埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2005-3-28 14:12 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
[CSSA] $260/month for a bedroom in 2-bedroom apartment, starting May 1st
# ]- `1 m5 U$ B* J  p% I( ?% b9 r# z
"Joe" <yqiu@ualberta.ca> 3 Q  K; S7 I9 C& H6 H6 `$ H0 K/ k
     / @# ]7 t% c6 m7 L! l+ H
7 |6 ?4 x* C# q+ X) U1 ]" ~2 p# N- Q5 K8 @
one bedroom in a two-bedroom apartment is available for rent starting $ V0 m5 m$ w) D* x! X/ U
May 1st. the apartment unit is located in Michener Park and on the second / G$ R. G1 T- }, F  A
floor,the other bedroom is occupied by a nice couple./ t- m; t4 N# n" I
  n/ V: |( w& w/ B$ w3 P, H
the rent is $260/month, including power,heat,water,telephone.we can
7 [$ n* S9 E- U7 r5 t! `0 rshare High speed internet,and cable,if you want.
6 ^& W) M8 L5 E/ ~: n- ^: z3 c; E0 [& _; A1 m( G+ z
female is prefered,if you are interested please reply this account, 5 O4 u  h7 k# J9 [$ M# z9 b, \
Thanks and sorry to bother others!
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2005-3-28 14:12 | 显示全部楼层
[CSSA] One Room close to campus available from now (11111-87th AVE)
- Y1 b2 q; c% G5 b/ t
! q1 h7 E: g) \2 E! \& W: n7 w     ) Q% m/ d, w. o4 p( s
Hi all:
  u/ j# R5 j6 ~A room in a 2 bedroom suite will be available from now. The location is 11111-87th ave, which is within 3 min's walk to HUB. It is convenient to campus/LRT/Bus Station/Safeway.
5 t" {1 ^+ T# y1 y9 P. v The rent is $315, including water, heat. The building also provides swimming pool ,sauna, exercise room. Shaw cable(internet and TV)  telephone, and power will be shared.. K- R# X3 S6 v8 J% G+ v, S' b" {
Also deposit is required by building management, and it is refundable when you leave.2 M4 r/ l& w  F# p! k: n3 X
If you are interested in existing furnitures in that room, you can negociated with owner.
5 V- x3 u+ S1 S# ~$ _
( U% F# v$ s1 C( s1 X+ T8 ]9 \8 EIf you are a clean quiet girl, and you are willing to share the suite with a girl and a boy, pleses reply this account or phone 447-5284.
6 N# _/ H! @. y1 Y( A0 ~
2 d0 r9 j, a. ]6 l  Thanks!
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2005-3-28 14:14 | 显示全部楼层
[CSSA] roommate wanted
& Y8 c" y, c% m+ L) N
7 A% q0 C8 R* I very near NAIT and bus stops. walking about 2 mins. good environment for study.  @/ I# h$ U) N0 D8 H, w/ b: ~: `

$ w/ y& S" g# R& p1 z) [! T+ S, W$250 for living room- \* R: c% A" L+ ?4 c' E
# F; O( z& T# b4 ]
and $300 for bedroom
# ~% V/ Q- X1 F: Z4 d! }. _1 r" W) l  N: o, [
including heat, water, power, furniture, telephone, parking, etc.
, {0 F) n( e2 x( Y$ ]/ f) i7 E$ P8 }4 w: o. O" k
no smoking. no pets.
/ `1 j4 H0 m" m5 ]
% S9 l$ ]  ?0 r: Z$ Wsorry to bother others2 h/ ?3 A' n8 v: G* W3 ^
( K1 {) _, D7 ?) z
please replay this e-mail address or call me 221-7788
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2005-3-28 14:21 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
[CSSA] female roommate wanted + y; [  H+ c, h+ k) X3 |4 l/ l) j
- Z6 p- \3 o3 l
: M+ \# \* n8 Y4 S) N
  N6 w" ~+ W& f
8 T% G0 B1 H  c! ^
, z% T, |$ a% J4 r# Wbedroom非常干净,房子处于非常安静的地方,周围邻居很好。% j$ R. y, [# K3 g- X6 X4 c
1 T; }, W3 v( P1 k
( X, z1 \4 m9 b; V% o
! f; x4 z* I6 c8 \  a" h& R/ l+ \- K请在晚上8点半以后打电话:(780)438-4023, t' E8 i+ k: R. }& f5 S5 w

