二手汽车 老柳教车

埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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Lease Take Over - 2010 Toyota Corolla CE with Enhanced Convenience Package

鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-8-4 10:47 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 monster84 于 2010-8-4 11:50 编辑 2 Z0 d& a! X/ [

& T0 _8 x! F" J& fHi everyone,  a: R5 M2 v7 m2 m1 k
5 }: u. f" c+ U3 S5 {
Sorry can't type Chinese right now, will update the content later when I get home.
. R5 a0 j+ `' g0 F' @6 E: b  u& l  D) _' x( N3 _+ R" M$ u& y
I have a leased 2010 Toyota Corolla that I am currently looking for someone to take it over. $700 cash incentive is offered.
- F* ]" q) j& S: b* x3 n$ h9 X: x( z4 \$ w1 t# ~; \; ~- }
The car has been used for just over 11 months with extreme care and the odometer reads about 15300km currently. 24,000km mileage allowance per year. 36 months left, monthly payment is $308 including tax and the buyout amount is $9,188.. v3 M2 X$ E. z( ?% }) f+ ]
! ?( R7 I, J+ @. T4 u
The car is well equipped with the enhanced convenience package and it comes with remote starter. 0 i& N  S( X- G- q" y) i

0 r1 F/ G9 N9 D- xPlease give me a call at 780-9385357 or email me at yulong_z84@hotmail.com if you are interested in viewing it. The car is also listed on LeaseBusters.com, please feel free to check out the Ad for more details (photos inside). n0 t- n9 Y% w
2 N! l+ m5 z  ~% E
- w, D2 j* t3 \# ?5 k  D! BThanks
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2010-8-4 19:42 | 显示全部楼层
2 @* ?9 Y, N# g- W4 V, M5 B, M  D& P, E# ?5 `
找人接手一部2010款的Corolla CE, 加了最高的Enhanced Convenience Package, 远程启动,以及5年的extended warranty.  每年24000公里,目前车子使用了11个多月只跑了15300公里,基本就是上下班代步用。8000公里时做过第一次保养,平时也保护得非常好,二手车市场上这样成色的车不多见。' P% |$ J* P' c( i+ M

2 r' ?! z; Q" J6 G+ |, W: O3 u0 J车子距leasing期结束还有36个月,每个月税后308块。三年后可以选择把车直接退还给车行,或者买下来, Buyout价格是税前9188块。我个人提供700块钱的现金优惠,当然这个还是可以商量。 而且我已经付了500块的首期,还得到了额外的500块新毕业生优惠,因此如果价格方面还是很不错的。! d" l/ r) j! U8 G# x# r
3 T  o( Z5 o7 w% O4 x1 i+ U
我的车在著名的二手车转手中介网站Lease Busters上也有登广告,链接是:& P% ~$ X; U, X1 a' ~
http://leasebusters.com/en/details.asp?Id=102180 ; Z4 [, I" a( a, p( I; f0 Q
5 O* M: j) O! c& t2 \2 ~0 @, B
- _" U+ W$ H* ]7 [( x有兴趣的朋友可以打电话给我约时间和地点看车。我的手机号码是(780)9385357。
" E8 g- n$ |, J谢谢大家!
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-8-5 11:45 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2010-8-8 17:26 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
决定增加优惠到1500块钱,诚心寻找愿意接手的朋友。! x& ?6 V" N, E
' h! J" ~( A& B2 i6 |" e; A有意向购买Corolla的朋友可以认真考虑一下我的Offer, 不错的机会。
1 h3 t8 h) e: ]9 O7 S: k! u4 L有意向看车的话请联系我(780)938-5357或email: yulong_z84@hotmail.com
1 A7 V% o1 K9 I& c! B- Q
9 J6 G* ~8 k& y6 `+ g; `' x谢谢
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-8-15 18:02 | 显示全部楼层
如有要take over手续时怎么样?一共要付多少钱
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