鲜花( 3)  鸡蛋( 0)
本帖最后由 clioblue 于 2011-10-21 20:47 编辑
5 N/ R8 Q4 l8 \: ]7 @# X; S
$ k( {2 D2 g$ j2 ~7 M' U高一的时候老师要求把一首古诗改编9 A" N4 c' T* O/ ]0 K- g% q
最近度假回到老家无意中翻出来, 发现尽管写的一般但是要我现在写打死我也不行, 感觉真的老了头脑不好用了, 顺便把诗跟大家分享一下' c) x g- w6 N5 h
3 F5 m R! J n. `5 a
+ Q1 U8 X% H1 c; |0 k4 [" b& h6 jTitle:
5 B/ B" i8 ]' J( a2 i: M( w4 WThe Modern Passionate Urban Engineer (a.k.a. garbage man/picker) to his Love7 U7 D% \& g& U3 C+ M
+ G4 o! j7 i' P$ o2 |Come live with me, and be my love,: ]. Z3 F$ p. T; M" J6 Y
And we will all the pleasures prove,
' T0 t, t: |' F$ w% M8 A: }+ pThat cans and bottles generate,1 ~2 V0 N0 w1 n& R: a1 N# [
Or useless junk and scraps create.0 Z) p5 z* J t: N
3 _, _6 h# w7 u3 }1 K# O+ }6 KAnd we will ride in my garbage truck,+ N8 w) t7 I# e: H; h
Passing people who murmur “yuck.”9 r6 a! y* O: i/ o0 [" t
We’ll pick up others’ unwanted waste,& r! l6 p2 C" z, A, @9 |8 q% }
To add to our collection taste.+ R: s9 o5 w% {5 q( h( ]* U
4 D6 c' E: L2 k# {9 V% j% `And I will make use of everything,
8 ]% O. }) [% V" f. JAnd also remember to do recycling,5 J6 ~- _' I3 x" }6 P- r
I’ll dress thee up from toe to chin,
4 G* j4 R1 W& q0 K% v7 tIncluding jewelleries of dazzling tin.* V# Q0 |3 k# Q. D( [; D& F% \
8 o& e% f4 s0 V( B! n' H" g, X
A beautiful ring I will give thee,
- i/ K4 R% M9 e# lWhich from the garbage I found for free.* \ K5 r3 Z. {/ ]
Everyday I will bring you more,
4 q- o/ Z* R1 }5 n8 yWith treasures I found from door to door.5 f% \ L; Y; ?. W
- @# z/ q9 E9 XA warm little house we shall build,
( i1 D! G8 `/ r* R8 C$ e% `, _5 J5 OWith cute stray animals it’ll be filled,
. B- T1 J3 C$ M) OAnd if these pleasures may thee move,
6 e. }' z" r" |- BCome with me, and be my love.
7 P* Z& U( N: t9 g- e9 U% E" \3 D/ q, {; i3 j
The garbage men shall dance and sing,) I. [+ f5 g7 S; C. {& ?1 M& K
For they delight each May-morning.
1 R1 V5 V- u: }; l' v. ?" |If these delights thy mind may move.. A; c( p3 j7 I% ~8 L8 u+ a# W* }& r1 S
Then live with me, and be my love.; `2 G2 v3 G* H! u3 y+ Y
4 n4 g( C4 {+ P, a老师还算generous 打分 |