二手汽车 老柳教车

埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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发表于 2008-8-26 14:56 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
自己看了一遍书,看了2遍书上的模拟题,看了一遍搜集的机经,考试一次过,只错了2个题。 LD没看机经,考了2次才过。1 B# H; A' i! i7 T- G0 N
机经如下(在此感谢无私奉献的各位兄弟姐妹): 1 j* P1 R0 M+ X; [
8 H  R( r- y' e/ a4 ]  P

* e/ x+ |) T' ?5 j8 H刚考过7号牌,和大家分享下
- ~/ T4 _6 K3 W, e) x. s, LNO.1 2 a6 J1 S3 a8 J- s& W6 R$ M0 F7 n% T4 L8 C
1、当没有anti-lock break 的时候,刹车的方式?; z; u0 W0 y, E" ?9 W0 B
2、路上的白色叉表示?  答案前面有火车路口# D; I, G' K  S( u/ L0 }& @+ P; K! i" r  W( d7 T
3、GDL drivers 扣2 分的是哪个,答案是 having more passengers than seat belts    P148: q6 m8 W& j2 t! i3 N8 d
/ _3 ?7 {0 Q8 T9 F# n4、minimum licence age for class 5        答案16   P13
8 h4 x9 p4 g. G$ y5、听见警车等声音,要怎么样? 答案:尽量靠右侧,停车
) k" |' ^7 {8 m( D' V6、18岁以下的人,是否要经过家长同意 ,答案是,除非独立或结婚。9 C1 L; j/ k: ]/ Q$ G
/ K) o# k6 L: w; G7、Yield sign     - P5 P! `6 a8 d  b2 i
8、railway crossing9 G7 v1 F8 u" \# h% u* N, J7 m, Z/ V
9、在rural, school area 的最大速度是  答案是306 W$ T" b3 T7 ^" f! }
; ~. n# C# q) r, c/ y11、slow moving vehicle 用在多少速度  答案 less than 40- F6 F# L; p5 b7 @- S; s& Q# F9 p6 {- U1 Y& b4 p, ?4 S
12、people working 标志表示  road construction have working people7 m# ~/ h+ F* {2 ]& X4 l
13、黄线和白线的作用8 j8 o1 {. Y2 P) b& P5 ^( @8 s" k' Q7 O- T) [, Y) ?( [* a
14、停车在stop line 前几米       答案5米, l" O  _5 X2 m/ d3 }9 N/ M; d, i8 w
15、head restraint 的高度怎么调?  答案 the centre of the head restraint is level with the top of your ears, P53; ^' A3 ~: _2 z: h9 P
6 ?7 d5 ?1 w6 L" h  r  U16、车把  手放在几点钟方向? 答案 10点和3点            P56 . r- V) `2 h; c: z5 S5 X6 t; a0 L8 L0 @
17、速度的2倍,停车距离要几倍?   答案4倍; Y+ B$ T& o: l' f5 z1 b# J& G. P
18、停车在上坡的时候,有curb ,车怎么停? 答案车轮转向左              P650 D9 ?0 f- T1 U! q5 |
  G+ k& k. U/ b/ Z. ?5 {19、你在环路的内侧,怎么出来?  答案是,开右转向,注意安全% ^+ ^& N/ g$ L+ g
4 o4 J, Y/ h2 e! s6 W9 z5 t20、在单行道左转到单行道,红灯时可以么? 答案可以,但要没有禁止的标志,并完全停车后    P796 e+ r2 W: b3 U* ^! k( Z5 v$ A8 f6 Z
2 m7 L0 G; t, R5 \' C9 F1 K/ N# A21、停车在右边,要起步,怎么办? 答案从左肩看盲点,* N; A! P" s. L
+ l7 d) w. u' w22、在回合路口,你行驶在右边,怎么办? 答案 在安全的情况下到左边道上行驶,或者准备调整速度% N5 c4 F/ V( x- D  C. P  U; x0 `7 p" h8 M
23、雾天用什么灯? 答案headline de low beam " `& f" k& V7 V' F
! X8 v) h' A+ l24、如果右侧车轮到了路边的草坪上,怎么办?答案轻松的松开油门,方向放在要行驶的方向1 L! N' M& W( a+ U% `% N; X7 C6 m1 h3 o2 q$ w2 V
: Y: K- `: }/ H% O1 P$ T
' \" l3 X1 M! k; ~/ F. t
  a9 A% M, ~  @  N8 BNO.2 # B. ?7 L6 }; c/ [
' z1 W( m& j" K5 W- V& r
, m+ ]! k. f6 y2 e" a  z1、turn left only4 p% t+ G0 v7 p' A5 n; [) J2 E, V  a4 X) z
2、no U turn
; x; h, E+ M' W0 S8 y2 K6 H- c2 \7 j0 Y3、no parking) F& m6 L9 W8 y- s7 [+ \+ \
4、merging traffic* j- U! m3 P" a) p  g( Z2 K' d
5、H医院的意思: v" j) l  u0 R, T8 \
选择题; \6 S# r8 D3 k+ e) o1 o% K. ?# Z1 i1 t9 X
6、steady green light要转左怎么办?5 W1 C9 [  d) b% Z8 D6 o& _4 n3 w( L# A  q- n
7、学校和游乐场区域结束一般是有什么提示,我的答案是有end area图标提示和提速提示8、什么情况下不能U turn. v# X- F3 t3 x0 W
* z6 k, m& I) Z: \8 o. G9、center of the head restrain is level with the top of your ears.P53% n( {% l3 w! F( G# B+ E# p
10、solid and broken yellow P47
