鲜花( 3)  鸡蛋( 0)
A then B. the towing company will tow your car to wherever you want it to be towed, your home or a garage.
# u Y; P/ a" v7 a8 I% p. T; m3 wC only applies if the driver of the vehicle is no longer able to decide B. ie dead or unconcious, then cops will tow it temporarily to a holding lot
2 B8 N; U; j. L5 H- @8 Q, aD call your insurance company. don't call the other party's insurance company. let your insurance company deal with their's.+ S% u; w7 `- @' d0 B# v. s
E not true, or at least not that I'm aware of.
* n+ c; _) s1 ]0 d9 k7 A$ K
% e# W7 Y x: d( i! T3 m% eyou should fill in a police report within 24 hours of the accident. if you can, always get witness contact information. they can complete a witness report if they choose to.- s8 ? M: K& [* w# O5 `4 ]+ P