鲜花( 0)  鸡蛋( 0)
/ Cast [help] Prayer of Mending (Rank 1); Vampiric Embrace / cast [help] recovery (grade 12); mental control (Level 3) 1 M4 t* ^* b* T: o$ C9 z
/ cast [help] Flash Heal (Rank 9); Mana Burn (Level 7)
, x. l( \1 ?% c- d3 h / cast [help] Power Word: Shield (Rank 12); Shadow Word: Pain (Rank 1)
% h* W3 `5 J, U y / cast [target = string of medium Koga] Dispel Magic 9 }& ?$ m- R: ~0 q9 S: Z0 b% o- |( a
/ cast [help] Prayer of Healing (Rank 6); Smite (level 10)
6 f. c/ q1 m6 A6 H1 H -------------- * {- Y/ x: m& A2 u' ]) ^( i) A
/ stopcasting
, M2 C, K5 y+ c/ J4 K# q / cast Mass Dispel 1 F' W H: v; V# O
------------- 3 \2 I# G+ ]2 C. w, @ S! s& W i
/ cast Inner Focus + U+ k% s' K8 M, L* Y( ^
/ StopCasting 9 s* O T1 ^9 A- w* r3 p7 P( ?
/ cast Devouring Plague (Rank 7)
- E( J8 i! d( C2 X+ g6 C ---------- - 0 h! l- p+ b! u+ j* S3 P% ~& l
/ cast [help] Prayer of Healing (Rank 6); Mind Flay (Rank 7) + a% g( J" p& R
---------- 7 z2 k1 z9 U" P+ e
/ cast [help] Flash Heal; [target = targettarget, help] Flash Heal; [target = player] Flash Heal / |4 o0 D1 \: p0 _, {" G
If it is friendly to increase the blood, not give him a friendly target plus blood, no goal to add more blood S) l& [3 |+ F0 ^' D/ v! N
Ibid have quick treatment Introduction to restore healing shield
; {* r- c/ V0 p# \7 \$ V7 G ------------------ 0 X4 s1 A/ `! c3 J, M. u
/ TAR Sange ; Z0 H# z6 J. U: v+ g% E
/ CAST [target = targettarget] Dispel Magic (Rank 2) 9 W! n' D! w' v
disperse the fighters target # ?7 q7 d4 i, Z6 ?
-------------- h+ |/ ^: z. j9 D" z9 t2 l4 R
/ CAST [target = Grandma days] Power Infusion 4 T: [: k8 r- S, ? x% D# O
perfusion SM 0 v1 N. {, T& I. Q/ `; ]
-------- ----- ! t$ a9 P! D. n
/ TAR Sange 8 `0 b& W3 T- U! y1 H( |2 a1 R3 u
/ CAST [target = targettarget] Shadow Word: Extinction (Level 2)
* y7 B/ D7 ?% ?2 k( N% b( @. K- k& H soldiers off target (usually used to set the fire or break like blind sheep)
0 v4 J. Y; `8 p + m5 D4 y: H/ x. f. R
* c3 O: U, Q1 R% Q q/ F 1 u9 d$ L. U! r( u
WAR3 1 T5 T. N& J9 H1 C4 ] O+ P
VS platform
0 i; V+ z6 O' J7 |3 G4 i) p! v4 ^ http://game.vsa.com.cn/starcraft/jsp/comm/down.html ! s) z) f, f9 Z, l5 t+ W
VS crowded room # H- n+ t, s% o) g4 w
: `7 c. T$ b' l% H: h2 b keyboard changes
1 o+ R! j' l! t6 N! y$ [+ [ http://www.1jian1.com/attachments/month_0711/d200711915440.rar |