9 v6 A9 p1 \& R/ W: X: Rthat does make sence. It shouldn't be too hard to learn how to drive. But it all depends on the individual. I have seen many kids from high school taking classes. They progress a lot faster than the most of us. Why? they have been driving with their parents for a couple of year. Coming to driving school is just to get a more appraporate instruction for the test. 4 x' H5 J/ W p# W% H- B& V5 v! q' ~, n( `; P+ x
我也是华人教练。 越来越多的教练来自大陆, 情况会有改变的。 很多新移民英语说不好,其实他们选择的范围也不多。 互相理解把。 / Z. f' g/ d% e# Q" `现在价格一般在650 左右,不会有刚才那位兄弟说的300多的。 否则早被大家挤出去了。