本帖最后由 wec080 于 2013-7-26 11:32 编辑 ( T7 H0 m; h4 U0 H
4 b' C6 g" b0 h9 J5 A真嗒?不是4岁可以上JrK吗?还是双语的学校不一样?. x# ?3 S/ P: t0 z
/ ~+ F) I( }" L/ C
查到这个,你是对的,我们是7月生日还要等一年。 ( L' B2 o/ V( A4 F ]; i 3 t/ t- r. T6 T! SKindergarten and Grade 1 Level: The English-Chinese Bilingual Program is available to all children at the kindergarten and Grade 1 levels. They are not required to have any knowledge of the Chinese language. Children are eligible for kindergarten this fall (September) if they will be 5 years old on or before March 1st of the following year.$ I" P1 \6 x* c4 O