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Emperors Club All About Eliot Spitzer's Alleged Prostitution Ring

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发表于 2009-10-30 10:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
You gotta admit, most of us see this stuff and think, "Now that is my kind of public service." By the way, I like that Eliot Spitzer went after white collar crime and I don't have a real problem with the consensual for money sex. Can't help it. There's war, that's important. People ruled by greedy, corrupt rich people, that's bad too. Still, resigning makes sense because nobody is going to let it go the way most of us would like. Who is not a little jealous? As more women hold public office, will we have these sorts of stories with boy toys instead of Kristens?
, v3 d; K9 A( [: c8 z# ^* H
- c9 v; T+ c4 ]* l3 O0 K, u! \, o) i1 u0 V

% c3 U3 Z( m+ }The website for Emperor's Club, since taken down, said this:
" j  I# h0 X2 A- t% u5 Q$ T( [' w; w3 [! X' y. X* n
Emperors' Club vip is the most preferred international social introduction service for those accustomed to excellence. Introducing the most impressive models to leading gentleman of the world is our expertise. We specialize in introductions of: fashion models, pageant winners and exquisite students,Gucci Earrings, graduates and women of successful careers (finance, art, media etc...) to gentlemen of exceptional standards. When seeking an evening date, a weekend travel companion, or a friend to accompany you during your next business / social function our models are perfect preference./ z2 _- O0 h2 c

2 m2 s# ?" z- g0 m, k( W4 a! p# i+ V7 L, Q

& \  s$ c% a; S2 [. v; N$ z) p( |: B/ m
' H0 _% X# o+ M5 H& V
     Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 01:45 PM on 03/12/2008 - + mallan317 I'm a Fan of mallan317 I'm a fan of this user permalink 9 N& L$ H% [% F( p
0 t7 ]/ W5 `5 ]8 u9 G0 X, z

# _" M: L1 g' ?% P8 B6 T! W
/ F; G7 m, Q! I* T( z- k' @8 d, T, m+ x4 X3 e
"Lola" is 19:9 X, }- \* r5 |& R
8 F; [6 v5 q" b1 s0 l

( `0 p6 O' n/ _2 P, n) p& K- g
+ \* u' N6 d6 X  H" ~9 _; c4 F$ S) ~! J& A+ E+ ~

& o" }7 R4 u4 ^4 L+ g" O1 B  You must be logged in to comment. Log in  or connect with  --> / e- A/ u7 }/ @1 o2 b4 F1 I+ f
! H. }/ G. e/ `3 B

/ I% z' u( `" i% v/ N, r. M     Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 12:01 PM on 03/12/2008 - + mpgarr I'm a Fan of mpgarr I'm a fan of this user 3 fans permalink
- G# ~6 J! ^; z- c3 ?, n% K1 X" v
9 g8 w) c" l6 B& h% w- h- H; t* E- h; A% j* q* u
Our meticulous standards of beauty, intelligence and charm ensure that you always encounter the quality you've come to expect in a woman, when with an Emperors' Club vip model. Each of our companions is a product of an exceptionally fine background and a success in her right. All rendezvous are individually crafted to suit the needs of your specific occasion. Note that each model has place in her schedule for a select number of appointments per month, so your date will be a special one for both of you.
# x2 q3 F4 _# o( m5 l* x8 k: j2 y* H1 v" P) Y& l6 j
# z# O  I; ^- H9 h1 [

; T# h' n1 h  S9 ~- D( a1 k8 n"Mackenzie":0 ~" W3 b- |! q2 U( D
$ ?4 E* Q9 |' `) Q$ h" p- F1 @
3 Z8 I. ~+ S6 p% t% g

$ L( _, r& O0 d2 Q; i4 e: j1 Z( z$ D" `7 F" ]. m! b4 w
     Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 05:40 PM on 03/12/2008 - + yambartsumian I'm a Fan of yambartsumian I'm a fan of this user permalink
  P/ b4 X! }  u, Y7 u; _" B- j* `$ e" N- i+ K( y$ M5 u( Q
+ [  x! S1 b' q, l0 ~
"Marina" is a dancer:
/ |% ~% v5 x- j$ a: \1 b; o5 y
+ N  k; r, c3 Q8 m) j; s
6 k0 k& z' |7 L; e! T
; Q' Y- h* e3 Z$ O7 g' @1 c6 a, H* p  _* f

$ {' k. {3 B# v# R& z1 V0 bWant to reply to a comment? Hint: Click "Reply" at the bottom of the comment; after being approved your comment will appear directly underneath the comment you replied to5 q/ l: z1 U1 T" D1 }' j

6 b' x" R; S0 E& n- a& A' e- G3 L: H  A

4 B: Y# U# u0 k4 y- hYou're right. That's why she is pictured on yachts with Cartier watches and has an apartment in Manhattan.
0 ^+ v- ?* m" b% E+ |! T6 G1 p) }# w
2 r( k9 D5 E- `, `+ E5 n

4 _+ m9 ^- R9 ~5 B3 \/ fWhat's sick is that these prostitutes are getting so much attention.
$ E' |6 u& N3 h2 s0 ~2 Y! F+ e0 E$ V- c4 D' w8 {" X0 ?
  m! a2 c2 P, V' L1 l9 _

