i'm saling my NDSL(black wtih pocketmon desgin ) with a card that can play copy and download game.It's very new and like 2 month old , o' P7 V1 L% a- qand it also comes with a 2gig memory card for put the game in.7 _# c/ A4 `/ w5 R3 r! B/ g% k
price is $190 or trade a PSP3000 or a brand new PSP2000 the firmware must be 3.xx 3 y% s5 ?# F7 h7 B! v! h - L0 Z8 m ~" q9 N% M0 i
If u interest it call me ; q7 m5 c' P7 r" J/ |780-952-8712& K* I$ g9 T" j. i. g
or email: xiaomadixin@hotmail.com