先谢谢捧场。这报价是包工包料。0 d; a B$ d4 V
“隔除紫外线,99%”,这是窗膜的产家说的。对于玻璃本身阻挡紫外线的功能,我没有研究,不过下面这个说法比较中肯。 ' a+ ~" G q q" @9 LLINK:http://au.answers.yahoo.com/ques ... 110528192951AAMROvu0 e5 i, n# B. d, B# ^& h
原文:The absorbance or blocking of UV radiation by glass is dependent upon the type of glass. "Normal" glass will not significantly block UV radiation. I don't think any glass will $ ?# I" s- ~& S0 x
significantly block or interfere with UV radiation unless it is specifically designed to do so, ~- `: y- N+ A# R$ Z+ }
since certain compounds are needed to selectively block it. If a type of glass doesn't say that it blocks UV radiation, it is probably safe to assume that it does not.