天气冷,湿度高 you have already answered your own question. It is a common phenomenon., _7 S4 G y6 _* i" s' ?7 Z2 Y
Ask your builder, they will tell you what exactly run above and make that sound.
玻璃结冰是这两天天气冷才发现的,是因为室内湿度高还是窗户密封性能不好?/ z Y& D' E4 C
另外还发现主卧的天花板上面总有类似水滴的声音,(需要在很静的情况下听)但是也没看见天花板上出现水印,不知道屋顶上面有没有什么管道 ...; |4 l6 B2 y6 Q+ Y& n
free000 发表于 2011-11-19 22:05
" B' ^. c- G& V( P O6 Q) R2 Q' W: d8 IWe have 类似水滴的声音 from the beginning and been this house for 3 years. l2 M. `1 Z( R. Z d& ?$ @
Nobody tells us what exactly that is. A city guy can't tell us anything about that. 1 ]" ^: S9 h- b& F* v7 v* E ' |2 V$ E% D! b+ Y8 L4 {5 U! rThe house is good so far, so we just leave it alone.