5 u8 h; b0 B6 v
黄丽丽的罪恶使Woodbury市的人感到震惊,这是圣保罗市郊区的一个安静的上等社区。这个社区住着一些这一带最富有的人家,今年早些时候,这个城市入选全美城市奖的最后一轮筛选名单。. M* u$ G# b6 U
& \5 ?& e+ z6 Y/ sWoodbury市被誉为募捐了数万美元帮助饥饿的儿童,保留了小镇风情的城市。但是,按市政当局的说法,在黄丽丽价值五十三万九千美元的红色砖墙,白色大理石柱子,富丽堂皇的豪宅里竟然掩藏着如此令人发指的孽待和罪恶。
e" z' Z3 H/ P _) U/ B5 Z
+ }( J2 d: Z( b0 L: \这名保姆在黄丽丽家不分白天黑夜的工作,不但不给工资,得到是一顿顿的毒打,罚饿,有时竟当着黄丽丽的孩子的面毒打保姆。保姆要求回中国,但黄丽丽扣押了护照。因为只给些零食,保姆的体重从120磅减到88磅。有一次,保姆端饭时撒了一点,黄丽丽竟暴打保姆,打的保姆倒在地上不能动,黄丽丽竟强迫保姆向狗一样四肢爬在地上继续工作。
* z( `$ I+ Y$ f# c' f3 H* \% o6 }
2 I( t+ o" C- D# J3 D0 N在搜查黄丽丽的房子时,警察在保姆的床单下找到一大包头发。保姆告诉警察,头发是黄丽丽从她头上揪下来的,因为黄丽丽逼她吃头发,所以她偷偷把头发藏起来了。; K7 Z+ Y/ ]0 P9 }8 b) I5 g
2 e5 m* J& H) d' X+ w
* y, L* b5 m* k- ]7 Y5 S
/ Z( |: c( U& Z7 ~2 D苏海怀着愤怒的心情翻译; [# m9 Q! F2 q4 A X
/ _& D; D) w) y1 V! }8 ~
+ N: O2 [8 z& f9 S3 qChinese nanny beaten, starved, treated ‘like a dog’ in wealthy Minn. suburb, authorities say
. s: M2 x7 O7 x& A
5 t* S$ b# y4 E( LShortly after midnight Thursday, police officers in the wealthy city of Woodbury, Minn., turned down a darkened street to find a shocking sight.( @: p; U( P6 ]
% z7 r) A0 M& p( wIn the road stood a woman. Her face and body were badly bruised. Her two blackened eyes were filled with fear.5 m" Y7 h. c. f" Q. C" R
- s1 e6 a2 n$ Q% BThe 58-year-old woman spoke only Chinese, however. It wasn’t until a translator arrived that officers began to understand her story.
1 a- ~6 x5 r) K H
3 V3 C% z: K' R5 z, B* hIt was a story of sheer terror.
r. D s8 L) {% T6 \. s$ j9 C. \) E! d& k
The woman told police that she had been beaten, starved and threatened with death by her employer, for whom she worked as a nanny.
R' {* A! @- P1 |# g9 i2 V ]2 r
0 J' T, g( ^& X* v! o# A# oThe nanny had also been forced to walk on all fours for hours “like a dog” and fed her own hair, she said.5 C! ^4 H' U* w0 `
. Y! `' r+ p- Y! N! u3 mWhen police took the nanny to the hospital, they discovered she had multiple broken ribs and a broken sternum, authorities said.
, x+ c7 l) z! R7 O$ Z- i; K }# ^* u+ F2 W
On Friday, the nanny’s employer, 35-year-old Lili Huang, appeared in court to face charges including human trafficking, false imprisonment and assault.' j& q6 P! y( Y; `
# ?+ D1 X/ k( b% h
Washington County Attorney Pete Orput likened the nanny’s treatment to “slavery or indentured servitude.”
: a7 Y$ d, T1 [/ f0 [$ a, ]$ C
“She was held in pretty appalling conditions,” he told the Twin Cities Pioneer Press.2 h V+ t% v$ g+ u" o' }; n
, c6 Z5 q% S: l% iHuang’s attorney did not immediately return a request for comment on Saturday, the Associated Press reported.3 j; N) A# V* p7 }7 Y
6 t% ?' Z% u2 P: }# B: a: _
The allegation has stunned Woodbury, a quiet and upscale suburb of St. Paul. The city is home to some of the country’s wealthiest families, the Minneapolis/St. Paul Business Journal reported in 2015. Earlier this year, Woodbury was named a finalist for the National Civic League’s All-America City Award, given to ten communities across the nation that “engage residents in innovative, inclusive and effective efforts to tackle critical challenges.”# x5 k9 O6 X+ J: u
$ W$ [9 S5 \8 lIn its application, Woodbury boasted of raising tens of thousands of dollars to fight child hunger and maintaining its “small-town” sense of community.
% R( o& m5 Z2 X
! ^$ x* M, H+ O+ W( i4 Z7 dAnd yet, according to authorities, hidden behind the white columns and red brick of Lili Huang’s $539,000 house on Wellington Lane was the most heinous of abuse.& ~# y$ [0 x! J K7 U( h; ^
, x! |* M. l1 E+ }% A4 h' q
The nanny, who has not been named, began working for the wealthy Huang family in Shanghai, where she took care of Huang’s minor daughter, according to a criminal complaint obtained by the Minneapolis Star Tribune. The Huangs treated her well in China, the nanny told authorities, so she agreed work for them in the United States.
/ v- F, y: ^; L$ s5 Q% V# q% r" I7 h6 l
Shortly after arriving in Minnesota in March, however, the nanny realized that her situation had radically shifted.
