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comments on the Beijing Olympic Opening Ceromony on CBC

鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-8-8 13:34 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
I can’t believe the attitude of some of you. First of all, these are the Olympics so no need to bring in politics. Second, do you think your poo doesn’t smell? Is China in Afghanistan killing innocent people? If the USA were holding these games would you be crying about the pollution that country emits? Would you be crying about the USA’s human rights violations or their lack of freedoms? I doubt it! I am a Canadian living in Taiwan and am so excited about these games and for all those complaining I would like to ask them to take a look in the mirror.5 ~/ b2 s5 ?: H0 w! k) {3 j3 P2 T
. w( P. h6 _8 v0 t- p
Elephant789 wrote:% G. N5 W, F/ u: w/ S8 f9 E
Posted 2008/08/07
" R! y" {0 z" w  o4 Z/ b( \7 p, qat 10:36 PM ET
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2008-8-8 13:34 | 显示全部楼层
A truely mega once in a life time historical opening ceremony with over 80 heads of states attending is unprecedented in any Olympic games, world event in any nation or century !) g' S2 Y. N8 C- c
! J3 m5 M0 u: e
EdT586 wrote:
' b! @& c2 S) m" @) K  S( X! B1 c3 }, MPosted 2008/08/073 o: i( |! S' k" s; ^
at 8:37 PM ET
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2008-8-8 13:35 | 显示全部楼层
Will any country ever be able to afford to put on such a spectacle?
7 c0 j( }# p0 F, F6 f/ A" T9 p; n$ Y5 C, R, ~7 q: T7 q! D5 ~
I doubt it............and certainly for Vancouver's 2010 games BC and Canada will be hard pressed to put on a show that is even half as wonderful.
* x3 O$ v* b# r
* d7 p; y0 [% U, o; T/ a5 {
& ?+ a! N# t: D5 l) d  u1 Z8 E- VI feel Harper has done Canada a disservice by refusing to turn up amongst all the world's rulers who were there to applaud and encourage their athletes!
* E, \  _* N  B  T4 A- S9 u
4 H3 V5 E1 r+ \In our trade relations with China we should expect a bit of COLD SHOULDER treatment from Beijing as a result of this deliberate slight by out Prime Minister. Particularly as CHINA is taking over it's role as the most powerful country in the world both economically and militarily.
/ a) M3 h! g+ R3 A& e) ?9 Q  Q, g  T0 }- e
China can do without CANADA but there is no way CANADA can do without China.. P* A9 G# J/ a( c  `& E8 `$ W! z
! z, p. [! K1 R
. Z4 M: h2 g: [* m$ l
alastair berry wrote:, r3 [, z0 d1 V% N9 U5 @; i& O. @
Posted 2008/08/08
  }1 r3 t# s+ i+ d; ~at 2:21 PM ET
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2008-8-8 13:36 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
Kirong wrote:
( `0 {$ C- y$ K& A7 q0 WPosted 2008/08/07
' `. S& ^3 [* @+ J5 `6 Rat 9:52 PM ET
# U( V. E9 W7 N* I$ N9 x6 v% |4 N
Stop being negative. If over 205 countries (more than Athens) and over 80 head of state showed up, which is more than ANY other country in Olympic history, China must be doing SOMETHING positive right.
# `+ P/ M& |+ I' l, `4 K% W
$ D  ?$ v% j4 J- t% g* x# lStop whining about pollution, how would Toronto be if you suddenly quadriple its population. Only a few major cities with populations over 10 million each have pollution problems, very easy to judge considering our whole country makes more pollution than all 3 major cities (which has more population than Canada btw)
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2008-8-8 13:36 | 显示全部楼层
To everyone whose got negative comments about China, enough already.
/ y$ G- f/ F/ E6 U) e3 ^4 {) x6 o* QWe all know that China is not perfect. Every country in this world has their own faults. Have you people done any good deeds lately. When was the last time you said Hi to your next door neighbor.
- i: _& q) g. ]! f1 @5 b- p0 {6 v
It is an embarrassment to all Canadian athletes and China that Harper didn't have the guts to show his face in this once in a lifetime major event. Set political issues aside for a while Harper cause Canada is not a perfect country either when it comes to human rights. The justice system here alone is a disgrace.
' ^0 y( X: n  x9 u* a
. b# |# G" z6 ^. [8 yI applaud China, and the Chinese people for doing a great job in welcoming the world. The whole opening ceremony is just marvelous. Well organize, hundreds of performers all synchronized, amazing fireworks, Chinese inventions incorporated to the performance, well done. The question now is can Vancouver surpass this magnificent ceremony, maybe, as long as they don't repeat that ridiculous igloo and ice fishing segment.( B& ?  Q4 o+ s- V5 V
% n7 K& |# C3 m7 y# O/ E) P/ k
Again congratulations China, keep doing your best. Let the games begin.
4 k" _0 ^. a+ m9 @0 m
5 u* |/ _( O! B2 mMichaelV wrote:
0 [' C7 q* Y) X9 BPosted 2008/08/08
( C" Y2 r, p% v2 m. V( Z8 zat 11:39 AM ET
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2008-8-8 13:37 | 显示全部楼层
TrueFreedom wrote:; ^6 _- g1 y) [/ I
Posted 2008/08/07: |6 Q) g; q: U9 p7 c! L+ U! ?
at 11:34 PM ET; |2 c+ J, c0 X3 M3 {. q

