鲜花( 1181)  鸡蛋( 48)
# U3 t* d0 X9 s0 a但也不太对,好像天鹅鸳鸯什么的,一个死了,另一个就孤独终生,抑郁而死。9 r7 j0 Y/ h- ^* }1 |7 ~( w
看来还是像国外这样好,想选择那种生活方式就选择那种。默默地过自己的,哪种方式都是自己选,不必比较 ...7 j% p; q, h8 M- U/ E
今夜无语 发表于 2009-9-14 22:48 
$ @$ H$ h# ?/ ~! ~4 M人也有啊,古代很多老公死了,老婆上吊,造贞节牌坊。
0 C' D1 y" r/ d3 M% X# [. U3 ?7 }1 V0 A: E
给你节选一段经典的鸟类一夫一妻神话:: E; X0 w4 M. n- Z* V! k
4 }' z5 X* _3 [& S) l' [* s9 bIn 1853, another Victorian gentleman, Reverend Frederick Morris, urged his parishioners to emulate the fidelity of a small hedge sparrow called the dunnock. Morris, an opponent of Darwin, wrote that this little brown bird "exhibits a pattern which many of a higher grade might imitate, with advantage to themselves and benefit to others through an improved example."0 C; { w4 `8 b. F5 n) f4 I+ r
% a3 v* D' @& sMore than a century later, the myth of the dunnock's strict monogamy was shattered when Cambridge zoologist Nick Davies found that female dunnocks often went in for polyandry – mating with two or more males. So much for the reverend's exhortations to emulate the ways of the dunnock. "Had the congregation followed suit, there would have been chaos in the parish," Davies pointed out in his book on the dunnock.
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- \3 u) N1 `% L3 } b8 b一个多世纪以后,篱雀严格一夫一妻的神话被粉碎。剑桥动物学家戴维斯发现雌鸟篱雀经常同两只或以上的雄鸟性交。牧师劝告人们学习篱雀的生活方式不过如此。戴维斯指出“如果教民们真的学习了,那教区就要混乱了。” |