鲜花( 0)  鸡蛋( 0)
大家好,这个Triple Play的计划有稍微的更改,针对INTERNET网速慢的诟病,从即日起我们UPGRADE网速到5-15兆了。以下计划在Mar 1之前有效。DEAL具体如下:
5 D% U7 f8 z8 _, h2 xTriple Play (best seller):+ a1 B; U, \4 @4 j5 R
* ~3 b# M" s+ b5 R7 R6 R3 ]! J. vPhone Line (free Call Display+ Long Distance Great Rate: 4cents/min) + High Speed Plus Internet+ TV (76 essential chanels+ free HD channels)= $49/mo 基本计划。
: z$ t; b! K% G: l6 n) F) h2 g) L9 P7 ^: E% w! H
Phone Line (free Call Display+ Long Distance Great Rate:4cents/min) + High Speed Plus Internet+ TV (Watch A Bunch, 108 chanels)= $66/mo.. S7 n. ?+ K. \( t
5 K+ Q" N4 J2 Y, A/ i( T5 s% k) ^8 yPhone Line (free Call Display+ Long Distance Great Rate: 4cents/min) + High Speed Plus Internet + TV (Watch A Lot, 148 chanels)= $80/mo.
+ j1 e) h8 h% y9 N
* z' R2 w3 g% d( |+ b1 O*以上只针对新客户或者从其它公司转过来的用户,如从其他公司转过来的客户可以保留原有号码;如果选择新号码有$50块REBATE;可加打中国无线$10.
; \4 b1 Y4 w# |8 n6 B* o**以上均是一年和约.如果不想签也可,在每个Bundle Price 基础上各加$5 的TV digital box的rental fee. Need to prequalify.+ ~5 @) ]. |7 h& V0 ? F2 h3 u
' M1 m/ }8 z0 Y& K
对于只有TELUS电话的用户或新用户只要TV&INTERNET的DEAL 如下:, v; k$ k, Y- P; S: }
8 x. f% r4 M, c, ]
High Speed Plus Internet+ TV (76 essential chanels+ free HD channels)= $43/mo. For single house with 1 year term. 1 month free.: n# m' u- B9 ?" }, y! D
1 g7 u$ a" J: B ~9 p
High Speed Plus Internet+ TV (76 essential chanels+ free HD channels)= $38/mo. For dulpex, fourplex, apartment and townhouse, etc with 1 year term. 1 month free.
# q: S, c/ O. Z9 ?: m( o, _8 ~
+ ^5 z, j' H$ s0 B* X, T$ a1 I对于只想要电话跟INTERNET的用户:! i- e. E/ s& z0 |( s8 d
Phone Line (free Call Display+ Long Distance Great Rate: 4cents/min) + High Speed Plus Internet=$36/mo. 无合约。
, |# o/ ]* [- w1 O A; P0 U4 I
" A: h% V; o3 z对于只有TELUS电话的用户跟新用户只要INTERNET的DEAL 如下:
7 q& I B$ N( @0 a& }, s, V8 n6 nHigh Speed Internet= $20/mo for 1st 6 month; $35 after. 无合约。7 n# D) a9 S. I6 t, D0 R: n
. K G: P8 j( x: t8 y对于只有TELUS电话跟INTERNET的用户,或者只有TELUS INTERNET的用户,想加TV的DEAL如下:4 t0 L t: k8 z$ i% G
OPTION 1: Free for first 6 months; $23 thereafter. 1 free Digital box For 2 year term.) y3 a6 z R5 L( ^7 @7 b" ~6 Q; g
' u1 w/ Q7 `9 |2 [. U+ A
OPTION 3: Free for first 12 months; $ 23 thereafter. 1 free PVR box( or 1 free HD box). For 3 year term.
! u" P4 v4 q* x
. Z# N% j4 H+ }# y* C* W5 w您也可以选择2,3年的电视跟INTERNET的DEAL,具体如下:
" a" ]& u1 L) S( Z
3 k# S& g7 ^# l1 p1 kHigh Speed Plus Internet+ TV (76 essential chanels+ free HD channels)=$20 for first 6 months; $43 for next 6 months; $53 remaining. For 2 year deal.
) @2 D2 Q8 |3 \! A% W
+ n% o( a' F1 w( Z8 F1 c# lHigh Speed Plus Internet+ TV (76 essential chanels+ free HD channels)=$20 for first 12 months; $53 for remaining. For 3 year deal.
1 a# s4 J4 F4 R: X# D5 o8 s3 ]
# q; ^; A. c1 J/ P4 r$ Q如果您有任何疑问,详情请致电本人。所有Alberta的用户只要您住址有TELUS SERVICE我都可帮您申请。如果大家感兴趣,CALL ME AT 403-990-0950,如果您在CALGARY之外的城市,请打免费电话1-888-808-8092 。如果我没有接电话, 请留下您的手机号码或家里座机,不要留单位电话,以方便我尽快给您回电。
! _8 ]1 ^) R; I& q****Limited time offer and conditons apply.(恳请斑竹不要移贴,谢谢。) |