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alberta笔试路试报名考试详细信息(all licenses Ltd)

鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-9-4 15:40 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 annie66 于 2010-9-4 16:45 编辑 1 i) N( V1 G. {; _- c; |$ d" J

8 l$ ~! I2 E4 I5 h$ J; {! V7 H$ y7 E. ?& GLearner's Permit6 _6 J1 R6 q1 K
No appointment is necessary to write your "learner's", but you must be 14 years old or more. If you are under 18 years of age you must have your parent or guardian sign a Parental Consent Form. This form is available at All Licenses Ltd. Also, anyone can pick up a Study Guide at our office. There is no charge for this book and you'll find it extremely helpful.
/ N) g5 K: T+ e# {* g0 T3 c0 g
% S: R# i. W# N# R- S" v9 p1 @Before you write your knowledge test you must provide satisfactory identification. This could be your Birth Certificate or Passport; these items show your date of birth, plus one other piece of ID, preferably with a photo. For people not born in Canada a Foreign Passport or Canadian Citizenship card is good identification as it contains both a photo and signature.  We also require your Canada Entry documents – Work Permit, Study Permit, Visitor Record or Permanent Residence Card.  If you are over the age of 18, you will also have to provide Proof of Residency in Alberta.  The following are acceptable documents: ; _* C0 V1 L% L3 `" _0 q
•Current Utility Bills (i.e. Telus home phone, Epcor, Atco, Direct Energy, etc. . U. l4 W7 o6 E, x! W' ^7 U6 x
Please note: Cell Phone bills and Credit Card bills are not acceptable( d" V& n2 ?0 j* T6 n  y$ c" f  l
•Rental Agreement with third party management3 |% n" P! F) p- A
•Mortgage or Land Title / Property Assessment documents5 {3 s. U! S3 i( [& B# ~
•Bank client profile with Bank Stamp, Bank Statements, or Cancelled cheques' O$ }* F3 @2 Q3 V+ x. a
•Letter from an employer, signed and dated, on company letterhead.  This must be from an Alberta-based company, and must state hat the client is physically working in Alberta
2 t: q, h. i* n/ N$ t' d•Proof of filing taxes in Alberta or a current T4 slip
8 ?; p5 B2 H% A% P# v# c% O•Statement of Social Assistance or Employment Insurance benefits
: `9 i! T3 z7 @8 l
Once your identity is confirmed and entered into the Motor Vehicles system you will purchase a permit to write the knowledge test. If you happen to fail the test you may take it again the next day; however you will have to pay the $17.60 each time you try the test.3 m; W/ X2 v9 j+ \

, S+ V- a# S! C# x. T- Q6 `3 fAfter you pass your knowledge test you will be given a vision test which you must also pass
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2010-9-4 15:40 | 显示全部楼层
Road Tests$ \, g! B% q: P( r9 o  Y
Road test bookings must be made in person as we are required to issue a permit upon receipt of payment.  We can arrange to have you tested as soon as the next day. You should try to supply your own vehicle. If that is not possible we can rent a test car for you, but there is an additional fee for this service.7 M8 P$ ?* _* e( Z

/ }( T. H% I* y4 AWe ask that you come for your road test about 15 minutes early; this will ensure that all road tests are completed on-time.  The permit is given to the examiner who will then go with you to your car. The examiner will do a brief inspection of the vehicle to make sure the brake lights, signal lights and door latches are working properly. You cannot take passengers or pets on the road test with you.  Please remember to have a valid registration certificate and valid proof of insurance.
& L6 [  i7 U* }7 U" d3 p
' c/ D9 V; F6 Q; QThe road test usually takes about 1/2 hour. If you do not pass the test you can take it again as soon as the next day. You will need to purchase another Road Test Permit at that time.
9 x" B# F) |$ W5 w- T
( k5 t' z4 d" `. b9 _* v9 I4 [When you pass your road test your Class 7 Operator's License will be reclassified as a Class 5.
* C& V" U! d5 Q  D$ n( v$ H, `, t: |& d3 u6 j: }
The requirements for a Class 4 Operator's License is slightly different. There is a special Class 4 knowledge test and vision test. Before you take your road test you must pick up a medical examination form to be completed by your doctor. The form is available at All Licenses Ltd.
: C) U2 P2 D" s3 N" m0 N      
' Q) C2 d) ^" A# M. b5 P2 ?( D# r! UReinstatements
1 ?# b# [- i, v. ~% |Drivers who have been previously licensed and are coming off suspension or drivers who are applying for a restricted or interlock license do not always need to pass another knowledge test.
' W; w0 `0 A5 W3 m7 |/ _$ k+ {. J4 S+ T
If you have any insurance concerns at this time you can discuss them with an insurance agent at our location.
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2010-9-4 15:41 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 annie66 于 2010-9-4 16:42 编辑 $ n7 j$ `! ~" I7 @: `1 k

