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Mark Heisler 中美战历史意义重大 如湖人PK绿衫军

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发表于 2010-8-7 23:29 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
作者介绍:Mark Heisler,马克-海斯勒,《洛杉矶时报》著名记者,出生于伊利诺伊州斯宾菲尔,并就读于当地的伊利诺伊州大,同期同窗有我们熟悉的杰里-科朗格洛.毕业后从事新闻报道,为罗彻斯特、纽约和费城的报社工作过,在1979年转赴《洛杉矶时报》工作.2007年曾获得奈史密斯篮球名人堂颁发的科特-古迪奖.
' @0 B7 h: ~7 c2 C2 g(本文专供搜狐,请勿转载)% Y* c! {  a  {, U
Two months ago, the U.S. teamrs opener against China didnrt occasion much excitement among the Americans. There would be lots of Chinese fans rooting fot their team but the U.S. players had been in hostile arenas before.# a9 |, n2 @* |' P* |: O5 Q5 u7 ^
However, with the Americans in Macao and Shanghai before coming, they began to set a sense of just how important this single game was to China and how historic.
+ P; {6 s, y2 i5 E; b# p- yTo an outsider, it seemed as if all Chinars yearning in sports and all Chinars yearning to be acknowledged as a word power was attached to the single moment when Yao Ming would go onto the floor for the center jump with Dwight Howard.
5 y. j, e: u/ _) ^% lAnd what a minute it was. Carmelo Anthony fumbles a pass at one end, the Chinese get the ball, Yao is somehow left alone at the arcmhas anyone seen Mr. Dwight Howard?--and his shot does down!
/ h  b8 l3 P  c9 F2 j" c$ i  jChina 3, U.S. 0.# D3 z6 g- `9 C' k5 z* B
And thatrs only the start of the U.S. problems.7 H& W( \! H' q0 S7 `
China knocks down two more threes in its first seven possessions, taking an 11-7 lead.
$ L. {/ W- q4 V. u! I" ^7 y8 MWhen the U.S. comes back to retake the lead, moving it up to seven points and looking like itrs back in control, the Chinese hit them with another 9-1 run to tie it at 29.
" _; s+ O* C. r# s1 D1 ?At that point with Kobe Bryant off to a slow start, the best Laker on the floor was the newly signed Sun Yue, a 6-9, athletic Toni Kukoc-style forward who played point guard, held up under Bryantrs relentless defensive pressure, knocked down his first two three-pointers and scored all eight of points.. m. Q' ]/ k( G9 z2 |
Unfortunately, the U.S. players have learned this song.0 Z' I$ T5 N% {; x/ r( X
Sixteen years ago when the Dream Team meat an outclassed opponent like Angola... or China... the game was usually over in the first quarter.
  m" {! Q8 S, L- l% FFew teams at this level turn tail and run from the Americans any more. In the last two summers, this team has blown out almost every opponent (except for Argentia got within 15 at the Tournment of the Americas and Australia crept within 11 in a exhibition in Shanghai last week) but most have played the U.S. on even terms through the first period.- g) e, p$ Z# T4 X2 ?" h  i* l
By then Coach Mike Krzyzewski will have had his first team out, his second team in and his first team back in, which is when the opposing team starts to go, as the Chinese did.
# W, _5 }2 E' @! g& SWith 4:12 left in the half, Li Nan hit a three-pointer to keep China within 35-32mat that point the Chinese had made eight of their 12 three-pointers--but thatrs also when the lights went out.