. X4 v0 w. H* Y& \11、什么时候应该向警察出示你的证件,我答是他要求的时候。
  D3 e# \$ ?& H12、天气不好的时候要开什么灯——答low beam headlight P1011 ?" t; o. B. A% l" ^0 \
3 i* O: i  M: q0 G2 v6 k13、tow second rule P112! u, J) s$ j: R
14、超过大车时候应该怎么,好象正确答案是要留出足够的空间。这题我做错了。P126: s3 f- r6 R8 D
3 a3 `, s* Z! w0 ^% U4 t15、shoulder check 是因为blind spots的问题
" r& T, o" l9 y# k8 i) B( j16、当遇到yield signs怎么办?P71) e, P! a' B/ K" [5 S8 j# E4 \* h6 d
, X+ V) @2 K- `) h17、应该parking在离stop或crosswalk多远。——答5 metres1 J' G  m( B$ v3 M8 y' l4 r+ ~- e0 g
18、when backing to the left时怎么做?P59" w) B& p8 V, l$ |  J9 ~
19、当你面对steay red X 的时候。 P45% N& J0 l) L) e% e% L' E9 J4 ?1 i
20、当到了施工地段的时候,什么时候应该减速。我的答案是任何时候。上面还有可选择是早上或白天或只有拿小旗的人时。: S/ N  Y* S" d  r' k+ X  t$ `# K1 O9 f+ F9 n$ i9 y& P- f
21、什么时候是night time?P100) r- ^: q& v9 g3 V1 ?+ P6 s( W* k4 n. u& R. Q& D
22、当你跟着school bus的时候,你什么时候可以向前走,答案是当闪烁的红灯关掉的时候P1286 q$ H% Y9 t" x6 G) S# I

2 N5 m5 S" j  Y- ~1 R# ?( vNO.3
4 r9 L+ z& k* x/ f
+ b/ A2 C8 w, C% F. [$ ?: [( q; q
& W3 {! t6 I$ v" |1 j/ r& O1,图标 Divider ahead -keep right ) R+ p4 _  r% T( }+ @, ]& s
P275 }1 g1 u" {+ ^$ d+ j7 ~$ j( m, \: E% v& V3 q. N, U
  Q4 {/ X9 D# T% c+ f
5 s( T' |2 G/ f2,图标 Truck route* H( K8 s) |" t
P29) _# n& K' T6 H4 {, {6 X  L! g) \. L# Q0 g* x/ K
/ a$ g( d9 q- Z9 [" o# |$ ^
3, School zone times 注意考的是时间段
# \0 w- H4 W  w  n* IP38
/ n7 I( I9 l$ @( z
& L) [8 g! W* |4, steady red "X"3 T" k, ^5 d9 O) p9 a9 g
P45- m( U  D( _. G$ F# I  e( k: s2 D$ J  l
$ ^' R+ L4 `/ h4 a
/ q, `% ~) b* l' V5. "X" markings' ~8 x2 \- s, T2 k6 |
' s& x: {8 l" z9 {P496 p3 F$ q  l' G; U" |0 l& L9 E; O

" |. \' f2 G  A6, Park facing uphill on a street with a curb怎么操作, t0 t2 ?1 f" B0 i
P65% X; @  v' s# g% ]8 U: C! u0 C/ d3 A4 K2 H# @" z
8 V1 Q' ?9 b# d2 n9 \) P0 ~7 K* _9 Q. F7 P2 i4 \
7, 距离消防栓几米远? (5m)
0 ^; n7 Y/ a! ~P66/ [( i7 w0 `- }/ @* o( ]/ W& A6 [# e$ p$ A4 B& n& k* q
6 k- o+ B) K, g, ~! G
; p. B" w: K: ?# n( J/ f3 ^8, traffic circle 里面的车怎么出来
8 j4 v2 D  m2 [5 lP725 {- v! g5 R- X6 m* C% _# C+ I( R- \# M  @
' y2 o9 p5 F: v1 v  D$ U6 R3 W0 \" j8 N/ @* V( A0 j
9, one-way into one-way怎么操作P799 }3 O! ]& x, f/ b" q3 Z
+ f5 K. t; Q" K$ l2 v; n
10, deceleration lane是什么
6 C7 F1 R! b, }P90- t) B$ U  Z  F) A: a" L
) K$ E% A  X: K; D0 g. t& x- Q% t0 _! u6 @  Z5 u+ _
11, tire failure 时候怎么办3 d; _* I! T& c; }1 k6 ]
1 Q9 V  {  `# o4 d; z5 M7 D4 m3 E5 J# Q; ^2 W2 I
7 e, U+ j' O  ~" E" S$ A1 K12, off-road recovery怎么做$ ^$ v/ B3 x# c7 R
7 W6 i0 z) R5 H2 a0 k, TP1009 k# N8 K1 c0 E+ j; a0 z
5 y% D0 M' S2 l
13, school bus停靠接送学生时,on a highway divided by a median,在median另一边的车该怎么办5 r% K( E9 {6 c8 i# O2 S7 l2 n3 t9 f
' s, G! m5 r8 o: X; |P1293 @- |/ N3 T5 H5 o3 @/ ]
. n8 U6 g0 i1 u- l) [
# F& C+ I) t1 q! h% R6 [14, never pass a log-haul vehicle that is turning为什么% f9 c; h" N  u+ h' d1 c- l* C
P1311 d( J; N* w: x6 [" j
. \2 B" C" |$ K% j. ?+ c( Q4 T& S8 ]
% E2 s4 {) X; M6 b# b+ l- R, c15, GDL如果 having more passengers than seat belts扣2分3 j3 f8 y; g: F, Y- Q# X6 `. @, r/ @3 Y9 f7 G9 c" E! {
5 g: q. t) g8 i' D# B( f
% l9 l3 ?, l6 {/ }2 t16, Fully licenced driver如果两年内扣15分要suspend one month4 f+ W- ]5 q5 {: g1 c1 o- ^/ y2 f2 [
