Originally posted by nanjing at 2005-9-19 06:47 PM: - b( e" Z/ R2 E0 ~1 F3 [楼主问的流量限制,不是问带宽限制, + E7 j+ H H" s4 h+ B* D * C' \+ o Y8 F. e, }2 s9 ^. e好像没听说shaw和telus有流量限制,家庭的宽带难到有流量限制?0 I2 [) k2 H! @6 ~" T8 x( `; X+ N; H
Originally posted by 又见清风 at 2005-9-19 05:58 PM: 5 [8 K, C. m% Y. b4 A & |3 p2 l9 B" J8 L* ~ ' z$ B( Y- E. i& Hshaw 的full speed internet,每个月50G。 如果你不是24小时当电影电视,应该用不完。
Originally posted by 枫叶移民接待站 at 2005-9-19 09:35 PM:( h$ f) h/ i! V
L2 p3 s. G% Y7 b6 J4 \& }% ]2 |0 c% m$ O/ [8 |' a7 V" P j
9 W( D$ C' s* r4 d) P
haha,我是80G硬盘两个, 外加一个160G外置硬盘, 还有一堆dvd可以burn, 还是不够用啊。 老哥,你那个40G就早该升级啦!!
Originally posted by 小李飞刀 at 2005-9-19 09:58 PM:$ r6 F& @& d# U2 N6 y+ x+ W
' Y6 Q& y6 ~- i) V
清风,有什么好的BT网站吗? ! G- B+ O( V4 ^- y' j% G& Y, ]: {内容新、速度快的。+ z+ t! P0 N/ m X1 t
In computer networks, a DMZ (demilitarized zone) is a computer host or small network inserted as a "neutral zone" between a company's private network and the outside public network. It prevents outside users from getting direct access to a server that has company data. (The term comes from the geographic buffer zone that was set up between North Korea and South Korea following the UN "police action" in the early 1950s.) A DMZ is an optional and more secure approach to a firewall and effectively acts as a proxy server as well.