wingsll 发表于 2012-8-29 07:34 ) ^5 _ y, N. {1 k4 i- D5 Y! p2 r2 h, V多谢!目前车子架不起来看不到哪里漏,目测每小时漏十滴,还是去修车地方看看
2 C0 [ s ~) @2 f3 x* n2 `
don't need to go right now by this leaking speed. - g T- ^; z; Q, Z& |wait for your next oil change ask the mechanic ' q/ {7 J7 m$ W1 f# t- {
old cars usually always leak this and that
亮甲店 发表于 2012-8-29 10:24 & Q8 J, f' ?9 K4 Z2 c+ X; t1 Adon't need to go right now by this leaking speed./ q* L% R7 x. s9 O
wait for your next oil change ask the mechanic ...