+ Z1 `" D% ]) o! H! D) JP146
* k; R$ g( U9 r! z2 a+ c% V% o6 M! R/ p- e+ ?+ N. c
6 c0 p. Y% l  A6 l6 N6 E17, 任何时候都要佩戴安全带
& g$ J# h" s6 d
. \5 t" \" a+ v2 \18, 图标 slippery when wet1 [6 g; K4 R; ?0 u
6 u0 L3 |/ v- w4 m. e' MP34
8 O, A9 F9 ^0 w: Z- U9 d# C& l* \, S$ u2 F: @; B! `: u: C+ U
6 ]. f- N' U* }1 _# h19, speed for playground zone is 30km/h unless otherwise posted
- |+ d% T. b" ^P395 z7 d, R& D; c
, w5 b8 `) B) d2 N8 J: @: j
9 v5 i4 J, S# o) U6 Q20, 图标 right turn
% w) x& p  d/ \5 ?  zP28( l) c) J  Z1 ?. a) ~4 A
/ M( J0 u$ D( b& e9 O& @6 M$ c. t% R
21, 图标 hill8 {" l/ z* @" Q3 S1 j. V0 t8 y. [* P0 S  ?5 A
( [9 Q6 E# ?# }- D& G  r
# \0 {; n: A+ q% h5 }22, U-turns not permitted 2 \& x% N; `4 U  E' I0 c% ^  n" n" ~) ~( q
+ m& d9 T3 Y, Q/ `+ u; E+ E, I& \' }9 }/ W! V! B
0 }* ?. j$ N: e9 j3 }- J23, passing on a two-lane highwayP87' {  j9 p. w$ l3 d# ^
( D, j& z/ b3 z7 \- S& E( B; F" A; |
: J5 ^. V6 N! t+ |% p( Q( r; Z24, 进入curves要注意什么" h( D0 q3 T( N* U! ]8 I9 g
+ \5 T6 d2 d, m( jP91, j8 v& r$ m8 T6 s4 a" L" A. ^8 B
6 r# _5 @7 V6 m5 o% N$ }
25, Most skids are the result of driver error.P988 d; p' f! N) E& h9 a, R3 ]$ M( K" D$ O% e
+ O  z% d. [: h+ o: y
26, 天气不好的时候要开low-beam headlights
1 C: A/ K' f; [8 v( T
; C; w& V5 ^" @5 b6 O+ M# A2 R6 b. k1.        Pedestrian crosswalk(Page31)
  b- c+ b1 t* U1 [2.        2.School crosswalk ahead(P32) ( ^6 W. A8 G/ N3 R! u. Z4 v
3.         3.School  area (P38)' G2 L) D: n+ a  H2 |* {+ @/ z' Z
4.          4.Playgroud area(P39) 这四道是图标题目.( n9 E+ ~& K. z) c9 p2 w
5 m( i' m$ a! y7 b& ]3 P7 R1 h5.        5.X markings indicate?(P49 approach to a railway crossing)
& \. ^/ F# o/ N; [4 Q# r. N6.         The speed for  playground zone is ?(39  30KM/H)  ' H. p4 G+ B0 u% Y5 T
7.        Vehicles facing a flashing amber light may? (P43 proceed with caution),注意选项中有个suddently stop,这个不要选.  7 U$ B! x( [4 ]$ w9 H, U* Y/ X1 Z; c4 `9 j

2 y# R2 w/ `1 r8 b* S" B8.        .in city seat belt how to use?(体的题目有些忘了,选项里有个是只有载人的时候才系,显然错误了,答案在P52 used properly) " D9 R! o% {, ]# P7 b' I0 t
6 f2 P, o9 i: g) s. t' r9.Parallel parking the law requires how far the wheels of the parked vehicle not be more than from the curb? (P62 50cm).) {  x: S" W7 b  ?9 q
0 ]$ a7 v9 b! l! X& Q! V10.In a traffic circle,the vehicle on the right must yield to the vehicle ?(P72 on the left)* d5 {2 m9 @9 N! p1 m1 s$ R
11.IN an uncontrolled intersections if two vehicles arrive at the same time ,yield the right of way to the vehicle?(P73 on your right)
4 H; t6 W$ b# f7 c: z12.IF another vehicle that has stopped for a pedestrian at a marked or unmarked crosswalk,you must? (P123 must stop and never pass)0 n4 k- E; C" C9 l/ A
13.When a pedestrian raising their arm approximately at right angles to their body ,what dose it mean? (P122 they want to walk across a street and you must stop to yield)% x% D& [8 R3 S+ b' {, x  b0 `! F% f+ x" J
14.IF there is disease or disability that may interfere with the safe operation ,who has to report? (P18 you self,其他选项有保险公司,你的老板,另一个忘记了)4 ^. e# }" v! ^! p
