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能解释下为何不能发陪练的广告么?XXX?! q+ I: w# I5 l' j7 r
felixhan8com 发表于 2011-5-19 09:15 
9 h0 ~! V+ K E! [. `3 l
" k& `" M8 I' T根据Driver Training and Driver Examination Regulation, Alta Reg 316/2002:' O4 b" X% p( |
3 ^% Q V( a8 ?2 C Q7 D4 h' fLicence required$ A1 A, ^' F9 m* k0 Z
1 G4 h7 m; ]' S" i
19(1) A person shall not give driver training for consideration unless the person' h0 j4 n: S( l6 D. w
+ G [7 N' v; ], j& K/ e) A (a) holds a subsisting instructor’s licence, and% b3 E7 s" {' M: L8 k3 Q: }! t
- i. h5 P# q$ I* e: ]
(b) is employed by a driver training school.- x9 L0 m l9 I! {
# A. g8 X$ F+ }: K. W# V a$ B(2) Subsection (1) does not apply to 2 l; E7 G: S- q+ y
2 f% F1 Y$ j r (a) a teacher employed by a board under the School Act who is giving classroom training only while in the course of that employment, or( ]9 J0 r/ l: P5 g ?0 d: j
+ F) b5 K3 p. W* G2 q. H$ h
(b) an instructor employed or engaged to give driver training to the employees or prospective employees of the person who employs or engages the instructor.
2 y9 l% h4 m; \8 i' @
& }6 W2 b/ d5 q$ y/ r& E! b
8 P7 C9 [/ h+ X) eOffences; G! @, n; ]: K$ X# @
' t7 v( Q! \. x( c# F8 P5 C+ c- `
59 A person who contravenes or fails to comply with any of the following is guilty of an offence:! U# E4 g8 m: V
( T" ?! m2 N- V8 |! _ (a) section 2;
2 J p$ p; l) d3 [! O8 ]$ T; W I/ o! b- r' O
(b) section 19;2 B1 R& I( F/ W0 e* D3 `
, D$ u1 T; X% o) @* v (c) section 26. |