9 {$ P; U! f4 i7 h. N
# t8 ?8 _) W% ~
' M# N6 I. \' p( `+ U# q( A" t

; E& B. O8 R! ?+ ^7 o9 t' \5 w8 Y8 t: d
8 i4 V& A& ^3 O% ~! Q% p
"Evelyn" worked from Beijing:3 R* Z$ t3 Y( {  x" ?8 v  O

( U/ M- E- Y: W$ P3 A- [0 j0 O( y, q" u3 l, N% [4 {; P) \

' Z% _* v) v9 p+ R, E& E! g
) D& ^! l' b2 w' Q' D" R$ R' ]% X4 N5 c' B7 \4 Q
You people are so judgmental. Kristen obviously needed the $4,300. She couldn't afford a shirt that fits or even a pair of pants.( a& H! h' {5 f, i: N$ Y
6 B# V7 {$ |* ]2 U7 p
, r3 `& t: ^+ j: F$ u1 d6 b  c. [

, d; F  Z5 H) S: x  {
0 F/ n, i) J+ J5 ^, j& E3 R0 u  v- ^6 G( R: _  P

7 m, \* U5 j3 s4 q8 r
4 H" k& b7 K# P( B- g' {A 60" 1080p plasma costs less and you can enjoy it every day.
% p& c5 n: B" w- j- a3 S+ |3 O4 r* B" A& L) [2 t3 X$ e) K
, |  p9 e0 n! U8 g9 g2 Q) K
7 [- E, K; _$ L; ^4 Z7 r/ q7 V

2 F* ~  M% D( B6 e* w
. ^" w1 Y, u. D/ S/ G
7 `* {1 J- E2 Y4 a8 a* n2 H1 n& N8 a. E  {5 a
relax with the CAPS ok?? We get it...you're fired up.
$ x7 V8 k5 _; C: V9 V( O: s' K
+ }4 L+ z* b% B4 h. h2 y$ i
1 Y( L8 G; h0 _! G( j+ K
( A7 j5 Y7 M! U8 e8 {, n. z' `0 R$ \$ O. |, E

1 ]7 E6 D' g# F) q$ `- D Huffington Post
1 [% L+ S, z" I! @ First Posted: 03-10-08 11:20 PM   |   Updated: 10-18-08 10:37 AM 0 _! h# B- b5 r# q
  s; R( T/ H  i! }+ K2 V

/ t" Q, d8 i4 H, @4 s     Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 01:36 PM on 03/12/2008 - + Arguman I'm a Fan of Arguman I'm a fan of this user permalink
( P4 f, T" }9 o$ C1 h( P: P( }2 u5 P+ Y* H0 Z6 _
1 Q# c8 p0 k. x% M
Yep. She needed the $4,300. Keep her off of food stamps.Corporate welfare at it's finest. This is the current system across the board for everyone at the top of the pyramid these days. For the rest of us it's the sons and daughters of the poor sent to die in battle, eventual $5 gallon gasoline for people working two and three jobs to keep their families alive, and 47 million people with no health coverage.
6 j9 ]5 n6 [2 v" d4 S: e3 y" t5 _. y/ V
. [5 O4 J* _: J; s

) c- W3 g6 f8 u/ b0 h2 zEXACTLY...­..........­...AGREE TO THE DEPTHS OF MY SOUL WITH the above comment of DAWK'S.
) l/ a1 ^3 M, V2 B: ?1 o
  x/ V+ P  b/ m7 Q1 m" } Perfect timing, and do i smell that rovian rat virus that's been going around so darn much in the past, darkest of dark, seven-plus years??????????? Me thinks so............stay tuned, darkness is always blotted out by the light of truth.
2 J8 r0 G% w1 S0 I% M% ^  T: K% e% L

, z* M. @/ n4 X" M: z: m+ R
0 C, r% y/ c# p' F) v/ \More screengrabs here at Wonkette, and links, plus see the Kristen conversation NYMag.com highlighted last week.$ x9 S9 I3 N& o4 F( l; q( O

( h* ?+ u9 U0 W9 Z( Z" j4 C: ]' @! U3 t9 Z" a- y. |1 u
     Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 03:08 PM on 03/12/2008 - + HamletsMill I'm a Fan of HamletsMill I'm a fan of this user 209 fans permalink 3 |# ?. @$ h' H$ C

; l- v( v* p2 y0 }+ \  V" v4 k  L: ~     Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 10:26 PM on 03/12/2008 - + FormerWM I'm a Fan of FormerWM I'm a fan of this user permalink 6 _% B& L& W! A( ^
- H+ A- J0 X  s  ]& n* i

5 T  }, _& m' \% M
) k; Z' Q/ p$ ~- ~" y
4 J9 l3 ]1 o8 l# n! m
+ l0 e) g; i( S8 a. C
( f8 E8 _  w: eEliot Spitzer announced he was involved with an alleged prostitution ring called the Emperors Club VIP (as was Britain's Duke of Westminster) and resigned. For pictures of the girls (who cost up to $31,000 a day, and are also priced in Euros and Pounds) scroll down.; Z: f9 t8 s6 U* K& ]