: E7 K2 q1 w9 ?( @: `7 _3 h0 B15.When approaching a shool bus there is a flashing amber lights,what dose it mean? (P128flashing red lights are going to come on and the bus is going to stop): \8 D. B" P, Z4 j: ~2 t0 K2 T* F( l# P+ [& A
16.On a divided highway,if you are approaching a shoolbus from the rear ,when you are permitted to proceed?(P128 red lights are turned off)$ l5 I1 b& n3 h1 E  f5 b
( X# ~( X: [  p+ W2 C5 T7 U17.IF you are first offended related to impaired driving by drinking alcohol,driving licence is suspended? (P142 one year 注意与自动吊销三个月的区别)+ ]2 O) q; l3 g' Y% j
18.When you are convicted of an impaired driving charge,how to reinstate? (P144 until all the conditions on the notice of suspension are met).4 m7 F: Q+ M/ H4 s) ^. a/ Y我- t- j6 Q6 c+ v8 M( e) n% L
19. When a demerit point suspension has been seved if you are GDL,the licence is reinstated with how much points? (P148 three points).
! `/ Y( u* b$ T4 V) r5 R4 v20.GDL drivers which circumstan happens you will get 2 points demerit? (P148 Having more passengers than seat belts).
& y% i+ Y! m2 n2 g. @2 {' w% Z" L  h( K# d* z
- w1 z; ~' _6 y8 ^+ U4 `  Y$ F8 h5 N( l0 J2 }1 ~+ w$ v
22.        1,school bus stop ahead picture. p31
* T( t7 W! w8 K* V& t2,winding road picture.(这个偶选错了.选weaving road了。)p32
4 S4 P" \; {5 A4 A( ?" j( @+ k  M3 a: o% W* r
27.        3, people working picture p37
- E. ?, o& o& W3 P" Q4 i4 X4, steady red light  p412 j- ]$ T: d) h3 |' P, n4 W3 Z
9 \+ h: \  e$ {& U# @5,flashing green arrow light p432 o- S: w( l5 }
6,solid and broken yellow p47.) k0 g. y" ^. [! V' X- \
, V7 R$ b' k# l+ ~% B7,head restrain p53.正确答案是top of your ears。(偶差点就选top of your head): k2 f$ Y; v; Z3 R# z$ |. \
8,within 5 metres on the approach to a stop sign or yield sign. p66- l( |4 U* s0 c' C0 N
9,U-turn not allowed picture p81, u5 R3 H0 N9 O$ z: p
10according to the driver's hand book most skid happened because of what. 答 driver erro p87% q- P- n2 Y* [8 B3 p! }: s" U6 B' Q
11,hydroplaning。p103.记得正确答案里有个water 别的都没有。" G, j/ r- K  c. b  Q1 `
12,when you are driving in urban areas, scan about 12-15seconds ahead.p110/ P" I+ _3 _$ ^2 P" m6 F0 `, h6 e( z) l" w8 ]& l3 u
13,the first time drink suspended for 1year.p142.5 m  S  C4 ?, U$ O7 C( `% X0 K% L, P, B7 b6 p
14.GDL在什么情况下扣两分。more than safe belt passengers.p148; L- d, Q; k, j. y
. V* A, j4 d* K6 z8 X1 K15,double left turn  p29! u: f& q  z7 \
  Q9 S% O* Q" z1 j9 V还有问题不知道在书里什么地方大概就是以下这些。# ^5 W. |1 w! f3 `1 W
+ O& N1 s4 o, N- {2 T# G/ K9 udeceleration的意思。我选错了。答案是C,exit for the highway
+ t7 T! R0 F3 k5 J& U/ o超大卡车的话在有一定空隙的情况下回到原位。这个是蒙对的。(选的时候不知道应该不应该回原位,但看4个选项里都是回原位,于是乎确定肯定得回原位。). h, t6 u! {& K7 Q6 c$ w0 m8 @
without anti-locking ,how will you do.蒙的都忘了选什么了。& h" @& s  N. K- }5 c+ t! Y2 s7 T6 U; I- \( G+ j2 |
还有个跳过没选的,问的是什么样的车不能用来考路考。到现在偶也不知道答案。  8 A. [7 g! }! [9 o
' j5 H8 j7 v5 Q: ?* A+ P% O) D
2 e0 F1 e  T6 e  Q  L. x3 _7 o; b大家考的时候要多读题,别着急,偶就是一个字一个字认真的看好几遍。当时也挺紧张的。怕过不了丢人。5 n5 F/ {/ d% w5 m
本来都很会的题都不敢随便答了,也要看上好几遍。% R; k" @( y( ?
