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Official patch description has been updated again with some additional changes. Reference Blizzard staffDungeons and attacks Heroes of the dungeon, and now the daily rewards the pursuit of victory and two szstnxlmx graphic signs daily dungeon quest will reward a symbol of conquest. Paladin Cheap wow gold buy wow power leveling aion aion power leveling I see this principal all over as I go through my day. I see rims on car wheels that cost upwards of $500,aion power leveling just for a little bit of decoration on a vehicle. I see people spend four aion power leveling or five dollars for a cup of coffee, hundreds of dollars for cell phones that they almost never use,aion power leveling thousands of dollars on huge television sets that they almost never watch.aion power leveling All around us are ads and commercials that keep us wanting to buy things that keep us dissatisfied with the way things are, and those ads and commercials are trying to convince us that if we just buy some more stuff--no matter what the cost--we'll be happier and more content. Sealing Sealing revenge and corruption: these seals has been re-designed to cope with more damage, so you do not need a lot of WoW Gold Hufei to repair. Now, once the Cavaliers had five from his or her goal, these seals, a copy of the negative state, each swing would deal with knights of the holy 33% weapon damage, and take double damage fatal blow. In addition, the damaging effects of time are now considered melee attacks instead of magic attacks, the effect of these seals can only be triggered by the auto-attack and hammer of justice. User Interface Casting bars under the target frame, focus frame, and nameplates will now display as shielded if the cast cannot be interrupted. New Feature Icons: Options recently added to any of the options menus will now display a yellow exclamation point next to them to indicate that they are new features. Blue posts Quote from Blizzard staffPvP Healing If you are a healer, you are often going to be a target. You aren't designed to be able to totally fend off every attack while keeping everyone alive.This thread reads a little like "Healing is hard" (which is true), "and often unappreciated" (which is true), "and therefore healers should be really hard to counter and otherwise deal with." That last part is where you lose me. If healing can't be stopped or countered, then nobody dies until you run out of mana. If every PvP encounter becomes a mana drain race we don't think it will be very fun. If PvE encounters never challenge healers then you'll get lots of accolades, but probably also be pretty bored. (Source) Paladin Seal of Vengeance / Corruption and Ret DPS Only white attacks can stack the Sea of Vengeance / Corruption dot. However special abilities should still trigger the bonus weapon damage. I'm not sure the current PTR build you have reflects that last bit.The goal was not to nerf Ret for PvE. We do want the ramp up time to be significant for PvE or it won't solve the PvP problem we're trying to fix. However, once you get the stack up, your damage should be pretty decent. On very short kills (say trash or something like Thorim arena) you won't be able to get the full benefit from the dot, but any class with a finishing move typically loses that damage as well. Balance is important for both short and long fights, but it's normal to use different rotations or abilities for those two extremes. (In other words, we're okay with a long ramp up time for this ability.) We will continue to monitor Ret numbers coming out of the PTR and even once the patch goes live and make changes if necessary. (Source) 2 C, n) {5 y) ^/ u; D
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