7 V  z9 w+ _4 _7 q* X; w1. During the DARKEST period of Chinese human rights history- the cultural revolution (1966-1976), the western countries smiled friendly to China and rewarded the Chinese government by recognizing the communist government as the SOLE legitimate government. (they abondoned Taiwan). In 1970, 1972, 1979, the Canadian, Japanese and U.S government set up diplomatic relationship with China communist government respectively in spite it was the darkest time that most of the Chinese people felt the bitterness.
; |% E" x# z, f: J
) \- L& M& g- ]2 s" L2. When China is rising and improving step by step that even lots of the human rights fighters have to acknowledge the improvement. Chinese enjoy more and more economic and social benefits (although still not up to the standard of some of the western countries). All of a sudden, the governments of Canada, US and some of their followers criticized about the human rights issue of China almost every day (You can see such a topic on CBC almost everyday). " t# C1 a- {2 a# x

7 N1 v1 m% p' h& j; `Base of above comparision, is there any one able to answer : WHY?
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2008-8-8 13:37 | 显示全部楼层
This is the best and the grandest performance I've ever seen. It showed the one of the oldest histories and ones of the greatest inventions in the world, no politic involved. The theme was about romance, green, science, and peace. What inspire me most are the enthusiasm and committment of thousands of Chinese volunteers. What touches me most is the young, earthquake victim, the little boy walking next to the famous Chinese basketball star. It shows us that they don't forget those earthquake victims during their grandest and best party ever. Excellent job!!! Very well done CHINA!!!
& C; Z, J: k' g1 v$ p" w0 P) f
" [2 Z9 \, D! L5 L5 x& a6 _0 hCindyVaso wrote:
& Y: Y- G* _, H" U8 D; I/ M  W/ jPosted 2008/08/08
3 m6 @9 A0 v8 s" S) j/ ^: Tat 1:25 PM ET
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2008-8-8 13:38 | 显示全部楼层
Must say I'm annoyed with CBC for the numerous commercials during the athlete's parade. Canada has citizens who originate from all over the world so we should get the chance to see the athletes of ALL of the countries, not just a favoured few. Sad to say, of the countries we were able to see, the Canadians had one of the worst outfits. 3 v) C0 o/ P) d( S7 o
+ k- x/ c, A/ |# D8 i; B6 w7 E
Generally, I only tune into the opening ceremonies to see the parade as I'm not too fond of dancing snowflakes and figure skating Mounties and the like, but I did find the Beijing ceremonies to be quite entertaining...well done.
' o6 g" f! B1 I& o) z6 X; t- j$ w- R! r
One last thing, I don't understand Harper's non attendance. If Canada wants to make a statement then not only should the Prime Minister not attend, we shouldn't be sending any athlete's either. If, however, the athletes are in attendance (as they are) then the Prime Minister should attend to show his support for our athletes. Instead he chooses to stay home but insists that it isn't a protest of Chinese policies...a very mixed message and very confusing.
  L$ q/ E8 n; _+ b2 p( T
5 x! w4 Q0 N$ nGracchusDanlorus wrote:+ c' M) I" L4 F2 A( _
Posted 2008/08/08
, Y3 d! R4 R- s0 ]2 h' T/ M4 g: |at 12:56 AM ET
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2008-8-8 13:38 | 显示全部楼层
blackghostJ wrote:. q) c1 A$ ~+ R
Posted 2008/08/08
, W6 T# ^# N) ~at 1:55 PM ET/ X) a+ u6 p; N