考完后看见爱人的一个同事说他孩子笔试考了四次才过。最后都不好意思去了。他们可是土生土长的本地人都这样# O$ a( x& |, K0 c0 Q: }$ c/ B7 Q
所以咱们别太有压力了。我没考前就有压力,就怕不过被人笑话。听了这个故事倒觉得咱们中国人也挺厉害的 # \; n- K0 {8 Y( b: J* ~

0 A) `4 A# P4 E, ]- }  a8 {6 RNO4. 8 i/ J" A. ^! |" \. F9 h
1 。 有6条標誌题:TWO WAY TRAFFIC
- D, o- U  f6 g& ]+ A( v: n: Z* h4 e                    TURN RIGHT ONLY* ?0 t/ Q7 v% _# u' y# P
0 S3 B" v# @- W2 s' O                    DIVIDED HIGHWAY BEGINS0 S5 Z- V* R% V; _# ~; b3 J9 L9 L* J, H9 p% A) E
                    SLOW MOVING VEHICLE 的速度是40/KM4 K+ d8 S: S! i% j
                    LANE ENDS,LOSS OFF RIGHT LAND! f  }- D; Z; @
' X4 u" q8 A! @- Q                    PASSING IS PERMITTED  r% L. J1 `3 q/ p7 D
3 j( ^6 y1 Y9 l0 o: i2.        当亮红灯时,右转可以吗:是允许的,但要FULL STOP和没有禁止的SIGN。P 414 T# W- x9 b) L/ h
% r2 x- G% k0 j: r- C/ X( R5.        离STOP SIGN最少要多少米:5米。P 669 S& P# }1 K3 }& `+ m4 j
- N7 D; Y! y! C% J" o+ l2 a6.        HEAD RESTRAINT要调到那里:与耳背平齐。P 53
) t' M( Y8 N+ @2 [8 S# i7.        退出PARALLEL PARKED时,要怎样做:SHOULDER CHECK TO THE LEFT TO CHECK TH BLIND SPOT。 P 621 q0 Q7 q$ P9 a' H8 c/ ~
# P; M* T/ ^: w' C8 i# V7 [8.        在车在TRAFFIC CIRCLE的里面那条路时,要转出时要怎样: P 72/73; ~; @" A; D7 n( }+ `5 x  z1 P  B1 l1 a2 x
10.        当右车胎TRAVEL OFF路面时,要怎样: P 100
, F+ G* V$ j) q$ [+ I, G11.        当天气不好时,要打底灯。 P101/ c0 b0 L4 |2 L) c" @4 O- S' N% l' v6 U5 F
; I1 E* j7 t- r  g" C) B' N15.        U-TURNS什么时候不可以转:P 81, u5 Q4 J' h  V, j
以下是我不太确定的题目,我就不把答案写出来了:4 T: Z/ S( [& J4 k
3 Y. U( _3 O8 H2 K: c6 ?; `16.        当PASS一辆大货车时要怎样?: y  T5 g( c9 V/ V. j  H5 k8 @6 y
17.        当车在TWO-WAY HIGHWAY上山时,要怎样做:' x. d+ ]& s0 _% [. k2 q7 e+ S
18.        在CURVE行车时,推薦的行使方式是:  B2 y3 o7 d7 c) f
19.        你的什么时候提供你的架驶证,车保险等证件给警察:(我选了什么时候要就什么时候提供,但不知对不对,因为我在书中没有看过这个)' s; C5 q' V% E% J/ {
& a) |. {0 e; f20.        PARKING LAND 的定义是什么?; p* X) T' B* J
21.        当你在路上,要停车时,与前车距离多远?4 }7 w/ O2 l3 K+ G3 \5 ^0 G3 s& [; N% f7 Y! Q) l' T# k
# E- k) Z8 ]" Y/ b9 r  O3 f& H) g9 M- S* R; e
NO5. ) i. j: o+ N8 L# D+ }. s
I got a lot of imformation here.After passing the class 7 test, I post some subjects and hope other people. A+ o: O7 H/ ?! ~' a$ p4 j% D) s1 S
get a little help., @, d$ Q9 t& u( z' k  i1 j* g9 ], o/ `: H5 H0 R7 b
class 7参考试题7 z: }9 A$ G2 k9 q1 F
四个图形题:# ]& t/ X! q) g1 W3 L8 C9 B) p
P27 railway crossing& U) v4 E$ j# `2 M$ v5 {
5 ]' O  O+ ]6 P: j+ y& ^4 eP28 staright through or right turn& L, h3 e1 c% x( B! J9 y
& s+ J" P6 M9 }2 L  i+ o' A. I: O$ Bp30 no left turn- b' p, G3 b( R7 t  q$ V/ P. q$ `7 G8 d( |' [2 M1 Q" @; k9 w+ O
p32 school crosswalk ahead   N3 L  i; ^' U2 x$ A# ]4 @% v3 V' S
p27不许进入- j# a' P4 o" \) _: H: {/ f4 Z+ \! x: A% P& V$ A5 C
p30不许在指定方向停车2 F! r  r3 r$ F% A. B9 }) h3 I1 d3 c! ~' n
p27前方有让行标志 0 D4 p: x5 \" W/ x- i3 m( \4 i. B" ?; p% Z9 m! k$ h
p30不许U转, p9 c7 N; S( _- k
