鲜花( 0)  鸡蛋( 0)
For example, a healer seeking Major Healing,cheap wow gold, or a meleer seeking Mongoose, will know the materials, and gather them. Each time they replace their respective weapons, back into trade they will go to request the enchant.( N6 Q h- R( T9 ?8 G
( u. g7 H; U. p8 j" F, R# W. L# B. Y; u9 w- q$ y) N# c, m
. j9 u( }( l. b' A
Today, Insider Trader ugg presents a list of some of the most requested enchants with information about how to obtain them so that you can offer them to friends, guildmates, and your server.' m3 _* J/ x4 y$ i% ~
, a3 }$ y& U# D5 B! a: ~
, ~: d2 @$ |9 h! f( z* R# H. l @
$ a7 U9 {. T, ~* r! g/ t% t" M3 nIt is by no means a complete list, but it will get you off to a shining start and provide you with quite a to-do list. Check out the comments section for helpful details as well.& U7 @) O/ r! S: g. c. b& d
' a1 h. G+ m9 _: u& W& u6 D1 h5 x7 s( c$ }0 ], h
8 @, f$ q( y: W8 QDrop rate data was gathered from the Armory, and Blizzard uses ranges such as Very Low (1-2%). This is narrowed down with data from Wowhead where appropriate, but keep in mind that some bind on pick-up recipes can only be seen by enchanters, and Wowhead cannot filter out that data, making their estimate much lower than the actual drop rate.! @" e2 A# x1 l$ M2 n2 B
8 `# ~8 F- x$ U2 i2 i3 H/ `1 L7 T
+ Z; G9 j$ {: P9 E" S6 F
) }. z: J' N# W( d" O+ `In the next couple of weeks, I'll be working on the faction recipes series, focusing on enchanting, so stay tuned.
0 Y& V) G/ o0 M* P; g0 p, H* E( A- B0 P
& j, k" y& }4 m
# h2 G0 }0 }3 n- W# Y( c: J6 tMongoose
t$ q: ^0 h6 H! l! u. d
7 i. o/ Z* F+ |If you'd like to be able to offer [Enchant Weapon - Mongoose] to the masses, you'll have to start farming Karazhan. This drops from Moroes, at a rate between 3 and 14%. It is of course, bind on pick-up., u) A) J7 M) m g- Z: G5 c& H8 f
$ v$ T. L2 k" q* H( K) _7 o
8 F+ d* K* I/ i2 ]
2 P8 m3 f1 E% d+ Y' y* e
While the drop rate doesn't sound too bad, keep in mind that you can really only kill Moroes once per week, and that is if you buy wow gold are geared and can land a solid, standing raid spot with a guild that has Karazhan on farm, and does indeed clear it each week.
+ w" v7 g- C0 x' c+ ]! z
. a R! ]! B9 V" y: c! U/ I' U* _3 [: q
% e& A* Q) F2 e: @8 w7 g5 [Check out our Gearing For Kara Guides if you're still gearing up your character.
9 I! ^" R/ K5 y0 P# G& I% e3 U5 L3 V# t
* N5 r7 `) O: j
8 Q! o1 n, d- MDexterity$ y6 C+ J4 e: Z1 z% l4 u: j
0 N9 Q/ x+ o$ M8 A* n0 `
While acquiring [Enchant Boots - Dexterity] does not require that you be a raider, it is actually quite a rare drop. This drops from Raging Skeletons (trash) in Auchenai Crypts at about 1-2% of the time, on normal or heroic. They range from 66 elites to 71 elites, depending on the mode.
% _. l1 d6 n4 p1 F3 V1 [! N; W/ d
* r# N) ~* y1 X2 L' b' o% }3 ]7 B+ v* s* ], W
: I; B* w$ K% h8 E) F& h4 X% f& V
2H Major Agility5 H b8 j: V3 @+ i
: Z6 v! H+ r. O- N[Enchant 2H Weapon - Major Agility] is a great druid enchant, considering Mongoose currently doesn't work while in form. Whether you are on heroic or normal mode, you might see this drop from Eredar Deathbringer in Arcatraz, somewhere between 3 and 14%. As with many items, the drop rate is much higher in heroic mode.
! U Z* C5 B2 u3 D! ]3 I! }: v. y+ u( f+ D: e. u1 a; |
4 z. [3 W" L1 t" j) I4 v3 `) x: e" L. q5 i+ b8 j% t
+ g# g) z) y7 H! v2 h; r. H+ C4 l+ u- O
[Enchant 2H Weapon - Savagery] is another alternative to Mongoose. Hunters, for example, are likely to request either Savagery or Major Agility, simply because those stats boost their ranged DPS, while Mongoose is geared towards a melee fighter.
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) ?! s" F" z4 o0 l. b7 M& v* C
( [" F" O: k. M* }$ E! N/ Z
Savagery drops from a Shattered Hand Centurion (trash) in Shattered Halls. The drop rate on normal is from 1-2%, while the drop rate on heroic mode is closer to 5%.0 V7 a/ q. {8 r; W
4 v/ I& A5 T' s# r& q
4 R3 o2 Y9 f+ p+ G
$ L5 E( j$ ~* P1 YWeapon, Major Spellpower! u W5 O7 d2 `, E
2 Y+ ~, L/ p( Q9 k: N
Because this adds up to 40 spell damage and healing to a caster's weapon, it's a popular request. [Formula: Enchant Weapon - Major Spellpower] drops from the Bash'ir Spell-Thieves in Blade's Edge Mountains.
& d3 x; Z* z5 y3 g' K# E( a* n) `. }; c& E* s
* q: F, o9 e; {4 \$ N9 r
" j& P% Y1 c' l4 L
You'll require a flying tiffany mount to reach Bash'ir Landing, in the northwestern area of Blade's Edge. The drop rate is a low 1-2%, but there are several quests in the area that you can pick up to complete while you're at it.
& F2 v8 n% S* I9 Y, Z* e$ _
1 C- x. e5 W/ _8 d/ Q" ~, p" E
, J8 V# N/ A! N' W/ C" a, S0 c' u8 ^
Chest, Major Resilience: o- M3 Y5 o2 Q+ O u8 R+ {& a2 H
; N- ~& Y+ u- f+ H
This PvP enchant is a world drop, unfortunately. This means that you have no way of targeting a mob in order to farm for it. The best advice I can give you is to look for [Formula: Enchant Chest - Major Resilience] in auction.6 {* k- y. K# j% L" b
1 `: e) P9 s! n7 _1 C) ^' ]
- }3 {7 x& o6 d$ B
" i2 t3 T+ v6 l0 HCrusader
m+ G a1 \, [& H1 f* G% r9 o p3 m8 H' ^
[Enchant Weapon - Crusader] is a popular request by player before they hit level 60. Because it gives a white, cloudy glow, can heal the bearer, and increases strength from time to time, it's a pretty handy enchant.( S$ g6 F- ^! k g7 k5 y6 ^
{: |7 J, W. m9 o r; ], C* N: F& r1 B) K* a/ v; L/ ~. t1 s
6 y+ V; y2 _2 d! f8 j( q
This one, like Major Resilience, is not bind on pick-up. The drop rate is around 1-2% from Scarlet Spellbinders and Scarlet Archmages in the Western and Eastern Plaguelands, respectively. The Archmages are elites.+ J& I8 B8 z0 _2 A' N; j% ?
4 w2 c- c( Q' G& |
U( a1 _1 v$ ?+ h- k+ i
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- b$ k4 A1 ^0 {( X4 z
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