2 f. j0 ?$ w& A5 s' j7 R9 T
$ `7 F* g( ~- s8 x1 Q$ l" P+ o. y7 V# x4 M8 [* r
Whether or not you agree with the ends, Spitzer used the law to pummel anyone who would further his political aspirations. It is ironic that he swore to uphold the law while insouciantly breaking it himself. Your average person on the street certainly wouldn't get any special treatment...let's see what happens to Spitzer. I say press charges, book him and let the justice system take its course.
7 W/ U" \4 @: t. T8 t- K
9 x5 A, m: h: v. A. R; a; \
8 Z# X7 [- W7 I  e' h9 D
( }0 f( @* q) c# Q. r5 |Perhaps one day we will get real about paying for sex--it is something that has always been done and always will be---we had might as well get real about it---legalize it, regulate it, etc then go on so we can direct our time and energy on more important matters---like the survival of our species!!
9 G5 I2 m0 ]6 K# B( ] I like what George Carlin used to say (something to this effect--I can't recall his direct quote offhand)---"it is illegal to sell an orgasim but it is legal to sell weapons of mass destruction--now that is what is obscene!!"+ N! e/ @2 K! i- ], V6 |
9 w- x4 A$ g5 m1 Z& l! e* G
  p* z7 ^: L2 r1 C5 _. H2 u6 m
I Like ItI Don’t Like It Read More: Duke Of Westminster, Duke Of Westminster Emperors Club VIP, Eliot Spitzer, Eliot Spitzer Hookers, Eliot Spitzer Kristen, Eliot Spitzer Prostitution, Elliot Spitzer, Elliot Spitzer Hookers, Elliot Spitzer Prostitution, Emperor's Club VIP, Emperors Club, Emperors Club Hookers, Emperors Club Kristen, Emperors Club Photos, Emperors Club Pictures, Emperors Club Prostitution, Emperors Club VIP Photos, Emperors Club VIP Pictures, Governor Spitzer Prostitution, Spitzer Emperor's Club, Politics News Share Print Comments 1 S2 t/ m7 O& I" {% V
+ X! i2 F* x2 U

0 O1 o/ L+ |7 [  a' ?3 t$ a) q0 sA model on the cover of Penthouse magazine, circa 1974, in PRECISELY the same sit-down-a­nd-buckle-­my-stilett­o-heeled-a­nkle-strap­-CFMN-shoe pose as "Drew," above, has been branded in my memory ever since--hey, I was a young, impressionable kid! I guess that this must be a standard cheesecake (pardon me--"boudoir photo") pose. Or maybe the photographer was impressed by the same cover, long ago. - o0 j6 x/ y0 \. a5 j7 k. {6 k

1 t: ?5 i  j: }+ |- i
- q0 L1 d( B, E  @' L. o4 g9 j+ m : e* i# \! i% a; h2 {. P
8 N  t/ O3 _; ]
' q( z9 w* U- B
wrong...now you know where those huge tax cuts for the rich go.....job creation.
3 ^4 z4 o/ k, U6 `- d1 n
2 ]0 p, F& t5 ?8 n8 b4 }
7 K& i3 A; |3 D- z  l % n# [! T3 y% a, O' U2 D
7 ~, E4 A/ `$ _* s
0 n% {5 p- U$ @
"Samantha":" `) ]5 P$ h# W3 Z6 i

3 k0 p9 `/ E: h$ T1 |1 g9 n: f% a: v" ~5 ~& `) B7 ?
; q* J& u. D. Z  Q% W
, k* E1 X8 `  L0 T& d
BIG NEWS:, l) }5 f+ [0 i& K
John Murtha
: \# G6 F2 A9 w# i& ^5 t- L7 C|
: d: Y5 D! k/ I9 @Health Care6 B9 }, R8 h7 o  a% s7 P
, r7 F  h' ^  D1 bNancy Pelosi. Q- e2 `. c1 z& d+ B/ Q# \5 y
1 k  X. K7 F2 l" T$ s+ UMitch McConnell
: G8 m$ ~" V- |4 e| Inside DC| More... --> |--> | Logout Log In | Sign Up   The Huffington Post October 30, 2009 Home Politics Media Business Entertainment Living Style Green World  Comedy Technology Books/NYR Impact New York Chicago Denver  Video  Blogger Index Archive HuffPost iPhone App --> --> HuffPost iPhone App 2 u  N. O% e7 p- ?
8 o* x6 H% M3 }" V3 C" s- K  L6 a
Emperors Club: All About Eliot Spitzer's Alleged Prostitution Ring digg Huffpost - Emperors Club: All About Eliot Spitzer's Alleged Prostitution Ring stumble reddit del.ico.us : X) {/ U8 k5 R7 x" X* [" ?
, g6 q; Q4 i, z& V- V  B( K/ `
     Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 05:41 PM on 03/12/2008 - + hydenorhare I'm a Fan of hydenorhare I'm a fan of this user 23 fans permalink
2 a1 E6 i2 N/ _& q
4 l, H( Q8 D/ U% o6 L3 h     Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 03:16 PM on 03/12/2008 - + Ratt I'm a Fan of Ratt I'm a fan of this user permalink
  r! F! a) r3 S& |; S6 T& `( o4 D! L: A& C" A1 K

( N& U. g4 M9 d, k" w  I7 b; JThe ladies went for as much as $31,000 per day for a "seven diamond" rated girl.& R, U9 M3 A- {% H9 ]. \' L; D2 E+ `
% Q" E/ m6 S8 i, z
0 B9 }" x& @0 Q% l& h  L+ W* t( f8 r
) ~% A0 {' M0 o4 y/ j. o
- `0 `- k  Y% l8 r3 M9 ?* d. Q+ e( m

0 Z* M2 c. d; RHere is the page for "Drew," who had hourly rates:
  ?+ S% P  a# B0 r  \
( D* H( }3 k, g$ G; k- e7 O/ @* x6 \! u8 H& h  {