; l6 @) ^7 ~- C0 b5 TP39 playground zone 标志3 {2 Q' b/ q4 C# z- p1 E7 f
" e8 v: z) M0 R' p' t; _P71 Straight through or right turn 标志 1 E4 M) z8 X! _" U9 M- [
" ^/ {) \5 i$ ?# |  d/ I* A, y2 p+ LP30 Dangerous goods 标志: m" e$ N" L0 }; Q- P% o: g, E% V1 F
P29 double left turn 的图标代表什么意思?  double left turn
- ^! C/ V5 g; `# i: E8 oP37有个小人施工的图标代表什么意思?     有人施工, 小心工人在前面/ n0 `( \6 U2 W- x+ o4 u3 `  n$ T- A
P32 curve的那个85的限速标志(啥也不说了。肯定考)8 r% p, j: ~3 o, L. n8 ^
. w, |: C$ f% S7 }P31  P32一个人行道的标志(注意真的人行道和人行道ahead的区别)
! T" p2 O8 ~$ l0 Y6 P$ d! `P31  P32 一个学校人行道的标志(同样真的和ahead的区别): ^% s! Z- `& C6 N# @/ l2 s, T9 s0 q! T3 w# f# P9 v
p37 slow moving vihicle ---sign7 P: T( w: }  _; x$ }2 u6 ]% D3 d$ D3 N" s; u5 H7 ~$ n7 r
P49地面上有叉。(railcross ahead)
* f9 o* n0 Q7 g* uP27牌子上有叉。(还是railcross)
. s5 B3 {' i3 c0 q0 ]' I! z1 _P33交通标志牌 考的是road narrows both sides0 x/ x' }& h: l4 n2 _" v; O/ @* \+ N9 v; h
; d! m$ T) b" G/ `$ tp6 class 7 is not permitted to dirve from midnight to 5 a.m.2 T8 V6 h/ A) Q* z. q1 d2 q0 x
p6 fully licensed drivers 15 points9 M/ J+ L: G( l/ b# K5 x* n
P7 gdl5号牌需要几年的零违章历史才能 6 D$ i' q2 L! m5 Y8 |: u' v% w* Y: h3 ?& Y, _7 N, b! U: K
GDL probationary (class 5) have been suspension free for the last year of the two-year- i5 F  j5 Z6 P' F
, }# l. X+ b6 nprobationary stage to become a fully licensed driver" w( W* H, H6 i( Z' V0 ~4 B  g5 b
4 \4 V1 w+ |- t0 Dp18 it is your responsibility and legal obligation to report any disease or disability that may interfere. y  h% n* u; u' T3 e7 v$ h! vwith the safe operation of a motor vehicle.4 U1 C. ~3 z* o. R: u5 w& M, a: `# Q( z& y
p28城外一级高速路没特别标示牌的时候的限速是多少?(城外一级 二级 城内 分别为100km/h 80 50)  7 z' Z" ~/ h; d0 ]! _' d( `& V
; u+ |9 s) @. w+ ~p38 when you enter school zone, ....speed allowed urban 30km/h 学校区的时速限制是(30)# D* @& M: n7 J6 V1 ~* D
P38  school zone的时间及速度 (8:00am-9:30am, 11:30am-1:30pm, 3:00pm-4:30pm,速度不超过30). I! I, j; b) J- w, S# e, Y! j8 Z: N, A0 u  b1 G' `
P36 如果有flag person在场该怎么办? Obey the flag person’s signal" @" g: P: ]5 `$ ?7 {; H: r# x' {5 y8 M
P41在市内的路口,交通灯的黄灯亮了, 该怎么办? ) ?2 i5 b* N1 \2 ?8 [! ~" W5 }% r3 w$ B3 H* Q8 \) S: }. E4 F
Vehicles facing a steady amber light must come to a complete stop; Q* u  m- N4 J/ ]- Z, u/ R( t# W3 _. g" _; X1 E, b" L- I
p43 facing a flashing red light.................must come to a stop2 N/ k6 n* [0 y# [2 @- y/ v  W; i. ~" @
p47 solid and broken yellow line indicates that passing is permitted in one direction0 R& \4 j# @4 L4 [$ }5 J
p47 solid yellow line和broken yellow line并列。) k2 J0 U) x8 m1 h% G( F6 q- V7 Y' J
' W6 i0 S  W1 X5 W  z6 h2 P虚线实线 (虚线可以pass 实线不能pass 双线的时候已靠近自己方向这条线为准 注意黄线分割开的是向不同方向驾驶的公路 白线分割开的是同向驾驶的公路)* O+ I  D) _% S7 c
8 D" u  e5 Y) K, W, wp53 the centre of the head restrain is level with the top of your ears) J" U* U& ~2 \4 j7 R8 w! O! R& y- L
