鲜花( 21)  鸡蛋( 0)
本帖最后由 三言两语 于 2011-11-18 11:40 编辑
/ E9 w/ B$ T; u) B5 H6 m! ]6 k0 u @' _
只有室外温度低于Edmonton冬天设计温度时,才允许低于22度,但必须高于16度。Edmonton的冬季设计温度是零下32度(Edmonton, Canada is far from the equator at 53°34' N latitude – closer to the pole than Tasmania – with winter design temperatures of -32°C and a winter solstice with only 7.5 hours of daylight.。)
) h7 v/ [8 G7 n/ r* p' j0 t
! d, d6 P3 y3 y2 C这里是原文:: v, d8 S$ t5 q/ t$ l( }3 V# ]
8. Heating Facilities
% W7 o: d7 ?: U2 d( x(a) All heating facilities within a housing premises are to be properly installed6 I, t, }" C3 U# }. X0 Q
and maintained in good working condition, and be capable of safely and
5 B, A- ]1 ^" S, b- hadequately heating all habitable rooms, bathrooms, and toilet rooms0 \: x2 q* E0 q- \, E
within the building to a temperature of ;
" Q: m% r4 h5 y9 O+ g+ V$ D1 f; b/ V(i) at least 22C(71F), or
' z, u' c1 h+ ?2 S* w" U(i) maintained at a temperature of at least 22C(71F) when the control& @4 L* d5 X, f
of the supplied heat in a dwelling is the responsibility of a person
) N7 `) {+ ?1 T) ^/ M4 gother than the occupant.8 B) C: W/ y2 p0 U& Y
(b) When the outside temperature is colder than the winter design temperature% X! T. O: l& m% w* r
as referenced in the Alberta Building Code(97) Section and" j. e8 X! E0 |- \
Appendix C, then the Executive Officer may permit an indoor temperature' b" U2 Z" u: J* M7 s
of less than 22C(71F) but greater than 16C (60F)." F! u6 M7 d: e: L$ U$ ]7 q( ^# E
' F7 x' `+ f7 `* x! r7 ]2 P
6 k0 Z5 Z. m7 k1 U% h如果能给出链接就最好不过。
% f4 z4 x: W4 M% L" e据我所知,不完全如你说的。好像各省有各省自己的规定,且略有不同,有的还对不同时间段,有不同的要求。或哪位勤快点,给查查。* y+ F. @5 w. i& ^
用户 发表于 2011-11-18 00:34  |