I plan to register PA1 this term, if you would like to chat CGA stuff on these PA courses, 6 ?$ ]# M J3 G2 S O- D- N: I2 ^8 {. Y9 w, y5 `& _: n4 ` h
you could add my msn: maggie_ma77@hotmail.com- ]: D/ H. s7 @8 n
, e" V/ `, g7 a( I
good luck!
3#Chopin 3 ]4 R& A$ d; U, Y- j) @ ~# _. o' g8 O9 E" b
Hi Chopin, I just passed PA1, and i would like to register PA2 this term. You can reach me at lli@pcl.com, good luck to all of us!