* v3 I8 P3 e) h! m/ c: q: F9 Z+ k. Aone room in a townhouse for rent, near West Edmonton Mall 10 minutes
$ g7 I3 M+ k" X' ~: q* X" Z$ iwalk or by bus to West Edmonton Mall.
* Z+ h7 x8 a# W7 C/ j$ S3 q% r4 L8 @5 j5 r5 l$ u
there are bus 4 or 106 to University, bus 33 to southgate, bus 2,14 to
1 f7 |% p. E0 p6 ^* F3 C. zdowntown.
* h1 s) L5 u% A9 ]" M+ ^& n* W1 @2 H8 A! O
the rent will include water,heat,power,telephone,hi-speed
! b5 ~- Q/ s- R% G4 o  r0 Binternet,basic furniture, laundry.
- h1 ]$ P0 A& y
; e4 ]; c! q" R; ?* kthe townhouse is located in a very neat and quiet place.
( U% v" p( D4 n) s. \0 j6 R
$ l0 O6 b) f. pNo smoking and pets.& R% s; o* v3 c" ^
& p4 y+ f, e7 w7 n3 B6 k
call 438-4023 after 8:30pm at night
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2005-3-28 14:29 | 显示全部楼层
[CSSA] Bedroom for rent.(Near UA,$256/month)  ) A& z4 R! M. C$ R9 I

" m9 |- |9 R9 C1 O     
- d  N. |& ?( U, L
$ s. V+ B5 h7 U! |' x/ j" W1 }8 O! [1 X* R
The largest bedroom in a 3-bedroom apartment(nobody lives in living room) on the 3rd floor(Not the tallest floor, the tallest is 4th floor.) ) K+ Y/ {1 S( d# }5 t( v$ N

+ i5 d8 a* ]9 D) Z: ~" L: [Great location: ( 107street. 83avenue. )
" H7 M' p2 d/ k! Z    12 minutes to the University by foot
/ K: l$ u: R" [8 X$ ?( T/ `1 i/ \9 K    3 minutes to the bus stop
; b9 x- ]* v0 t% x; }6 K% ~6 Q    8 minutes to the shopping center by foot $ y* F; B! p2 }. E
! z5 |) I* @2 z! ]5 g9 k( sLow rent: 3 V* W9 O% S+ z: ]
    The largest room -- $256/month ( deposit $238 )
* ~) c" s2 }5 q+ u3 F    / M. k0 i( S$ b6 K. x5 ]
! M" e: k( ~$ A9 L3 N  L% W     April 29th, 2005
+ \4 L' `- s. t. b  ?
% \$ e8 X! U) m% _7 S2 |( HShare utilities: " s5 a: E  @& U& N$ z- d5 b! L
     power, internet, telephone are NOT " @" `& X; @, M. D2 V3 S
included in the rent. You will share these with another two nice young girls.  + O! A; w% I8 i- V
- J2 N2 f# W% B0 z% l: c; S
Good roomate: 7 h9 e. [& o9 o/ }
    shared with two nice young girls. ! W. [3 i3 s' T; }

8 C) n( d) x% v( UFEMALE ONLY
8 g* `' j5 p) x5 l, w/ T. V6 k0 f) a; A1 t: C9 N' k9 ]9 V/ \
If interested, please call 989-1409 or email to qdai@ualberta.ca
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2005-3-28 14:38 | 显示全部楼层
[CSSA] female roommate wanted / Q) c/ l, k, m9 L, t- M+ [
( X* d7 F1 y3 x8 V. r" C$ J  e
) _7 h* s3 R! C' q4 ?, ]; }