( w% @' f3 o: M" H
1 e6 F+ f: y/ B/ I, k; a% {1 k! K, |: k8 R7 s: z$ N' o7 v
I am absolutely schocked that rich powerful politicians avail themselves of prostitutes. I'm sure current crop of presidential candidates have never done so..... as far as I know.2 \7 S, {5 `3 n, M- w& @, q
9 K$ J- {' l% F9 r$ N+ K% Y
* Z5 T7 C  g# x! q7 t* E

5 n1 X# {3 l* }2 l2 U1 X* |+ D& G" C! j1 c3 F1 G

; T; d! Q. Z! V- K, b& L7 y, n) U: _' \8 N1 l* b" ?
4 B+ A7 n1 K% J% b5 s% Q/ T6 s/ f, f
" x% b! D6 r* r$ _0 g) t3 P/ k
8 v7 U) o+ ]/ }- [0 L* x! h# ]) ]9 g5 M; R, h
4 |0 e- \, R) r- p. F
8 |! E; a5 _3 q6 d* d
- f) C- z% \' e) K" G  X

( y6 }4 l" |$ H" k% ]8 o" E; ] View Comments: Newest First Oldest First HuffPost's Picks Expand All Collapse All Page: 1 2 3 4 5 6 Next › Last » (6 pages total) - + wadenelson1 I'm a Fan of wadenelson1 I'm a fan of this user 202 fans permalink
: ~3 I" s- G$ E' A& u/ }9 _5 g8 F) j0 y5 T8 k- U

  d- S$ i) u! ]1 M6 }  _Our goal is to make life more peaceful, balanced, beautiful and meaningful. We honor commitment to our clients as we covet long-term relationships of trust and mutual benefit. Experience for yourself a service of obvious distinction...- K" O0 `7 I: L6 i4 B# o
, s; ^7 K' S$ ]# M6 t1 ^: \

7 ~+ {9 ^+ W, L& i     Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 12:49 AM on 03/15/2008 - + Smartey I'm a Fan of Smartey I'm a fan of this user 3 fans permalink 1 P; M9 D7 Y7 l6 h: x. `' i7 M
2 G2 v5 z  {- f9 L' _: `+ x! K) c- U

' b6 A9 h2 Y9 c- z% f
. k3 X, p" o) j5 ]( E1 h9 W
* P' @6 G7 G) s; P7 [4 d9 C& R
3 A: J# p, d* O4 q$ a" F. V/ X. x5 ]7 j0 X
*Another prostitute who advertised online, is named Kristen and fits the physical description has denied she is the Kristen who met Spitzer on February 13. Meet the real Kristen here*8 {6 [& q4 E% Z" T5 l+ [" `

; m4 c' D/ I2 [& E# F. L$ u1 Z7 H# R! o) H
$ T5 ?, w1 \8 `, C# d
I applied for membership in the Emperor's Club.$ K, g' j: `, V. y5 O

: D' [/ I/ ^# E
5 z/ W( o* G  F4 o6 U
$ }" h0 p& p, @8 K2 h' vRejected! Apparently my American Express Card is the wrong color.
. a5 E; P0 X$ ~
2 R' U7 T* N& F! Q; V
  g2 m2 M! D# Y9 p1 |: u5 V; ?1 O, Q; I, ~: E: ^7 c  r
They suggested I apply at the Centurion's Club and the Gladiator's Club.
9 W& l: l! k8 q. g1 V9 o8 u" f
' {- B+ a3 p+ J5 V
8 o" A4 f7 t* h& H: o/ `6 m/ n) W4 t# w" k* ~
Again, rejection. They said, "You might try the ORC -- Ordinary Romans Club." So I filled out an app. it asked if I was familiar with Greek, something to do with the initiation ceremony. . I said "No, but I did take Latin in High School."' w7 [( q* K5 D- R
7 _7 i) A4 d5 e% j; u
5 q7 j3 F7 W1 ?6 A5 Q% H4 L# h

" l- P$ T) a/ M& W7 ]% {2 `$ ]Not good enough, apparently. 1 p/ L( d0 A. z

( v- R" D& X+ T; A
: C0 ~$ e2 a( @' R; R' J  r4 Z$ S* {, D" S5 }1 [; H6 Y: x
All that's left is the Christian Singles. If you can make it through a couple of sessions with the Lions Club in the Coliseum, you're in. They've only got a single "escort," and everybody has to take turns "going for a ride" so to speak.
& x% ]# S5 K3 `6 C# _: f; F8 n- p
( z4 t6 ?2 @& J; V0 @& L3 x
& r: F! c& c, z0 g" a, D
Apparently it's a Ford, 1987 DX model. 2 m8 V6 n7 B- E: o' u' W3 p

# p' Z( G1 V2 K& u( \/ V2 r0 C# G: i# q* @5 u* W

8 C4 T5 R- C; X6 [2 G
" F/ ]( s( v; ?3 V4 W9 R% g& L/ v6 D7 h
6 n' B; m2 `5 x2 o
     Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 02:43 PM on 03/12/2008 - + JudyMillerDubyaAgent I'm a Fan of JudyMillerDubyaAgent I'm a fan of this user 2 fans permalink
' r% O1 D/ b0 z2 @* @9 U5 N
7 K1 }1 d  d2 V8 w8 s9 W6 ^( d2 S: x3 r

