The U.S. Energy Information Administration said in its weekly report that crude oil inventories fell by 5.2 million barrels in the week ended May 5. & j5 [; Z/ u/ q( l7 @+ r5 n能预测两周内到百万桶数值的, 是不输于API了。 API掌握那么多资源, 但屡屡猜错。 1 I" A4 L7 w+ i/ H# U
The United States, U.S. crude stockpiles posted their biggest one-week drawdown since December last week as imports dropped sharply, while inventories of refined products also fell.& f. i" q# `* g- I
Crude inventories fell 5.2 million barrels in the week to May 5, the U.S. Energy Information Administration said. / S' G, k; Y) `: Q: Y& U # G$ g: w1 r2 X( K5 ]! f这次单周5.2万桶这样大幅度的库存下降, 是去年12月份的首次, 所以预测不易。再看下周三的库存报告, 应该也会下降5百万桶左右。! [5 O |: V, W) X