  ?$ P+ F( S% n6 ]2 d  X; WThe Chinese cooled off, which will happen, going 2-15 from the arc the rest of the way,. The U.S. which had started 1-15 on threes, finished 6-9./ q& y& Z/ t! v
The U.S. outscored the Chinese, 63-38, the rest of the way and won by 31--which was actually a barnburner, compared to their first four Olympic meetings which the U.S. won by 48, 51, 63 and 47.6 d: C- r$ F2 B9 D! y. l
Noting the Chinese had stoof in there, the gallant Yao called it, "a treasure for my memory in my life."2 R- C/ D% {, d/ S
Of course,!往死里打!哈哈!, the difference of cultures showed dramatically in the post-game interview. According to their no-star system, the Chinese brought not Yao, Sun or Yi Jianlian (who had an awful game) but forward Zhu Fangyu.3 E$ e$ N, p+ E
Or maybe therers not such a big different after all. Coach Mike Krzyzewski who doesnrt have a star system either, didnrt bring Bryant, LeBron James or Dwyane Wade, the high scorer wqith 19 points, but backup center Chris Bosh.
- D* A) U8 q/ z7 Z2 r& A4 AWith all the languages spoken by all the press people, the post-game press conference was a show of its own,传奇私服, with one asking Krzyzewski, "Coach K, what did you do to get all the players to kill their own super egos?"
! ~3 v3 ^, |+ p5 ?8 O! U% _/ U"Well, Irm going to tell you said they had super egos," said Krzyzewski. "I donrt think they think that but they do think theyrre very good players. "Our players have been magnificent....
6 Q# \% @3 M: ?, g0 z"Itrs been easy for me. I havenrt had to destroy or kill anything."5 G6 t3 `. E! A: W$ \. L
Then there was the press person who noted the presence of the Pres. George Bush,救市无良方  哈珀新政令人哭笑不得, the billion viewers on TV, asking if this wasnrt "the mother of all games?"
- Z0 c' X6 a! s: R' I2 J1 `3 rOf course, to get a billion viewers, more than 80% of Chinars total population of 1.3 billion would have had to be watching on TV.
  ~7 e* y, W+ a) ROn the other hand, with Beijing turning into a ghost town Saturday with the streets empty and everyone inside watching the Opening Ceremonies on TV, who knows?
6 R, N: I; [. j$ W% {. ?However many watched, in China or around the world, it was a watershed game. Now to see where the teams go from here.9 ?; I' D, ]8 C  m
The U.S. team carries massive expectations to win here, or as Kobe Bryant put it when asked what would happen if they lose, "I wonrt be able to go home again."8 y+ z! K  t- D& y& U# y0 E$ i
He was joking, of course.
" l( i- O5 H* L- v7 nChinars program which has made astounding progress, seeing where it came frommDel Harris who coached the team at Athens said when he arrived, the team practiced for six hours, did military-style calisthenics and trained for endurance not speedmit still has a long way to go but itrs getting there.
/ C/ ]* O$ E  G+ ~To see someone as athletic as Yue, playing out on the floor and holding his own with Bryant hounding him, is to see how fast the Chinese are coming.0 o8 ]3 I; t' v' g: k4 g" ?
The rise of the international teams from Europe and South America came as shocks to the U.S., which expected to dominate for decades to come.
2 y; ^" B# W; xThe rise of China will not be a shock, not with 1.3 billion people and the progress it has made. As Krzyzewski said the other day, "They have too many resources."3 @5 X* Q& ~6 }( X3 P
Like the Lakers and Celtics who played in the NBA Finals for their first seven times from 1957-1969, all of which the Lakers lost, this isnrt a rivalry yet but that day may still come.7 _6 ?/ x. v/ B! Z
1 Y" [) h+ }' V% [' }* S两个月前,美国男篮和中国的揭幕战并没有让美国人感到有多少兴奋之情.因为届时将会有很多东道主球迷为中国加油,而美国球员会身处在充满敌意的球馆之中.2 j* u1 O9 u' u  X5 w7 z
' D/ h) s, L' W- o. ~一场无望取胜的比赛,在姚明和德怀特-霍华德跳球的那一瞬间,仿佛承载了中国对体育所有的期望和作为一个世界强国被承认的期望.& r6 ]7 h) p: e* I1 \
, p" ~3 H& P* ^0 O中国3-0美国.
' S2 H" _' I& l0 x* I而且这只是美国问题的开局.中国队随后又命中两记3分,取得11-7的领先.美国人重整旗鼓追上比分并将领先优势扩大到7分,看似已经控制住了局面,但中国队回敬一波9-1的攻势在第二节又将比分扳成29平.