9 F1 j& \. J" l$ m Democrat New York Ex-Gov. Eliot Spitzer put over 60 people in jail for running Prostitution Rings, and you guys want to give him a pass because you are still angry with Republicans, such hypocrisy, un-frigin-­believable­." e7 @$ F6 M% ~  L* F* x$ b! I) c& f
,- J$ X6 X. V$ m! W; f

7 c/ Z0 [% i  u; R9 X0 ]" M
" |5 v0 B0 H, a# }6 `& M3 e" A5 m  k: R

" Z. Y. E# E, p' e" O
$ t& Z, h4 H, l& A0 E
( e4 `  y( y+ c5 k' Q4 u( D# T! m8 J, ~+ x( `" }1 b

( ~, w, Z! \9 C% I# W" G2 C' {; A9 x6 A; _; J: e
Eliot Spitzer ***Scroll Down For New Pictures & Emperors Club Profiles of Escorts*** *Another prostitute who advertised online, is named Kristen and fits the physical description has denied she is the Kristen wh... ***Scroll Down For New Pictures & Emperors Club Profiles of Escorts*** *Another prostitute who advertised online, is named Kristen and fits the physical description has denied she is the Kristen wh... Report Corrections More in Politics... "Roosevelt Institute Celebrates A New Agenda for...Obama's Dover Salute Is an Iconic Image...Orly Taitz Lawsuit Thrown Out By California...Rachel Maddow Explores Palin's Secret Small Business... if(!Array.indexOf) { Array.prototype.indexOf = function(obj){ for(var i=0; i   Comments 153 Pending Comments 0 FAQ: Comments and ModerationFAQ: HuffPost Accounts
" a& k) ]9 `8 }2 n! K! n% j2 h4 O0 }+ P, p7 S% a5 N
2 x; ^# P/ Q4 ^
Our goal is to make life more peaceful, balanced, beautiful and meaningful.
7 K5 s3 p2 Q: [0 \8 h; s: }- i0 H
" X. m' Q2 z# {! `& r; w& f That goal was sadly not achieved with Mr. Spitzer.
1 e0 f% z5 A% ~6 W9 l
! c, h. @5 N) v' }& C# q4 N0 d4 m' x$ V( r. K3 {9 P3 S1 }
8 x; n; K. Y% l3 W: O0 [1 G
my choice is savannah " M( K) [3 E) P* C- {2 U( C

& s% `8 U6 z! m* [' E' c2 Q" l! N2 b0 W1 G$ @6 X9 u2 r
     Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 03:09 PM on 03/12/2008 - + JonDev I'm a Fan of JonDev I'm a fan of this user permalink
, K; w, Y9 I# H; N( P8 L. R+ Z3 z- N" u& Q) q
4 b" D/ a" {4 a2 u! O3 Y! q4 L

4 q8 U, @# j% X/ q' N
3 _2 u# i9 V. c. b! `8 zExcerpts of those intercepted calls, provided in court documents, offer a window onto some of the managerial challenges that confronted the four defendants who allegedly managed the operation. In them, the managers discuss how some of the Emperor Club prostitutes had difficulty taking imprints of their clients' American Express cards, making it difficult to charge them. Prostitutes weren't always punctual in arriving at their engagements. There were scheduling conflicts to resolve caused by the photo shoots of the women who modeled during the day. And clients called in wanting to know what they should tell their accountants about the expenses they were racking up with the Emperors Club.8 V: G# y7 I/ s9 s9 Z

4 i6 l* v* _: t8 J5 ]1 m) ^9 V- y% V2 V& e
     Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 10:47 PM on 03/18/2008 - + clothshire I'm a Fan of clothshire I'm a fan of this user permalink / h& v5 l+ A( @! c9 D+ O/ z
, f, d/ _: b1 ~4 \7 j; h$ [: ~
     Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 03:36 PM on 03/12/2008 - + DAWK I'm a Fan of DAWK I'm a fan of this user permalink
; l/ _) J  q7 X, S: l( a3 H, ^" y/ t% v( e

" v- @! W1 ]1 W2 f0 X. I" f"Alana":
7 U7 H2 b7 k7 _
; p+ I8 s# ~* t
: D9 Y! H; o! d; J: ?! c! x' |( {# M" \1 L: f
$ T9 I4 Q: D# D1 k
     Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 03:05 PM on 03/12/2008 - + riverhorse I'm a Fan of riverhorse I'm a fan of this user 4 fans permalink 0 v/ W+ ?  U! ^* [) z

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# ~, q( R. p1 F' X: f: {; f# D     Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 02:18 PM on 03/12/2008 - + naturallight I'm a Fan of naturallight I'm a fan of this user 13 fans permalink ) o9 W: ~: O: X3 j
! s9 R, H8 M  O6 \! e" e9 e+ U
2 z( S; \( L# o
Last week The Smoking Gun posted papers about the international prostitution ring being busted, as they were last Thursday. The high-priced call girls were rated in diamonds on the club's website:
4 p2 v+ `6 m/ Q& w5 ^! I8 D8 x% k+ E" U/ c" X6 G( A
An international call girl ring that solicited wealthy male clients via a web site that rated its hookers on a scale of diamonds (and charged accordingly) has been busted by federal agents. The operators of the New York-based Emperors Club were named in a felony complaint unsealed today in U.S. District Court in Manhattan.
1 J: A! k5 Q' c* _. W0 \+ E
: ]% z9 h! P8 K) M+ n- d: ?/ b* d! f; b& J$ B! H% @2 y% O! a" A
% h7 t/ H3 ?: p, W1 J1 \; c: F( \