1 A- q. J, v& m% m! Z7 W4 t, x  4 k0 \. [  A8 Z2 Q1 z9 p
Hi, All:
% _: |, B7 G- u3 f4 {2 X3 p3 MI'm  looking for an easygoing girl to share my apartment at 106St 85 Ave,
7 K9 Y3 E& y; YYou can walk to U of A and Chinese food market  in 5-10 minutes.% K/ S3 g3 w- j
It's available from now on, Rent fee just $290.
1 N/ P- ?  g, QIncluded water, heat, electric and TV cable. Female only.& q+ c/ n4 {/ G: A
If you're interested, you can call me at 438-6851 between 6:00pm-9:00pm.
9 {  q9 o8 i: O; Q) g2 V) b/ [Thanks.
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2005-3-28 14:39 | 显示全部楼层
[CSSA] Room (Southgate) for rent!
, ^, Q# m% X4 q4 \0 R/ }" c6 Y
! k7 z- E) M- M0 M% k; n+ u: I# u7 K  W8 ?; p7 J3 s' f- i
# N/ f- Q/ E- F% M/ E* ~3 u
Room close to Southgate for rent!  Providing water, power, heat, phone,
& ^; ]5 G5 b6 b1 y+ JHi-speed Internet(ADSL) and washer/dryer. Call: (780) 710-0428. Thanks!  
+ W7 C; F& J" \/ LHappy holidays!
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2005-3-28 14:41 | 显示全部楼层
sublet ----Southgate  
4 @  i- u* l" `8 s) g, Q+ }
8 l# M" y) A9 D# v9 Gsublet a bedroom in a two bedroom Apt in Southgate, very convenient
: u# o9 _& M6 g: H- G/ y5 m. ytransport to everywhere.: B( E6 a# Q# K/ t# v9 x% t- ?
Bedroom  200/mon (heat and water included)  Available from May, 1st!
1 c$ n# @8 _1 T: ]/ G. x, w) [0 p$ C4 [9 J& u& }
Pls contact this email: enenoh@hotmail.com or call 436 2171, |# E2 v- m& u  H4 ^( G
# w; t  l" U* s$ ]' }( l
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2005-3-28 14:43 | 显示全部楼层
[CSSA] Apartment For Rent Downtown 100 Street and Jasper Avenue  
: ]% i, V7 E2 B. c" L/ Y. e" |# s3 t; x+ @, o) l3 r% z
7 U* t. x! z) L" f
- @9 C% v: s3 |* I
For Rent Downtown 100 Street and Jasper Avenue fully
0 I  B8 b! U5 o0 N7 cfurnished one bedroom condo apartment, 6 appliances0 C; q) X6 m# l; a5 ]+ _
includes washer and dryer, April 1st possession,& _3 K/ A0 C5 n! T) |$ a
$680/month+$680 Damage Deposit' Q% ?+ W7 j5 D& P; z) j
' l! p4 A% P6 a! B- H" {- c. Z
+ ?& y( t7 }, i" ?0 w* Q* M, f. w新剑桥大厦
- {4 @( _* }. x位于100街夹Jasper Avenue
( s3 q4 A* ?! B9 L多个高层单位现正出租
( [) W% {+ j; L) O& r请从速登记" \  V  E7 f7 {0 Y3 a/ @; d/ @
~全新装修5 R& P3 D. C9 l, D( Z
~一房一厅单位) a- u& X7 _" ~) {$ p' P
~ 6件电器(包括室内独立洗衣干衣机)2 d6 v( ^8 V5 x$ c
~包括全屋家俬! }8 s2 m3 R3 j+ m! c
; D: P* G. a* l! j. g7 n6 H~地库直通地铁站& z% ?0 Y" E) `2 ^
月租$680& i) M: s4 d9 Y
欢迎参观示范单位 预约请电: 780-424-6122 Simon Leung
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2005-3-29 20:03 | 显示全部楼层
annie66 真是个好MM
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2005-3-30 12:05 | 显示全部楼层
Originally posted by 两个东北人 at 2005-3-29 11:03 PM:
, i5 b& }, M* t6 Z( _+ L/ Zannie66 真是个好MM
! G  q4 Q+ g; A( p
鲜花(1394) 鸡蛋(16)
发表于 2005-3-30 12:25 | 显示全部楼层
Originally posted by 两个东北人 at 2005-3-29 08:03 PM:
8 F+ e$ ]" B: r( d( V/ p8 uannie66 真是个好MM

) X9 N" r4 U) \: x5 ]同意
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2005-3-31 16:22 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
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