7 P) c# ^2 ]- r8 O B$ T/ y V
1 ~" E* V3 _$ h& GShe had been promised $890 a month but now found herself working up to 18 hours a day cooking, cleaning and taking care of the Huangs’ child, according to the complaint. Her salary only came out to about $1.80 an hour, authorities later calculated, but she said she never even received that amount.- [0 j) f, ?8 Q# g* E
2 H6 A" h3 Y; ]( E# U" r ?2 q* _Instead of a fair wage, she received frequent beatings, she told police.
9 d( O. k- G( u! d2 x/ J& B- A! ?) i! I* q* B
“During the time in the home she was physically assaulted by defendant, often times in front of the children,” Orput, the county prosecutor, said in a statement. “When this occurred she told defendant she wanted to return to China. Defendant acquired the victim’s passport and kept it and told the woman she was ‘not going anywhere.'”" }3 {/ X* U' \; c
# |6 M2 p" q$ h9 n6 `# M
The nanny was also starved by the family, she told police. She was fed nothing but “scraps” and crackers, causing her to drop from 120 pounds to just 88 pounds in barely four months, according to authorities.
! C$ |: a3 ^" b4 J" D* g w1 `% ~$ i
The nanny felt trapped because she had no passport or money and did not speak English.
! N( K) {) h1 e* K- D! X. e R% p V. n8 j. W9 A4 d% u6 G
The attacks worsened this month, she told police.
: C! C; J9 t& p" JOn July 4, as Woodbury residents relaxed on blankets and lawn chairs outside the city’s sports center to watch fireworks, the nanny was allegedly being assaulted by Huang.; }+ o0 Z+ m; B& N
8 h2 Y0 k( m: R: G- _: wHuang grabbed the woman’s hair and bashed her head into a table and other objects, the nanny told police. She was also punched and kicked in her rib cage, according to the complaint.
* P. P) j: q: e. |! {$ ^7 J$ {7 a4 V8 Q, Z; w2 E0 {7 f
Less than a week later, Huang again attacked the nanny, according to the complaint. On July 10, the nanny was so badly beaten that “she could not get up off her hands and knees,” according to prosecutors.
# P& J, s( s6 E" V$ ^* K" G; F' y w, S, }) ~
She was forced to walk around the house on her hands and knees “like a dog for four hours,” the Woodbury Bulletin reported, citing the complaint.
6 d- p, g- m! V" w0 z: a3 p' `* ]6 {/ S4 N+ X O* g3 v
The alleged abuse came to a head on July 13.7 a2 S8 i" ~1 I# S
, |/ [9 j$ G# b5 X. Y3 C' g( sWhen the nanny accidentally spilled food on the counter, “the defendant came after the woman with a knife threatening to kill her,” according to the county prosecutor’s statement.7 X; j7 H; @" y
6 [( P/ t8 Z$ |: BWhen Huang’s father allegedly stopped the attack, the nanny finally fled the home. She walked more than two miles past neatly manicured lawns, luxury SUVs and Lutheran churches until police officers finally came upon her near the sports center that had just hosted July 4 celebrations.6 P$ X q4 o! L* w4 I$ z2 z/ v$ o* a5 E
k k& l& e1 o0 U% H# F
This was now her Independence Day.* l) X ^7 \- }
9 x4 L3 q" F2 g' L, X* r& [! KWith her two black eyes, the nanny told a police translator that she had escaped the house in search of the airport so she could finally go home.
( I- i5 [# m8 g# \! S4 R1 }1 A# _, H( w
She showed police photos on her cellphone of her various injuries, according to the Star Tribune. At a nearby hospital, x-rays revealed her broken ribs and sternum.* |* u5 A+ ]# n. {9 b
6 X2 M, s. z, t9 A4 r* B( r
Police pulled up to the large house on Wellington Lane. Then they strode past its red brick and white columns and arrested Lili Huang., o+ w1 L( [4 S
( Q- M- i, O& C) m" A' D2 D5 P
Among the items seized inside the spacious home was a bag that had been hidden under the nanny’s mattress.: W# O8 [0 X9 F; w- o
! b/ r' M# U L! E/ {2 n0 y- m2 w
It was full of human hair.) Y8 |* h* b( u
The nanny told police that Huang had ripped the hair from her head. The nanny then hid the hair, according to the complaint, so that Huang wouldn’t find it “and force her to eat it.”
9 S, L+ Y) a7 |# s5 U( y1 G" e _- S% r4 G
Huang appeared in court on Friday to face five felony charges, according to prosecutors: labor trafficking, seizing a passport with intent to violate labor trafficking, false imprisonment, assault with a dangerous weapon, and assault causing substantial bodily harm. She remains jailed in lieu of $350,000 bail, according to the Star Tribune.9 \1 ^3 o3 E! i* P
% A1 a0 I( F8 [2 w9 ]: R5 r gIn his statement, the county prosecutor alluded to the city’s shock over the abuse allegations and the arrest of an affluent resident.
. i# Z, r$ H$ g) ^, V+ f* c
+ S+ D, N2 m% T/ Y7 u3 `“Human labor trafficking is a crime that no one can believe exists in their community,” he said. “However, it is here, it is being committed by some of our citizens, and it amounts to nothing less than slavery in the 21st century.”
" \' ^; b# I: z9 `( o8 q2 l- k
+ k+ n) U4 r- f* kAround the globe, so-called modern-day slavery exploits tens of millions of people and generates more than $150 billion annually, the United Nations’ International Labour Office reported in January.
- f2 i b+ v% G e, y: i3 n6 \# i7 H$ |% e4 a" M! `. W
Lili Huang, 35, of Woodbury, is charged in Washington County with five felony counts, including labor trafficking, false imprisonment and assault.
, ?/ t ^7 Z# m2 T; M2 K$ e8 b8 Q& b5 F5 @ u