大家好,小弟我有一份国内驾照,今年四月初刚拿到。现在准备在爱城换考初级五号牌。看过之前的一些帖子,说是国内不满一年的驾照也可以直接上五号牌路考,而不像正常程序7号牌那样需要等待一年。但同时却又在政府网站上查到 . i& R# n5 E0 W- x" \5 C4 w8 _Can a person from a non-reciprocal country apply for GDL exemption if they have less than two years driving history?9 X) y! a) z2 f
No, they will not be exempted. - b# y2 z" P' W }" g$ q3 Y - P% e6 {0 y9 c; _ E0 s还有 6 N/ [6 y! E( LIf a driver from a non-reciprocal country can prove they have two or more years driving history, they will be exempt from the GDL program. The driver must still write and pass the Class 7 learner’s test but once their application is approved they are eligible for an advanced road test. & W% z: i+ b) H0 A) W6 b+ p _" l( U+ z M5 e所以特别来问问实际操作过的各位,国内未满一年的驾照到底能不能在这里换考初级五号牌。(准备是明天去office问问,但是有时候连他们自己都说不明白,所以也想问问有没有了解的各位?