4#Zhujiaolian 6 M( `! ~4 u3 r5 R % S% [# \4 h2 O/ v* y, O ^( c/ z4 N* {0 w$ N9 U do not expect police would actually respond to such minor theft under 1000. " O( k; p* n8 [4 q0 Cthey would just ask u to file a report in the nearest police station and provide the ID information of the stolen unit in the hope of finding it sometime down the road by CHANCE
if u r really determined to find ur stolen unit and catch the thief. # ?- f3 f1 M# E5 w# i% D0 Z, Pgo on kijiji or ebay frequently to check if there is a smiliar unit for sale and matching urs. , v; u& l4 j5 _" w- y" vi've heard stories of people actually recover their stolen stuff by meeting the thief who is trying to sell it online.