鲜花( 2)  鸡蛋( 0)
in one word, he just want me to pay more money, I paid $670 including 10hrs road practise, and 15hrs insurance class, after the 10hrs road class, he pick up some faults I made as excuse that he can't give me the complete certificate. well, I think what he said is bullshit, I wasn't that bad at road at all. And I passed the road test (class 5) today, and i only deduct about 30 points, then i called him to ask him give me the certificate, he said no, because I didn't pass his class, well, the reason I go to this driving school is to have this certificate to lower my insurance payment. i think he just try to ask for more money, because he feel jealoused that AMA's class are more expensive than his, if you have same feeling about the experience at sunny's driving school, just leave your reply below, so other people won't be tricked. |