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[更新]WinRAR 3.92 Beta 1 / 3.91 Final

鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2010-1-24 18:57 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
流行好用的压缩工具,支持鼠标拖放及外壳扩展,完美支持 ZIP 档案,内置程序可以解开 CAB、ARJ、LZH、TAR、GZ、ACE、UUE、BZ2、JAR、ISO 等多种类型的压缩文件;具有估计压缩功能,你可以在压缩文件之前得到用 ZIP 和 RAR 两种压缩工具各三种压缩方式下的大概压缩率;具有历史记录和收藏夹功能;压缩率相当高,而资源占用相对较少、固定压缩、多媒体压缩和多卷自释放压缩是大多 压缩工具所不具备的;使用非常简单方便,配置选项不多,仅在资源管理器中就可以完成你想做的工作;对于ZIP 和 RAR 的自释放档案文件( DOS 和 WINDOWS 格式均可),点击属性就可以轻易知道此文件的压缩属性,如果有注释,还能在属性中查看其内容。' _! N7 B! M% L# X1 N

' y8 E7 ~- B, G6 D3 u下载:WinRAR 3.91 Final x32 (1.31 MB)5 F/ `3 \9 z- Q; o% S+ Y
8 K3 \' X" e+ [; V, M
下载:WinRAR 3.91 Final x64 (1.45 MB)
1 B, M1 `9 f/ Y
1 l% D$ `$ b3 O$ _下载:RAR 3.91 Final for Linux (812 KB)! g+ x( @! J$ J( Q7 U8 Y
7 V0 q( C) w+ D$ j8 ^4 X- n) V) c
下载:RAR 3.91 Final for Mac OS X (617 KB)
) o% c% B: J9 T( }4 N' i& l& l. ^
* t/ p% N% U: f- K1 Z0 }6 b. F下载:WinRAR 3.92 Beta 1 x32 (1.31 MB)% ^  P( s( h6 X9 T! [4 f
& ?, [) O" e5 C6 A( t. U: ]. z( ]
下载:WinRAR 3.92 Beta 1 x64 (1.45 MB)
9 J6 d0 k0 V8 E5 Q7 [/ M3 P/ y* y& n5 `# F
下载:RAR 3.92 Beta 1 for Linux (812 KB), ^$ p' ]* B/ }8 i& W

2 f2 {  U, B( b下载:RAR 3.92 Beta 1 for Mac OS X (617 KB)' }. p8 j  |+ f+ ?0 `: `; p- {

- [3 q2 A; ^6 h/ XWinRAR 3.91 Final:
$ ?' l3 A( y5 V& j4 e3 s" @+ Q# Y/ @% Z
1. This version can decompress 7-Zip archives created with LZMA2 algorithm.
2 ^5 D5 c  T3 |# E- l
1 @9 Q. h+ c3 T* z- s# Z0 B2 Z2. Now a password is requested only once when unpacking 7z archives with encrypted file names from context menu. WinRAR 3.90 asked it twice.
4 U  f- S5 R' h
- O$ i, H- F1 f% ]3. This version can unpack tar.bz2 archives consisting of several smaller bz2 streams merged together. Previous versions unpacked only the first nested bz2 stream in such composite archive.' N$ b& f1 x0 u6 R; p4 ^

; ?: Q) \0 f) M$ I3 K+ Z4. WinRAR displays CRC32 of files inside of usual .gz (not .tar.gz) archives. Previous versions left this field blank for GZIP files.
9 l4 K' Z# j) G. b- ~6 f' |' C: O6 z$ w" E" B" Z& w
5. Bugs fixed:& @$ n' ]' k9 ~

4 u. F( N! i/ b* xa) WinRAR 3.90 displayed "Save" button instead of "Open" or "OK" in "Find archive" dialog ("Open archive" command in "File" menu and "Browse..." command in archiving dialog);
, k! L, i$ ~& g1 N9 v
7 F. B# h9 v' ?& p# R8 zb) WinRAR could display incorrect file names when browsing malformed ZIP archives;5 K& Z' `! c8 J# n: j9 K* ^: |/ z* w

1 b5 p0 x6 \3 x2 R. z/ q6 f' Xc) WinRAR 3.90 failed to decompress LZH archives created with "-lh7-" algorithm;
) b" N. z% M- X$ M* E, _
7 {3 g! x6 h3 N6 e+ ^& R& Z) u+ ed) WinRAR 3.90 could fail to delete a part of eve money after archiving if delete to Recycle Bin was enabled. This bug was present when working in Windows XP, but not in Windows Vista and Windows 7;2 x7 B" b; e% q0 x6 a; N
5 ?; _/ `5 j# h4 u2 k  G- e
e) when unpacking ISO file using WinRAR "Extract files..." command in Explorer context menu, WinRAR could unpack same archived files twice during the same operation. It displayed the overwrite prompt when unpacking files for the second time;
3 P7 e; d8 G$ w2 s0 @0 k& h; w9 B! d  T/ Y( u: y
f) hexadecimal search in WinRAR 3.90 "Find" command and console RAR "ih" command failed to find matches if first byte in search string was greater than 127.% [) a" h+ `2 r
& y8 ]2 _! O( K% ]/ H4 p  S
WinRAR 3.92 Beta 1:. b9 H- ?" t  V$ _; m: B9 [

( I7 m  H8 j8 N" u- @+ G1. If you start WinRAR command from Explorer context menu in multiple monitor configuration, the command dialog will be displayed on the same monitor as context menu. In previous versions it was always displayed on primary monitor.+ e- x' f% _0 A! I; d
$ \/ x3 B& [+ t/ p  v0 z
2. WinRAR "Compress and email..." context menu command adds the archive name to email subject. Previous versions left the subject blank.
3 f% ]) p: v$ n; z0 o
1 E' v2 q! \3 t( k, }5 o! L3. In RAR 3.91 -x switch could also exclude folders from archiving even if mask contained wilcard characters and did not contain a path. For example, -x*. excluded all those folders, which do not have the extension in the name. Now -x switch uses RAR 3.80 approach for masks without path, excluding folders only if mask does not contain wildcards and matches the folder name exactly.
0 L1 z- C% v# m* {8 P/ t
/ e1 Y% ~3 [9 V) k  g4. Bugs fixed:
# P5 ?; C  P! l4 D& E3 E' `  P* g; @8 D* ?5 \* L4 f
a) WinRAR 3.91 reported the incorrect "Unexpected end of archive" error, when opening an empty ZIP archive created with "New WinRAR ZIP archive" context menu command;
; k2 y' [" |1 K8 e; t
8 x1 L6 R/ `4 F  u5 c' xb) if "Delete archive" option was enabled when unpacking several ZIP archives and if one of archives was damaged, WinRAR did not delete archives after the damaged one, even if they were unpacked successfully;! q; {6 {) h6 f; l

, S9 I5 z2 W# \c) if file matched two different masks in RarFiles.lst, WinRAR could select the last match. Normally, if neither of masks is a subset of another, the first match must be chosen.
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