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Truck driver killed, three injured in crash near Mayerthorpe% p c# A5 o# V: f/ I
By Journal Staff, edmontonjournal.com March 25, 2012 8:02 PM StoryPhotos ( 1 ) - w! `4 |* y3 J8 {" [
Crash on Highway 43Photograph by: Rick Colville , edmontonjournal.com
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. ~0 l5 F6 K2 g8 Y; ^* H ]EDMONTON - The driver of a semi-trailer unit is dead and three others are in hospital after a collision 15 kilometres north of Mayerthorpe Sunday morning.
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0 H- e, ~' _2 r$ OA southbound semi-trailer truck was turning left off Highway 43 at Township Road 584 at about 9:20 a.m. when it was struck by a northbound semi, Mayerthorpe RCMP said in a news release.
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The collision caused extensive damage and the wreckage blocked both lanes of the highway.
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9 M2 ?% r) j4 X7 G! G3 o& U5 ?$ R- l: TA pickup truck travelling north could not stop in time and hit the back of one of the semis.
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; V0 B6 g3 ~/ W% [- iThe two occupants of the pickup were airlifted to Edmonton by air ambulance, one with non-life threatening injuries and the other in serious but stable condition. The driver of one semi was taken to hospital with non-life threatening injuries. The other semi driver was pronounced dead at the scene.+ s" ~* t0 n6 ` O
6 o1 Z- z- g( R3 I' E5 JRCMP do not believe alcohol or drugs played a role in the collision, though weather conditions may have been a factor.
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/ F4 Y1 C+ A! Q0 uThe crash closed the northbound lanes of Highway 43 for several hours. The highway was expected to be fully open again late Sunday.
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