原帖由 冰雪寒天 于 2006-12-5 09:50 发表 % D* I9 N" H9 b) v 登陆爱城前,是要先租房子还是住接待站?各有什么优点? 8 w! n, q* s/ a2 ?- u/ ~, s没来前,房子好租到吗?请提供帮助,谢谢!
( ]( r1 ]' C' x" m5 u- ^+ ~+ G9 n+ N6 G4 U( k
If you choose 住接待站, you can get some information you need and know some people; & y% Q: n9 X% HIf you choose 租房子 in advance, you can save money and settle down quickly than others.
原帖由 didiced 于 2006-12-5 12:39 发表 8 U0 r) g, ?8 K$ s+ {8 T$ R; X5 l+ u4 v' {3 ^
3 D3 R8 ^ H4 G6 h- ^
If you choose 住接待站, you can get some information you need and know some people; 7 k4 o5 {2 Q! p5 ~4 C- X0 P2 q* \If you choose 租房子 in advance, you can save money and settle down quickly than others.
- J- C$ M% ]* D& {. I h3 [6 ?$ U8 b1 \" w
谢谢!真高明! 0 v) T Q# v3 H: m( b
您一定是老移民吧,麻烦您再给一些建议, 2 i( T* v! W. v我们租房在什么区比较好,适合孩子上高中(高中三年),然后上大学。$ \( b2 h0 K) H f' @' [' l+ E
原帖由 冰雪寒天 于 2006-12-6 08:07 发表) R7 K2 B# Y& Y5 n3 m. E3 M& B* H
4 K. r$ p* L5 R # i' O% E. C2 z' x& j) A4 K3 s, Q谢谢!真高明! 8 y' x' W' i/ p5 l# ^! h1 n
您一定是老移民吧,麻烦您再给一些建议, 9 R, g _' T! U2 P! ?% n我们租房在什么区比较好,适合孩子上高中(高中三年),然后上大学。
& m. o/ o2 _8 q) H+ A- [9 d- S4 s. r) p( Q3 [: p( X
You are welcome! - d4 L8 G9 S8 L0 s; y" u4 Z- w2 [! z' b6 G4 j
It is better to live in the southwest or west. Please search the "High School" in this forum, you can find the good school that someone recommended for sure.
原帖由 didiced 于 2006-12-6 12:35 发表 + T7 ]7 C j& \* B0 u3 k ' w \- n! B% a( |" X8 r " ?" Q+ i% g; E k1 T8 X& IYou are welcome! 2 K2 g' I/ ~. F7 U+ }! t# Q
1 Y4 M. e7 L( ~It is better to live in the southwest or west. Please search the "High School" in this forum, you can find the good school that someone recommended for ...
# @4 `: H, P+ L# X4 g3 E Y' P' P1 w9 _! ~9 h! S& m! z* Gthank you! you are clement. i will do.