6 k$ j3 v& U, {# ~  ^$ W
6 P4 E& K6 g% q: TWe act for a select group of educated, refined and successful international clients who give their best in all they do and who, in return, only wish to receive the best. Catering to clients who will not compromise in any area of their life...- d$ ?) X) ~5 K# s1 y

: t; Q( c# x. L8 k# P
/ P) `2 q: z  L& k4 ?  o$ W
* l7 k, O" \% F/ i0 P+ ]"Julia":# v" c1 M- g- |9 A. T' p: d  o7 I% N
6 E, @$ h; Y! S& B. X
. o% [& Q: j# {  {

" |* u! a7 ?/ u, s( A1 [3 R
6 s* h' i6 J5 A! D4 Q" u3 s6 ]6 @
2 ]7 s7 v& [; w/ \; r; H' J"Candace":
3 \' o4 J( O; C$ J* g* p  U& V; t7 L' P+ e' M, p* s+ \  N+ c

- \7 H; J3 ?" Q" r; Q/ g  e. i4 w! w! \6 K. P8 k9 ~

2 A7 `6 {# R3 A' V, ?& U2 A6 d' C ; ~# E4 D  F7 W$ X9 E1 [5 w

7 U5 w' x8 Z0 T" { + S% Q% w$ q7 S

" p. Q7 T8 M& Y$ `. U     Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 06:15 PM on 03/12/2008 - + cricket I'm a Fan of cricket I'm a fan of this user permalink
- O8 S4 p1 S! \/ }0 j
& g3 i  g& F7 ^3 y
( i5 H. Y  c3 Y"Brenda":
9 D: l& H, j: ]
' Z- b9 B2 n1 Y5 X. ~( N' S" s( w$ i0 y
" c8 V0 A+ ~. i. F- p, a: t; c* R# \7 w/ i
8 W% C4 R: E& f7 W' p) }1 U( m; E) n

0 M. q' e0 ]# l7 {" K PUNISH SEX but NOT CORRUPTION? Why?
2 V% S& v8 u2 |: p3 K8 V0 }/ ~: J6 I+ d) z
What's up with THAT attitude? Sex is bad but corruption is OKAY???# M1 ?9 I8 `1 [" Y  w

: ^' m% D+ |: J- B/ G6 @
" S5 c, K* p, |. x6 v# c3 C/ z9 y2 I$ p' y, A
CORRUPT power-guys "on-the-take" for decades, like Joe Bruno who has siphoned out our tax money--WHY is he still boss in ALBANY NY?
# I7 \( t, q& B. x) I+ y% [0 V8 x5 O/ u( \
How stupid are we?
# M' b( ~8 _! Y8 Q3 s
- [/ k' W: d' d; k: f
4 ^! Y5 b/ I) f, R6 T
/ d% o5 T  ^  f; A" vNYState Legislature's CORRUPT JOE BRUNO shoud go next.$ {+ w" t  B1 _. f

; D1 ^! V" Y; N9 v, o6 a5 A; M4 I
' F0 Q8 ~9 F+ c" U$ z1 p
Enough of Bruno's manipulations, posing as the FAKE "innocent farm boy" and his lies and corruption. Bruno has been at his nasty game long enough. He has paralyzed the NYState Legislature for many years.
, P+ Y1 Y6 P" ?/ G9 Z7 v  L' s$ s+ O9 s# d. z" I8 A" V0 O

9 f$ N. {" F; d3 |; P
  _/ M/ A* p  HIt's time for Bruno to go. The FBI should INVESTIGATE Bruno's corrupt practices. Or are Republicans EXEMPT FROM INVESTIGATION? What's all the WIRETAPPING all about?
, O9 K( e. H0 N6 Q
# E6 A7 O4 D2 O- {0 O. ^5 P5 G( uGetting DIRT on everybody else?
8 v  B: j6 R  p) G& Z5 J7 g+ f& [+ \2 _% n7 J# A2 Q  N

! s1 S, Z" ]+ g/ ]2 y0 a: \7 l2 s" |- K" z% p# X/ w1 \/ D- Q
The spotlight has been focused on Spitzer, but now it's time to7 {# b& R$ w1 l$ J7 ]1 q. ~
! K7 u6 m' P. ~# i5 r: I8 Z
refocus on JOE BRUNO whose time is way past "over" in the NYS Legislature.
/ b( f, L2 p9 N5 ^. s4 p. d0 R) h) d3 @% P
! V+ e% z% s, K

. i4 q5 X- u+ P0 O9 D) P$ z8 @The Spitzer debacle should NOT DISTRACT us from the CORRUPTION we need to oust in Albany NY LEGISLATURE.
8 ^0 |! b- m" a- s) i0 p8 v/ e
( x) v0 z8 ~' t6 F* Z
: R8 l$ \* M7 p# |: _" x( x& _+ i5 T1 F$ _3 B
Here is the page for "Anais," a "model, actress, dancer, superstar..."
* [' H+ ~3 u. i8 ~# l) n
! N' w+ H/ T6 n4 v! r1 N
; f! m: ]2 A+ {1 |3 f9 N' _8 c8 w* I4 j
& K) s6 F8 i. S* G
     Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 05:50 PM on 03/12/2008 - + darker I'm a Fan of darker I'm a fan of this user 41 fans permalink 4 z/ r1 B3 c: W