* M0 a; |4 E% i# {& gHarper is idiot, he likes to follow his "best bro" - W. Bush, but he was sold by his "best buddy" this time. and make Canada looks stupid. How this kind of people can lead this country. Don't forget, after 2 years, this game will be in here, and Canada is going to pay for his stupid mistake.
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2008-8-8 13:39 | 显示全部楼层
Stray Voltage wrote:
: z3 a: f1 \- ]9 R  l& y- YPosted 2008/08/084 T8 K/ n0 x; g: L. d( F% g
at 12:22 AM ET" e& F) [+ M; [5 @  H' r

) b$ [8 ~8 d0 z8 t
0 Z  |0 v. X  ]; G8 UGood for them! They deserve it. They worked very hard to pull this off and they should be applauded for taking this task very seriously and for doing such an admirable job.
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2008-8-8 13:39 | 显示全部楼层
LazyDiamond wrote:
5 ^; c+ z) Q2 f6 y% jPosted 2008/08/08
& b  M' Q' W, M8 t) Y. T; ~at 1:55 PM ET
5 L6 h" M: Q) q& Y/ J9 m4 p0 c% I- g  H! Z0 |- q/ F* }
Great Show!!
$ ]# j" |* F. Q
3 Q) U' P+ Z; EBut sadly Peter Mansbridge really ruined it for me.. he just coudln't stop talking about politics, war, deaths etc. He was a real downer. There's a time and place to talk about those things and the Olympic opening ceremony is the wrong place! When they presented the athletes, I wanted to hear about their accomplishments, informantion about the countries history in the games, things related to the Olympics. I felt that Ron, as usual, did a very good job, I found his comments interesting and presented a lot of the athletes very well. Maybe Peter didn't have enough insight about the athletes so he talked about what he knows best: the politics of each country, if that's the case then they should of taken somebody else to host with Ron.
" K( ~! E' @+ D* S' k# T6 S# k" Z* `! V& F. O
Ron asked Peter his last tought about the whole ceremony and Peter replied the he was amazed that Russians athletes were right next to Georgias athletes and that those countries hate each other.... out of the whole beautiful ceremony that was his final thought!
/ ]& O9 ], f/ O: |/ z
4 U8 C& a* M# O8 E+ TAnyways, great ceremony can't wait to see the games!!!!
, ~- [4 r  Z5 r# M* s
1 p. p# n' F7 d" f2 s* V(Sorry my english isn't that good)
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2008-8-8 13:40 | 显示全部楼层
lotusecho wrote:
! a! z0 G# T. s5 `: v+ OPosted 2008/08/08
  L' @4 m# r9 P8 Dat 12:31 AM ET
8 w8 {# Z- s; i) z. u
. t9 n3 w' t2 rI had tears in my eyes during the opening ceremonies. Every four years the world gets together and unites under the Olympic Flag. The one time we think about unity, commeraderie, fairplay and friendly competition. A moment in history to be proud of! The best of luck and good wishes to all the athletes.
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2008-8-8 13:41 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
honeybear55 wrote:
- s/ V/ N- r/ I2 tPosted 2008/08/08- K& ~+ l" z% R( E# _0 t: f
at 12:19 AM ET
1 l/ _6 z8 |+ z
8 O7 }" V  J  x3 {AWESOME! AWESOME! AWESOME show! The people of China know how to put on a party don't they! A flawless show that has now set the bar higher than most other countries will likely never be able to achieve. Remarkable! Let's hope the rest of the games are just as great. Can't wait to see what they do for the closing ceremonies...Go Team Canada Go!
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2008-8-8 13:43 | 显示全部楼层
Calvin2008 wrote:* ^2 s9 }& m3 b7 W' t3 {- u) k0 R4 V
Posted 2008/08/08- T# K  y2 z7 Q
at 2:27 AM ET
" \5 o9 h# g+ i! I8 w
, ~8 |  E* N% D/ `8 y  vRegarding to Human rights questions:3 ?$ j/ A) O; v
I agree that China has some problem with human rights but we can see that Chinese government is trying hard to improve it. After all, China is still a developing country. The average education over the 1.3 billion population cannot compare to western countries yet. But I can see the change and as I am a Chinese, when I lived in China, I feel that I have enough freedom and human rights. Now most of Chinese people satisfy and are confident with Mr. Hu, the current Chair of China. Give the GOV a bit more time, I believe they can do better.
  Q2 @- l* V7 q3 ]7 ^4 |+ }/ u2 u3 a3 k" i
In Beijing, the citizens are smiling to welcome all the guest from the world. Could you say their smile is fake and forced? I dont think so, I think Chinese people are proud of this moment and proud of China. 4 C8 l4 E% l! G5 b5 q" I