p59 to back to the left look over your left shoulder with occasional galnce to the front% c( l1 q2 u2 |" e1 d3 _( P1 n
+ v& k0 D' \* G8 {* ?8 mp62 the wheels of the parked vehicle not be more than 50 centimetres from the curb) J' ~  M! p6 I2 u  S- s* s$ [! J4 r- D- Y) P2 X; ^; l
P65 If you park facing uphill on a street with a curb ,turn the front wheels toward the left .3 H: n9 }4 Y+ f+ H3 O
' Z/ Z& A7 y% A6 i上坡有路牙向左 其他全部向右7 C% t( S( x/ {# e1 v1 [
P66 Do not park your vehicle within 5 metres on the approach to a stop sign or yield sign.8 t; `0 N0 `# H0 U. u
( l$ v7 b# _( T: y; A/ PP71从停车场出来开上公路,是否需要停车?(是)9 d4 F, r) w: h$ M3 e
: S6 I& ]. r9 tP71 P73 two vehicles arrived the intersection uncontrollered  at the same time ,yield the right-of-way to the vehicle on your right. 四way路口,两辆90度方向同时到达路口,谁优先行?(右边的车)
% z3 z- s& V/ E& R8 ^% D$ V/ UNormal courtesy is to allow the vehicle that arrived first to procees first
. j8 V" O: U5 HP72Traffic Circle:  the vehicle on the right must yield to the vehicle on the left(右边的让行左边的) 9 |4 {9 O" e) U) c$ u+ w) r. U$ J
* u, s: Z, I* g3 [- xP73 T字路口该给谁让路? 让右
0 I& t0 _+ H+ L  S2 cP74别的车停下给行人让行,你怎么办?(你也必须停车让行)
/ }+ N/ `9 y. x6 vP76各种转向所对应的手势$ U$ ]* v5 a. X' A0 u+ C. S7 b9 A; I* }) b7 [) V
P77红灯亮时是否可以右转? You can make a right turn on a red light after you come to a full stop.  7 K" @( m5 I. E7 y. F8 X' n7 D
p84 Do not drive in the “parking lane” of a highway, even to allow passing.It is only intended for ergency parking
. s" C* T* u5 H9 AP85拐弯时候的视线盲区 (shoulder check) in the direction you intend to move7 U& F3 B2 s" V: X: Q) Z9 y: O
0 E: ~: D& h, D; @; a! E5 R( Xp87 if you is passing someone on a two-lane highway, what should you do?
6 H, |3 s0 ]' _& v) o. b7 UDistance ~ clear, permitted ~ check mirror ~ shoulder check ~ left sighal ~ check~ pass~
) s2 p6 q, D! ?1 M$ g: f, _P88什么情况下不能超车? , W% V1 u* [0 ?/ z2 u4 M& T0 d6 c; D6 z6 {, X
Too close   a solid yellow line   no-passing zone   school or playground zone   pedestrian (主要考点是在人行道附近不可以超车), n. ^9 y3 k1 d# r" Y
p89 merge:singal left, accelerate to the speed of the highway traffic, h6 A) J0 n7 A# b% _
p91 curve: before entering a curve, slow down and stay in your lane;. V; Y/ l' o3 t7 Y
- L  u5 O# P+ m, Y0 r6 m3 [accelerate slightly after entering the curve to maintain a safe speed.- m! G; r$ b5 t6 ~; Y
4 B  E6 c" ^9 A$ H3 I; Fpg94 高速上vehicle breakdown
' I+ n/ L* O/ ^) p3 \7 i' ppg98 Most skids are the the result of driver error   turn  brake  accelerate
) ?! k# M! c/ b% `6 kp101 use your low-beam headlights when you are within 150 metres behind any vehicle you are1 _1 H* Q8 R, y$ r4 u! L. m: ~7 m3 g3 l2 K+ C
following.' z* X2 r1 c. H- t9 c
  K& W+ [, u5 Y9 vuse your low-beam headlights when you are within 300 metres from any oncoming vehicle.
