你的英文水平如何?若用中文思维在答英文题,会答非所问的。 0 p5 Y: T, O( H4 O( CA wealthy, outgoing and hot lady for the first time invited a co-worker to her home for dinner. The man looked around her elaboratedly well-designed living room and said to the hostess:' nice touch'. 9 \1 T t: _# T( P4 X# Y
Question: What can you infer from what the man told the lady?6 W+ ?& @9 V+ ~, s+ Y
A. The sofa feels comfortable B. The lady was flattered to have bought a nice sofa C. They had sex after dinner D. He told her to keep in touch after dinner.
thanks , i think i never have studied this kind of skill in China, i would give up . I did research some websites ,but it does not provide any question . I could not get sense of it. I have no idea about these, is hard to me, really hard.