7 }+ B$ K$ a/ J
' z7 _9 G8 V4 ]the guy had taste give him that. of course we americans pay more attention to this story than the 5 soldiers that died in iraq and who knows how many iraqis died that day.4 k. N+ J5 E" ?  Q' @/ s/ G

% f4 b& l7 F6 s; X- u4 } america the most religious and war mongering industialized country. could there be a connection here. instead of sex we make war from our frustrated sex is bad hangups.
# w1 [) B7 u4 s7 w - c! f- Z1 l5 K1 j# ?! f1 F- S6 f0 P$ j
from my point of view I smell karma here.+ N6 R9 S4 d  w+ X0 Q, \

0 q$ |$ S5 o. ?( \' U) r how hard it is to judge not and show compassion.3 Y5 j: U* f! Y; m3 ^

, x5 Z( _4 I7 C. L5 q
2 r0 ~' z& @) A+ p: H$ I
# f* u6 M; T6 f+ D$ j1 j
5 x+ `% V6 E+ f1 g! {2 T
' p2 W, m7 F& i% x***Scroll Down For New Pictures & Emperors Club Profiles of Escorts***1 U' }3 s" h! e% L+ B3 w+ g0 |

" i, i7 u7 q  v0 {' S+ p9 Z3 ]
# T, B# r+ G2 x/ l; w6 v# ~* ?5 R 7 t% x0 a8 w4 L4 h* E
( }0 F2 t- _7 U' Y
# [$ j8 c- |: ^! _& j7 ?) O

( l+ v9 ]& \9 T/ {: l' i& Z. ]  _1 V* i  J6 X7 K7 D' n
"Maya" has 7 diamonds, Emperors Club VIP's top ranking:
% y6 W6 U' ^1 @/ S- h: O+ d9 ?. e9 a/ r+ p, |
. z' v( P# y' B, x0 s% p  x
9 q5 n/ r( |! L' Q$ `. [4 p

$ B8 F3 p# c! `6 l% M; D     Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 06:33 PM on 03/12/2008 - + thegirlnextdoor I'm a Fan of thegirlnextdoor I'm a fan of this user 22 fans permalink & Z; Y. E% F7 K
5 j# {" r5 I7 l6 X
# [  U, {; N! c" d1 s- M
What an insensitive, boorish boob this Spitzer twit is. How little compassion can one person show? Prostitution laws exist to prevent the abuse of women --- NOT to prevent the sexual jollies of men. Many prostitutes are drug or alcohol addicted. Others are forced into this slavish labor by brutish men, aka pimps, boyfriends and sometimes, yes, husbands. Many illegal immigrant women must perform prostitution to repay the human smuggling price. The list of ills against women is endless when it comes to prostitution., }( q$ _/ _% S. Z! R
5 `- |4 `) O1 p# n/ ]
Spitzer is so anxious to participate in the deviancy of our culture that he overlooks - on purpose, obviously - the toll on millions of women. I hope he rots in Hell.
. x9 d9 M( I+ F9 T* H  J, Q* E; U5 z* y5 U4 R0 i; W- P
/ A' ?( y& v1 h! k6 F

3 ?" P7 n" x7 }% @* _" @- N3 \! t2 K# n0 |( ^- h5 z4 ]8 P

* F5 f* s1 B$ c  W- {: H8 t, ?1 @% |6 h4 r5 m* I+ Z

. v) Z/ A5 A6 L: ^4 xI wouldn't pay a dollar to be with a girl with fake breasts. Seriously, I don't even tip the strippers with fake breasts. Stop mutilating yourselves. And note to future progressive leaders: masturbation is not a sin. (well maybe it is ,but at least it won't end your career.)
7 [" d7 D' Z! M8 o. M" g, s; @5 w
# g5 u7 x& f) W* T- a% a: @2 ]; y3 h* p, |' ]7 {$ \
* ~5 d% n( x& y$ I
"Renee":0 E' U( F2 V1 D  p

. R8 v6 J& ^/ l/ ^; h3 o
) \3 ]3 u! i- M, B. M% @) B
2 W6 m! k4 o+ I- b+ u  t
$ l. ?; V0 j( ?" l8 T* A2 f# L
Thanks for the smile!; ?* h3 j: Q, Q& ~

' c" ^0 U! ]# R( Q
. e; u" Z& k8 a/ ]/ s) \1 M 3 R* y6 d  _. t6 |
" C* O9 r9 E. f+ S' g! ^) P& Q
# _+ l  d. d( k
A page of the portfolio, although "Kristen" is not listed:( V: K0 {& b) B7 n3 L

2 p. _* y& O' b% g1 M* Z* Y+ _$ F% o; w! `- b. j" S3 b1 u" b* h

, x7 _9 ~" S9 w/ e6 f5 Z: B5 f
8 c5 `7 Z, F/ I+ @  ^
# g9 d5 Y. S+ E9 f  l0 n8 k$ @9 @5 z: F  o5 }) |; t6 k
1 g& ^7 _6 }& {4 c6 p4 D% k' h
The ring, known as the Emperor's Club V.I.P., had 50 prostitutes available for appointments in New York, Washington, Miami, London and Paris, according to a complaint unsealed on Thursday in Federal District Court in Manhattan. The appointments, made by telephone or through an online booking service, cost $1,000 to $5,500 [scroll down for fee page] an hour and could be paid for with cash, credit card, wire transfers or money orders, the complaint said.7 R6 `, k* p# H% K$ V! ^$ i
, Y) }3 |* D5 r
: I5 Y: u; P& q

