鲜花( 1)  鸡蛋( 0)
Children five and under ride free while they are accompanied by a fare paying passenger. Adults traveling with children age 12 or under should consider an ETS Day pass, which allows up to 4 children aged 12 or under accompanied by an adult to ride ETS all day. ETS operators do not carry change, so if you plan to pay cash, please have the correct amount.
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For children 6 to 17 years of age, regular cash fare is required unless another ETS fare product are used (Youth Ticket, Youth Monthly Pass, or a Day Pass). 3 y2 A" v+ T, Y. l$ x
& o4 s2 I! v2 n+ E! j* x刚刚去了CITY的网站,5岁及以下的儿童在有成人陪伴的情况下是免费的。6岁到17的pay youth ticket fare.如果你买的是DAY PASS的话,12岁及以下的儿童可以最多带四个免费(?)坐。 |