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发表于 2008-8-8 13:39
LazyDiamond wrote:
5 ^; c+ z) Q2 f6 y% jPosted 2008/08/08
& b M' Q' W, M8 t) Y. T; ~at 1:55 PM ET
5 L6 h" M: Q) q& Y/ J9 m4 p0 c% I- g H! Z0 |- q/ F* }
Great Show!!
$ ]# j" |* F. Q
3 Q) U' P+ Z; EBut sadly Peter Mansbridge really ruined it for me.. he just coudln't stop talking about politics, war, deaths etc. He was a real downer. There's a time and place to talk about those things and the Olympic opening ceremony is the wrong place! When they presented the athletes, I wanted to hear about their accomplishments, informantion about the countries history in the games, things related to the Olympics. I felt that Ron, as usual, did a very good job, I found his comments interesting and presented a lot of the athletes very well. Maybe Peter didn't have enough insight about the athletes so he talked about what he knows best: the politics of each country, if that's the case then they should of taken somebody else to host with Ron.
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Ron asked Peter his last tought about the whole ceremony and Peter replied the he was amazed that Russians athletes were right next to Georgias athletes and that those countries hate each other.... out of the whole beautiful ceremony that was his final thought!
/ ]& O9 ], f/ O: |/ z
4 U8 C& a* M# O8 E+ TAnyways, great ceremony can't wait to see the games!!!!
, ~- [4 r Z5 r# M* s
1 p. p# n' F7 d" f2 s* V(Sorry my english isn't that good) |