什么是: 8 H$ D: h2 [) j4 @1,Statement of earnings showing hours worked and deductions made by the employers(this statment should show s your gross and net earnings,specific deductions,the purpose of these deductions and the total number of hours worked,including overtime,during each pay period) + X% l3 ~6 h) R# p/ d7 C3 q2,Record of wages and deductions sent to Canada Revenue Agency by your employer(s)(this is the document you use to file your income tax report by april 30 of each year)/ n5 C- x. k' L) o5 T! Y
第一个是类似LETTER OF EMPLOYMENT,就是要更详细。要有你的WORKING HOURS,JOB DUTIES, SALARY (PER HOUR,ANNUAL SALARY),还有就是从什么时间开始到什么时候不做了(or still in the position).大概就是这些,不过还是LS 说的多作一些RESEARCH,以防万一。