走保险 BUT " Z) k+ f# h$ _* K+ a$ a : P9 f! v i$ Plet insurance company handle it, BUT tell them you will pay back the full cost to insurance company- _6 K/ U. V0 D6 f3 x- R' F1 k% |
4 K7 c; b: \8 `# I( a3 ^ ]this way , you wont need to worry about paying more than needed, and ur insurance premium wont do up either
走保险 BUT 1 u ^1 Z; W C & Y; M9 j o ^( flet insurance company handle it, BUT tell them you will pay back the full cost to insurance company5 g5 L0 c8 x2 ?# l5 L( Y# Y
, Z3 q6 ~+ o+ B2 l
this way , you wont need to worry about paying more than needed, and ur insurance p ..." c' Y+ y5 B0 s( q2 Y2 U
不要命不要命 发表于 2010-5-13 16:20
! G- s' c# n7 T$ n& IIt is your thought or the real deal?
% `5 N+ b' [4 Y9 c* z C
他走保险,不一定是用新的,那要看他是哪一年的车了,保险公司会根据年限,选择用after market还是remanufucture或者是used part,不是他想用新的就能用新的阿。保险公司对赔付绝对是比你自己掏钱修要省钱的,但是你的保险来年肯定要涨。我从来没看到third party pay 比insurance pay便宜的。