4 A8 ^7 n  _' qSo What the heck is the human rights that western countries talk about. Why do they have the reason to protest the Olympic in Beijing. The Olympic in Beijing is not only the dream of Chinese gov but also 1.3 billion of Chinese people which is 1/5 population of the world. I think that 1.3 billion people should definitely have the rights to organize the Olympic for the whole world. No one else have the rights to protest and prevent it happen. otherwise they are trying to rob 1.3 billion people's rights. ; ?$ Z9 A$ N" R
8 L( n, X* C0 V0 U3 d, \# i9 e/ v
I believe the Beijing Olympic will be the best ever. Turn on your TV, enjoy the opening and enjoy the 1.3 billion people's dream come true.
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2008-8-8 13:44 | 显示全部楼层
happysummercanada wrote:
# l- N) ^3 N' u5 iPosted 2008/08/08
1 Q. Q; j1 ^  Hat 2:20 PM ET+ w5 d) }( z" Q6 z8 }7 ]
1 v% f7 N" D  |; l& h7 c0 F" V
The grand opening ceremony at Beijing shows a a splendid culture with thousands of years civilization. This is about history, culture, romance, and peace. It shows us the beautiful essences of the oriental culture. Go Beijing Go!
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2008-8-8 13:45 | 显示全部楼层
Timdouble2 wrote:
: `) i5 N! Q' QPosted 2008/08/08
1 y: P8 j4 n' y7 {/ j/ Pat 10:05 AM ETWe see China should be in an objective perspective. I am watching the opening ceremony now, it is really creative and I should say it is a fancy one out of my imagination. I do not feel any of the political factors behind the scene. The performances, the audience, the athletics they all have beautiful smiles. I do not think they all fake. They just trying their best to show the world and welcome the world and giving a host feeling. Why you guys just try to drag back to politics, human rights, racism, material world...Give our athletics a chance, give the people who work hard for this event a chance, give China a chance, give the world a chance~!
9 W) e+ \$ ]6 I- _' m* ABTW, Canadian outfits for me are interesting and eye-catching!
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2008-8-8 13:46 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
RXRong wrote:
$ c/ |; ~# N4 d, q- G$ IPosted 2008/08/08
) M' E$ a3 ?; G; G& `5 \$ t: r% Lat 1:33 PM ETThe Little Boy who marched with Yao Ming was so cute!
4 S) ^- }, D2 Y; b3 u* Q+ A
/ z0 B0 E0 k0 ?7 M, IThe Chinese announcer mentioned that he was also a hero and pulled two of his classmates from the rubble! # q/ a/ D* j8 n- o. T% B# ^
4 R$ \+ F* R0 p7 B8 y
I was so very impressed by the Opening Ceremonies. Easily the most well coordinated and beautifully choreographed shows ever.
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2008-8-8 13:47 | 显示全部楼层
Bobber123Bobber123 wrote:
7 P; S: `* G. R$ T& |# \Posted 2008/08/088 P2 ^: R) A. Y( H+ ^2 \- \8 s% `
at 10:58 AM ET
3 L4 B: C& a. G* F% Y$ P" q: g5 e
/ T8 Y( }1 l; ^$ W0 A1 HI was looking forward for years thinking that when China holds the Olympics the opening ceromony would be an extremely impressive and colourful event.....wasn't disappointed at all.....quite outstanding ! For those who haven't seen it well worth your while to try to catch the rerun of it. Now, GO CANADA GO !!!!
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2008-8-8 13:49 | 显示全部楼层
MACliffe wrote:
- M8 r5 b3 |; l7 u0 M) \Posted 2008/08/087 i0 c! k3 r8 p$ u
at 10:50 AM ET
( K0 f+ _* Y/ C9 q* o6 j# u
% A0 q6 T) L6 AThe opening of the games were awe inspiring, and probably the best I've ever seen. China should be proud! / m2 H; w; N4 D% x( _! c7 |( X
+ i/ d3 D4 }: q* |1 x5 f  @
It was really, really disappointing to see the Canadians walk on and for several of them to be talking on cell phones as they entered the stadium. What an embarrasment. I didn't see any other country using such an inappropriate time to use the phone. It was a moment for Canada to show our pride, not talk on the phone.
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2008-8-8 13:51 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-8-8 20:57 | 显示全部楼层
thanks for sharing.
% `$ {1 J" x' {Awesome!!!
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-8-9 12:22 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
鲜花(117) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-8-10 14:07 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-8-10 22:35 | 显示全部楼层

