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本帖最后由 harrymah 于 2011-11-22 10:12 编辑
: W% \( ~( y4 q+ q% G2 k7 O: P7 o
* E/ V7 J9 {2 i) J% h, j; M9 ` [. B4 |. _2 K- i5 R% \, P
3 L% k$ u% S, x& C/ @7 p y* A& I0 P$ K# E' l7 [0 z+ s
When you open an Ingdirect Account with a minimum balance of $100 before Dec. 31, 2011, Ingdirect will give you a $50 bonus!
* U2 ~, T1 f9 i$ }6 T+ f, dAll you have to do is enter the Orange Key 16169372S1.. ?% o0 c1 d' q$ y" B; Q: V; P* i7 }
& p* S0 c/ {, T; H! DIngdirect has free chequing account and high intereste saving account (1.5% Now)
5 b1 Y# Y/ N, [6 A4 s0 [ [. n) b6 V3 g) ?( s v- Z- Z
Open an Ingdirect account from their website or call 1-800-464-3473
3 {& D/ v6 r5 k8 `* c" E$ T! E1. Go to ingdirect.ca
" F; t& C7 t; [) v4 A9 v2. Click savings -> saving account -> Enroll now under investment saving account.
- F8 W4 M" Z3 a" M" h+ v3. Fill out the form with the Orange Key 16169372S1, and then follow the instructions.
' h0 H- G* i) w1 T @5 ?4. Submit the form to get your client number (write down the client number)./ f' G7 ~1 V& v
5. Mail your 100 cheque to Ingdirect (don't forget write client number on the cheque ).' d( m% m* S$ e5 Y! W
6. Receive $50 in your account., M0 [! u# G( l. r