1 A+ W2 q& d: _% }& h% s9 X" @0 c

5 e. g- ?4 O( i  c1 N0 ]& N& gScreengrab of the fees (and package rates):
2 j5 ~7 r9 C0 A' N, Z! i3 @5 m" D- W$ e& N: z$ j

  y/ m. F" S4 t' [: M# A# }* n0 v4 x6 x: c1 o7 }3 F

( _; N) i% T6 y7 D+ C . c/ z4 c% V5 ?' b0 m+ V

6 d9 M9 I) R! ?, C5 S( ]     Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 03:17 PM on 03/12/2008 - + brokenarrow I'm a Fan of brokenarrow I'm a fan of this user 2 fans permalink 0 n) S) N' Q6 ]

6 H3 T) m% N. M2 k! I) b     Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 03:58 PM on 03/12/2008 - + thesedarkages I'm a Fan of thesedarkages I'm a fan of this user permalink
; {+ @& y" O( k+ a& G, t' j8 W0 j# I0 K9 [) @" c
0 h* p6 ^* M* ^( J! |2 a" v- B7 f
"Savannah":5 r; f7 k3 `4 }5 f6 B: A  p5 L

( P( y/ S, D7 d: j: I" s( \# c
2 r7 b$ [8 s4 R+ b+ P
+ F: G0 E3 V/ @: C* t
" J. ~- a; _2 q5 |4 s
; x6 H$ N$ h1 u9 d% l+ E; d. w! h% g
3 Q# O) [( D4 s
The New York Sun reports how managerial challenges hindered operations, although Spitzer's wire transfers brought it down:
3 f1 w. }+ ?# C5 C; }
; `9 P; ^( _/ m" }$ v3 J* ?8 iSeveral phone numbers associated with Emperors Club have been under surveillance by the FBI, which intercepted more than 5,000 telephone calls and text messages during the investigation, according to court documents.! N' E/ ^: [2 p$ I
) O8 m+ U6 v+ M* E
% W) `* a) R: T8 @9 M- Y
     Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 12:17 PM on 03/13/2008 - + PhillyQuaker I'm a Fan of PhillyQuaker I'm a fan of this user 16 fans permalink
! s( g2 V9 X' g0 l' V' m9 S5 T  E: C  y! Z- ]! l' C. X
Story continues below advertisement ! ?; w" S+ J$ {  c( v
- w3 ]  M3 |  ~9 j/ C
: v+ y. r/ X3 w3 c% l& G+ N- q& a

  c% [/ p3 N1 v+ x3 n- F' z/ |! Y, }) U3 R
So now we know what former models do for a living after their days on the catwalk are over. 4 O5 t$ I0 C/ Z

, v* c4 Q! C! q5 C0 T$ O8 E3 L2 i! u3 l7 c0 m
     Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 01:12 PM on 03/12/2008 - + TheWesternBreed I'm a Fan of TheWesternBreed I'm a fan of this user 5 fans permalink ) k. [# @4 M" c! I" [- I
( K1 X6 {, r! l8 U" G/ _$ _
     Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 11:39 AM on 03/12/2008 Page: 1 2 3 4 5 6 Next › Last » (6 pages total) Comments are closed for this entry 8 ?+ F) Z+ V* J
0 H0 v: A$ U/ R- J

( Y8 a  m: j  r( K. |
' f6 S9 h! s- X9 r
# h; H1 Y$ B  g" y- z# THuffPost's Pick % _' P$ }' u$ p! X/ o3 K
3 i  G4 |' ~1 w; m% q& U/ H
8 b& G1 t* O% F6 _3 B

3 s/ ]% Z& V% t) m- t% F* R
3 X% v& T0 d* l( U5 q) o$ b$ |0 P. u- O* i' w" e
, n* s/ }" i) {' E$ i. B! A
& U7 R% E: c; _2 A* C. ?* j0 @  P3 F9 }" X1 s! P- z
     Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 11:39 AM on 03/13/2008 - + hoihoi I'm a Fan of hoihoi I'm a fan of this user permalink
! A( ^+ T1 R( z& n( q! w% [( i8 ~! ~5 {" g$ H" d  l8 y) x9 s1 B

  X" |1 l4 O% C9 x  {" H: I1 M0 SToo bad Dawk used all upper case font. It makes the wonderful sensible things he says difficult to read!# Q2 P( ?, a% Q, z: n5 J/ Y$ m
But - absolutely! Bush rains war and hell down on the entire world and this guy has high priced consenting sex and look whos in trouble! Crazy Crazy.& g& }  I6 p+ C7 B

# j* O6 a9 G- y" Z  g/ h
& b3 R% B0 m. g     Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 02:55 PM on 03/12/2008 - + researcher I'm a Fan of researcher I'm a fan of this user 99 fans permalink 4 k. t& W& Y1 a* m  S7 o

6 f8 v( O2 G9 G+ S$ F
0 a, w8 b* B7 A& s8 h5 U- c$ u: U- W1 f% r# L  ^2 e
/ m" b( l# [; e( T% |+ E
The New York Times wrote about the bust.
  \, ?- Y5 n0 e2 q  y1 I; Z) ?6 f$ Y$ k5 P# l! F- `& `
Federal authorities arrested four people Thursday on charges of running an online prostitution ring that serviced clients in New York, Paris and other cities and took in more than $1 million in profits over four years.
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