鲜花( 1)  鸡蛋( 0)

楼主 |
发表于 2009-4-14 23:08
原帖由 dragontale 于 2009-4-14 16:34 发表 6 P$ a! J" F5 x& a; j: F
they have YMCA in aurora school 7am-6pm, YMCA has already called me, daycare has open house April 23 from 6pm-7:30pm, you can go have a look.
3 J% c/ c6 E9 z( Y, Q" n* o0 X, }) _& L; Y( i
My little one will be in Kindergarden this Sept. YMCA b ... 2 E( ]. O7 u: I* Q3 ]# g
, O. r8 v0 K( ?" h9 @! \" x误会了,你一说2 girls马上就往双胞胎上想了。
9 s, C: K9 Z" D3 B! u按我打电话了解到的,aurora school的out of school care只收本学校的。 0 |! @; [+ F( y- J: ~5 h* S
孩子总不能因为这个转学吧。 |