" {1 S) [- U  V+ @; E+ QPrice List - GST included  (different registries may be different)
, Q* b# t3 _% I      
( M3 M$ G' F; ~5 ~* G1 T1 ]" GWritten Knowledge Test$ t  \# v- L% {( t) F
   $17.60 ; U) r, e  o: q/ d; t5 X4 I; w
' q  \  ^! ?+ d8 n: TOperator's License    $64.45 # ~( V' p! {: ]9 x2 ]& ]2 ~
. @( m+ j& q* l: nAny License Update or Replacement" N# J) L& g* L! y7 }4 l' O1 f, P6 z
   $22.45 ' g2 E: c+ @8 i5 `+ s7 I3 n4 V
      ' Z. y  a; B" {/ F! h" s* k
Reclassification of License   $22.45
/ j$ c: [4 F, F0 C& ?' _; }/ ^      ) @6 S6 n2 w# j# B: l
Class 5 Basic Road Test    $89.00 7 x4 G# G  a6 }- b2 @
2 r; j! v% O+ ?Class 5 Advanced Road Test
0 a+ ~, L/ B6 e2 F7 V' V   $144.65
  w" x) k+ Y) V9 P0 \8 ]      $ p7 P5 \, l. {  q: j4 ]
Class 6 Road Test    $144.65   S/ B$ B4 P7 h% O. v6 q; n
      " @: I, y" w8 r+ u! O
Class 2 or 3 or 4 Road Test # u  l! B% ~, T3 ]; L% D6 B1 g
   $144.65 , V& z# b2 ^8 ~* U: k9 j
4 ~; s; s6 l" y$ L2 \Class 1 Road Test   $203.45
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2010-9-4 15:41 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
Translators4 W  ?- ]' h2 S  O6 O# E  y1 u
If English is not your first language and you find you need a translator for the completion of your knowledge tests, here is a list of approved translators:
! W6 F( A! S7 V•Minister of Religion authorized under provincial law to perform marriages
7 m/ }, ]2 S+ D! J•Signing Officer of bank or trust company or full-time Manager of credit union : S+ l1 V" P6 u& }1 A* x7 B8 D
•Judge, Magistrate, Police Officer (R.C.M.P., Provincial or Municipal)
' j' k7 t4 ^/ U( {•Person occupying a senior university administrative position or teaching appointment in a university
( C- R: X' X, P6 t•Person occupying a senior administrative position in a community college (includes CEGEP)
+ E1 @1 O5 z9 r- I0 p•Principal of secondary or primary school
8 t7 z8 _4 E3 W: d+ z- @, R•Professional Accountant (member of C.A., C.M.A., C.G.A., A.P.A.)
7 z( \( C$ a) M3 m5 V•Professional Engineer (P. Eng., Eng. in Quebec)
( r3 T0 z  e! j: i: L/ S; u•Mayor 3 X# ?+ a$ u2 O! s( w8 N/ s
•Lawyer (member of a professional bar association) $ N, ~" p) g! g3 A7 g6 I+ v
•Notary Public + @' g1 G& e7 h! H% V
•Medical Doctor, Dentist, Chiropractor
2 [1 o" N8 V8 r& S* D•Postmaster
8 X- G- M" U" x0 T( i; c•Veterinarian
, y# ^5 g( l+ E9 U# OA staff member may also act as a translator.
( b4 i  O) o! e1 f0 B
1 S; ^: N. [! pPersons who are licensed driver instructors or authorized driver examiners may NOT act as translators.
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2010-9-4 15:43 | 显示全部楼层
Reinstatements! l: @5 K* S* r* W: m
Drivers who have been previously licensed and are coming off suspension or drivers who are applying for a restricted or interlock license do not always need to pass another knowledge test.
0 h6 r7 \* p. M9 A, e1 q$ V! P
9 r( `; V: s! }- ^If you have any insurance concerns at this time you can discuss them with an insurance agent at our location.
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2010-9-4 15:44 | 显示全部楼层
Licencing Information  
+ R. f9 @1 m, }6 i" q) x
# r7 l, b, v3 ~8 ?--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
" F$ p' h, Q& s% `) Q' `
; n& f/ c: h; D1 c' K9 TAlberta's Graduated Licensing System
* }3 b5 i' R! T) |  t! BPlease visit Alberta Transportation for complete information.
! a8 H6 i/ p: O/ u. Q0 S! T; z8 S( t7 U  1 U9 K0 B( s7 y: F. a/ u  k- O
Renewing an Operator's License % W, ?8 }( U1 V
Renewal forms for operator's licenses are generally mailed to clients four to six weeks before the expiry of the license. Renewals must be done in person. Only residents of Alberta are eligible to renew. Anyone 75 years or older is required to submit a medical report and have their vision checked. Medical reports are also required for holders of Class 1, 2, and 4 licenses and for all licenses with a condition code "C" endorsement. 1 L; J% O6 I+ u8 y6 Z. x7 S
      - N! b: ^# v- h( k! ^
Replacing a Lost or Stolen License" b2 g+ m9 R1 k/ _
If your license has been lost, stolen or destroyed, you may obtain a replacement license by visiting our office. You will be required to present two pieces of identification, preferably a Birth Certificate, Passport, Social Insurance Card, Credit Card, a recent T4 slip, your Current Tax Return or Tax Assessment. A signature and birthdate must be included in the pieces of ID you bring. For stolen licenses, you will need to bring in a police report along with above ID's.
! k# a8 b* D- L" L) U9 G! ]
; H3 D) J8 }  Q2 a8 O; ZIf you are unable to present any of these documents, a parent or spouse may attend the office with you. We will accept their identification on your behalf. In this case, you are required to present 3 of the following: a letter from your employer, rent receipts, utility bills or cancelled cheques.* y9 e+ S9 d) X; b" R- C
) h4 N* R. Y' P/ F5 O3 k