  K  E& ^8 c2 Q% R* [期间,科比率先摆脱了慢热的感觉,湖人最好的球星在场上和湖人新签下的孙悦对位,6英尺9寸的孙悦是库科奇类型的前锋,却打着控卫的位置,面对科比无情的压迫防守,孙悦依然投中了两记3分,不知是从何时开始,取下了其全场得到的全部8分.
2 m# F+ i4 R# H. E! v6 N7 Z不幸的是,美国已经学会了如何处理这样的形势.$ w5 i5 z7 a- Y4 h/ ]% y# A
* ]6 k$ h: C2 Z$ Z5 V! L然后老K主帅换下他的第一套阵容,将二队换上,中国男篮也不得不换上替补应战了.上半场此时还剩下4分12秒,李楠的3分球让中国得以32-35咬住比分,这也是中国男篮前12次3分球第8次命中,但他们的能量似乎就此耗尽.% I( t) U5 ]! P5 O2 }  |& I" o  G
中国队手感凉了下来,之后在3分线外15投2中,而美国队3分球在最初15投1中后,剩余的比赛中9投6中." a) I, U9 z5 r  B* s
美国男篮很快用一波高潮63-38奠定胜局,并最终赢下中国31分,对比之前4次在奥运会上和美国的交锋历史相比分别输掉的48分、51分、63分和47分,这确实是中国男篮破釜沉舟的一次./ z9 d! H/ O* V; J. v2 d
英勇作战的姚明称这场比赛是"生命中一次宝贵的记忆".# \: t' n7 a2 f' E
. g8 p0 W0 [' A; B. D毕竟朱芳雨得到了中国次高的分数还不算大的噱头,而老K教练也没有带他的明星,周润发亿万家产的惊人去向,陪他参加新闻发布会的不是科比、詹姆斯或者拿下全场最高的19分的韦德,而是替补中锋波什.
+ z) I2 G, J% C( q" p0 X( ?. k发布会上记者操着各国的语言相继发问,其中一个记者问老K主帅:"K教练,在消除手下球员的超级自负感上你做过什么?"+ W$ h4 K* W0 ]! g% `
! T, }' ^5 N* B: U! E' r然后有人提及现场观战的美国总统小布什和电视机前的10亿观众,问这是否是"所有比赛之源"?
; m3 s: G3 M. m8 [当然,10亿观众超过了中国13亿人口的80%.从另一角度看,开幕式的晚上北京街巷无人,都在家里的电视机前看开幕式呢,知道吗?
% X  c/ A7 ]: J然而,无论中国或世界上有多少人看了这场比赛,这都是一场分水岭式的比赛,现在看看这支球队从这里开始将走多远吧./ W' F: H" a0 c- h# f) P
: Y+ A" [& F9 J- d$ a5 b当然,他是开玩笑了.
/ q1 q) k) J2 \3 j; T: G中国男篮也取得了令人震惊的进步,看看他们是怎样走过来的mm德文-哈里斯执教这支球队参加雅典奥运会时说,当他到任的时候,中国男篮每天训练6小时,采取军事化训练,针对耐力而非速度进行训练,这支球队仍有很长的路要走,但将会实现目的的.
' j* k2 I: M" g0 S0 \( T! b只看孙悦一个人,在面对科比不断骚扰的防守下,他仍出色完成了自己的表演,就能看出中国篮球的进步有多快.
+ o8 b) F! d* S0 x2 m欧洲和南美的一些国际球队的进步让美国感到震惊,他们本来还曾盼望能在未来十年继续统治世界篮坛.# H! A! I0 P$ `( }4 r+ L
* x$ z4 f' d) N7 B) J正如湖人和凯尔特人从1957-69年间的7次在NBA总决赛相遇,湖人从未赢过一场,这不能称之为势均力敌的对抗,但那一天可能终究会来的.(搜狐体育 风华)
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