Yes, we'll have soon and we are prepare to get it done in July sometime. 0 C6 O* D4 {5 D4 C7 ? r & H: }$ Q6 h% K; o4 K- q. PSee the below information for a... # m8 @( U! X( U3 g, P以食会友 - Edmonton Sichuan Association Potluck on June 18-2011 at Coronation Parke - Coronation Park Site #1 from 12:00PM to 2:00PM. The drinks/napkins/spoons/knifes/folks will be provided by Edmonton Sichuan Association(Register is on-going).( f6 A; q4 f" H3 ^1 k1 y
# }' W* @3 Q3 P
Thanks, g" I9 x' i2 O- c6 [7 F