( ?$ p; I1 Q% W" ~: r      
4 ^6 [0 j0 h/ H+ U7 hExchanging a non-Alberta Operator's License; m. K* }& _5 f! Y) u0 k( z; c
A valid license from another Canadian jurisdiction can be exchanged for an equivalent class (Classes 1 through 7). Testing is not normally required, but a vision test and a medical are necessary when exchanging for a Class 1, 2 or 4 license.
% r. T3 `" w0 B- r5 @) X8 G. f! \
3 x& L7 a; J* A& h% YA valid license from an American jurisdiction can be exchanged for a Class 5, 6, or 7 license only. Residency requirements must be met before an Alberta license will be issued.  j& E% {5 Q; G* ~% Q4 I, N

! b4 d4 Z" ?" `' Z" O% ?: OAnyone coming from outside Canada and the United States is required to meet residency requirements and to undergo complete testing. Applicants exchanging a license from Austria, Belgium, France Germany, Japan, Korea, Switzerland, or United Kingdom will not be required to undergo testing because of our reciprocal licensing agreements with these countries.  7 b( S9 M7 C4 N$ Q7 @& G0 L# `
$ z5 o! V- t$ F/ v% o; _& NIdentification Card0 R$ a5 v6 ?" p
A photo identifienjoyedmontonal who is not the holder of a valid Alberta Operator's License. The card is clearly marked for identification purposes and does not entitle the person to operate a motor vehicle under any circumstances. To obtain an ID card the person must bring in two pieces of identification, one preferably a Birth Certificate. The minimum age is 14, and applicants under the age of 18 must provide parental consent.  
( l3 x7 ~  s  Q      
% l( M1 X( R. ?* G+ D5 x+ Q4 ^Driver's Abstracts! q' O/ h" y) {2 L
A Driver's Abstract shows your driving history for the previous 3, 5, or 10 years. You must apply in person or provide a letter of authorization for the person who will pick it up for you.
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2010-9-4 15:44 | 显示全部楼层
Price List - GST Included  
4 m( C/ ^5 [5 i$ \- XRenewal of an Operator's License   $64.45 4 w# N7 B" V; ]5 J0 W
+ C# J* e  |8 _; pReplacement License   $22.45
8 c% ?2 ?* W" ?" a. n/ B      . t" u5 l, ~0 s% O; X2 @9 u
Exchanging a non-Alberta Operator's License   $71.80
2 p* ~6 {7 w) I0 H/ P  R3 H      % O; t1 \& Q. C; g0 X
ID Card   $39.45
7 e( B; ]$ {; h3 L      # M# v; P0 r4 |- W, s
Driver's Abstract (3, 5 or 10 year)   $20.45
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2010-9-4 15:45 | 显示全部楼层
Useful Forms (the link)* s% C9 x* a4 J" N  {) i
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