主要是让我补充材料,而根本就没有涉及到体检表。最重要的一句话就是“如果不在45天内更新材料,就会按照原来的材料进行评估,会导致被据”!下面是英文原文: / f6 Z( n2 z/ q2 _' C# L 9 v2 M0 u3 A' B# xPlease note that if you fail to provide the documents requested within 45 days of the date of this letter your application will be assessed based on the information you have provided. This may result in your application being refused. ' f' P h5 I t% i; [3 ]; S1 e9 X# w4 L9 U
但是,现在的我又不想去加拿大,可是又不想彻底断了这条路。最好的办法是拖着,但是我又不知道有什么好办法??大家出个主意,谢谢了!!7 }1 w' Q. j1 ]
# S7 b) M1 S" _! }. qBTW:中介现在就让我交6750×2的登陆费,是不是瞎扯?