鲜花( 844)  鸡蛋( 29)
Adams County had 961 active oil and gas wells in operation at the start of the year, according to COGCC records. In Weld County, where the blast occurred, companies have drilled more than 23,000 wells.
$ D% h4 ^4 D" pThe house that blew up was built in 2015 about 178 feet from the Anadarko well, which another company drilled in 1993. It’s still unclear where all underground oil and gas pipelines are located in the neighborhood.
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# V y9 ` @* g' j这个县总共有2万3千座油井, 如果连续出爆炸, 问题还是很严重。( N1 p1 u/ ~; f
所以页岩油这种对环境严重破坏的行业, 风险是相当高。 油井多了, 严重的环境问题就不断出现。, n0 c6 c8 h& f3 H6 w5 d
0 J8 O0 H( Z2 Y$ Y; n+ O: U! r3 X
图片中显然油井是在居民区附近, 如果政府要求油井区附近的居民都迁走, 这笔额外费用将难以承受。 |