the Scare about china's power

I used to be quite mad when western media said something bad to China. But finally, I realized there is a truth behind this.Do you guys smell a scare from those criticisms? They are afraid of the power of China and aren't willing to face the reality!
; [" ?+ t8 L$ W6 N9 M9 d6 E- i0 @1 \- `* J
Western countries got used to looking down us as a poor and weak country.But all of sudden,just in a decade,China becomes one of the strongest countries in the world. They have been surpassed at every fields. What's reaction they have? CNN,NBC,CBC... have said anything good?
% s2 \" m" _$ ]: L; I9 |2 H, [
. d6 j3 ~/ `1 J5 |' cWe are all clear how bad they treat Chinese government and the country even they've ignored completely the facts that most of the Chinese are much reacher than before,and Chinese people are having better life.
) D7 r8 d* Y) W# @, ^! P
* i$ b2 I$ U/ k& C2 \# MTherefore,they got a shock when 5 western people shouted "free Tibet" in Tiananmen Square but soon were surrounded by Chinese people throwing back "get out" to them.They are all ordinary Chinese people! Most of them knows little English but screamed "Fuck you" to them when they pointed the camara to the exciting people.Those 5 persons had to run away with frustration because the Chinese young men were so mad that some threatened to beat them.$ Y6 F( v0 q* S' W2 l  ?

9 Q  R2 W. C$ tWhat a shame! Western media. The only thing I've seen so far is the scare from their souls.
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-8-13 19:11 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 waft1 于 2008-8-10 23:35 发表 7 s  A& W! M- ?1 R+ V6 {% u
I used to be quite mad when western media said something bad to China. But finally, I realized there is a truth behind this.Do you guys smell a scare from those criticisms? They are afraid of the powe ...
4 ~2 N8 Q+ ~  e4 c5 N$ g) h
鲜花(21) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-8-22 06:21 | 显示全部楼层

China doing a good job

Nothing to complaints about this Olympics. China doing a great job.
- o/ p5 w& o: x% A! ?/ tHarper is stupid. He can't be a leader and not a a polictician guy too!5 X9 z$ m' }$ B
China needs time to improve their human rights just like the white people say "Rome is not build in one night". ( y7 D# _: i' Z, C' x$ ?
Cheers for China.
鲜花(152) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2008-8-22 22:16 | 显示全部楼层
thanks for sharing. very good
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-8-25 20:59 | 显示全部楼层
Very good!  Thank you!I    am proud of you.
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