. j3 [9 x# Y& S" H! rP101 什么时候把大灯换成低灯
8 |) B1 v- T' O( aP101 “over driving”的意思是什么?(速度太快看见物体来不及停下)5 A3 P# Z1 d+ p2 o( a) u' p  x' z
% Z) Z/ Y( m" d( F3 W; xIf you are traveling at a speed that does not let you see an object in time to step, you are “over-driving” your headlights.1 r6 _# |; m% M! ^6 L; Y
p112 2 second的那种check方法适用于什么情况(任何车速), }' m+ P; D4 d( K+ ^. T  C
p114 it is the driver's responsibility to ensure that all passengers under the age of 16 years are properly 1 q* X' B/ ?' h$ J8 H! Q" D" E
restrained in the vehicle.; `" R# ?5 L, Q, B1 {
P122行人举手指向对面马路? 他要过马路, 立即停车7 N/ \4 s% ~0 R! f/ v
P123 路边有人拿着白色的棍子 (他眼睛不好)
) H7 k# F8 B7 S; B$ S; Jp124如果你的lane前方是骑自行车的,你要超车, 该怎么办? Leave lots of room' y9 O0 u* e$ X. ?6 \; _' p
) D% ]. K" b- p( H, g7 q' g8 xP127 school bus 黄等闪该怎么办? ready to stop
" w" F; _' _* v& P6 X9 [p128 school bus: you are not permitted to continue until the alternating flashing red lights are   ~. O, b# h. F7 s6 J2 S& m
turnned off
; k3 x- U. l. ](中间没有隔离带的话 不管同向行驶还是异向行驶 都必须停车 距离20米 等灯不闪了再走)! O. T, R* }; V: T; i; A% V' g, U5 l2 B, C7 }. t8 M" A
p129 emergency vehicles: drive as closely as possible to the right curb or edge of the two-way roadway# l+ T( w1pulling right or left to the nearest curb on one-way streets8 |& _2 r6 |8 P& e1 v, p2 R; a! ^1 z
P132大马路上有个白色的大叉, 代表什么意思?  通向railway crossing& Y3 l; {# r+ P) a/ M( e9 v* i3 g/ h2 J# X
P133 当有火车通过或即将通过的时候 要在多远距离上停车? (不少于5米不多于15米)7 J- v( z4 {5 S2 n! T3 K0 B
p142 Under the Criminal Code of Canada, blood alcohol level over .80/80mg once ,their licence is suspended for 1 year .  x+ |0 x1 n) o
P142 AASL规定的酒精浓度超标和拒绝检查驾照吊销多久?(3个月。)3 }% z5 n3 q9 P5 k- {( {* ]5 n; p. I. n
Under AALS ,blood alcohol level over .80/80mg ,LICENCE will automatic be suspended for 3-month/ H; b: o& p  \
* T  j- Z( ~+ C) k/ {' Op144  when you are convicted of an impaired driving charge, your licence suspension takes effect at% X4 s! Q4 D- l8 r0 m5 |+ _5 X5 |8 m+ T# R1 G5 V
that time. Suspensions remain in effect until all the conditions on the notice of suspension are. b' i6 _; h* r! c
$ h. B) o  V8 Y: D- ]   met   驾照被吊销后 如何恢复 (满足所有要求的条件), B0 V: Z2 M7 _5 ~8 G# x5 B' r8 F' g6 [" `  x( l- Y
p148  For GDL whenan accumulation of eight or more points occurs within a two-year period,your licence is automatically suspended for one month.
; R- D' Y  e  n+ S6 Dp148  For GDL when a demerit point syspension has been served ,the licence is  reinstated with 3 points.  (fully licence will reinstated with 7 points, GDL will reinstated with 3)
! @( z# W- Z) W) U0 m1 ~p148 gdl7号牌持有者,违反curfew的规定扣2分。2 \% W6 G% s- ^3 |+ T
' l( M8 P7 I! {% Y( S8 WCurfew, no driving from midnight till 5 a.m.(class 7 learner stage only)' W; B4 y; k- e# ~$ Z0 b. Y, Q' R8 m/ C+ y, |
p148 GDL drivers having more passengers than seat belts扣2分.
& f. j" v3 O$ i3 W$ Y1 d. B: {5 o: _2 l1 n) k3 B7 C
6 J5 ?% e7 C  t& e+ k1)        Hydroplaning的意思 (P103, This happens when a thin layer of water builds up between your tires and the road surface. Since direct contact is lost between the road surface and your tires, this can cause your vehicle to skid. Slow down.)
' C4 o: N( T( F* A$ U2)        Threshold braking technique的意思(P59,第一次刹车踩到车轮会锁死的位置之前,稍微抬起,第二次刹车到停止)$ ~1 q3 J$ e0 Z3 }( M6 ?
3)        Brake smoothly的意思(P58,点刹)
1 q5 R7 z. ]/ W, n( c2 y4)        到停在一辆车的后面,应该保持什么距离(保持适当的距离,以便不需要倒车就可以换到另一条道路继续行驶)。干扰的错误答案是保持大概1米,P61中平行泊车距离前后车保持大概1米,与这个题目不同。! E: `6 }1 i$ z" d* {  i8 X. X5 A5 L! [$ J
5)        bump标志(P34, 颠簸路面)。干扰的错误答案是rumble strip1 G, Z: P/ `/ W; E8 M3 e- t1 u( g0 U2 ]5 W+ S7 I
6)        flashing yellow light的意思(P43,谨慎通过)。干扰的错误答案是将要亮红灯。
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-8-26 15:58 | 显示全部楼层
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老杨团队 追求完美
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, Y" M& A9 e) H4 L% p
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同言同羽 置业良晨
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发表于 2010-8-19 23:55 | 显示全部楼层
谢谢,帖子非常好, 但字有些乱码, 看不清楚, 能否给我邮箱发一下, sxdtwxiong@yahoo.com.cn 非常感谢!!!
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